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College Department



Monday, June 9, 1902-9.30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m., only

Answer 10 questions but no more. If more than 10 are answered only the first 10 answers will be considered. Each complete answer will receive 10 credits. Papers entitled to 75 or more credits will be accepted.

For questions 3-4 the Belgian Classification Scheme may be used; for questions 3-15 the following books may be used: Dewey's Decimal Classification, Cutter's Expansive Classification, Webster's Dictionary, Lippincott's Gazetteer, Lippincott's Biographical Dictionary.

I Compare the subdivisions of the classifications of the Bible in the Cutter, the Dewey and the Perkins schemes.

2 Compare the mnemonic features of the decimal with those of the expansive classification.

Classify the following subjects according to the general principles of the Belgian modifications of the decimal classification as proposed by the Institut International de Bibliographie:

3 Musical methods in the kindergarten. Degeneration in the eyes of cold-blooded vertebrates. Doctrine of the eucharist in the Eastern church.

4 Bibliography of the publications of the Kelmscott press. Description of the performance of Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris at Harvard. Early lead-mining in Illinois and Wisconsin

Classify the following books by both the Decimal Classification and the Expansive Classification:

5 Fiske, The Destiny of Man.

6 Weed, Ten New England Blossoms and their Insect Visitors.

7 Wagner, Youth.

8 Parkman, The Jesuits in North America.

9 Johnson, The Country School in New England.

10 Fowler, The City-state of the Greeks and Romans.

II Taine, The Ancient Régime.

12 Winslow, Diary of Anna Green Winslow.

13 Morgan, Ancient Society.

14 Lane, I married a Soldier.

15 Lamy, Des régimes pénitentiaires; or, Gernaert, Associations industrielles et commerciales; or, Triepel, Wahlrecht und Wahlpflicht; or, Graul, Die Krisis im Kunstgewerbe.

College Department



Friday, June 6, 1902-2.30 to 5.30 p. m., only

Answer questions 1-2, 3, 13-15 and four of the others but no more. If more than four of the others are answered only the first four answers will be considered. Division of groups is not allowed. Each complete answer will receive 10 credits. Papers entitled to 75 or more credits will be accepted.

1-2 Correct the following proof according to rules in galley proofs for punctuation, capitalization etc. :

Mr. Freeman has dointed out the importance of the change by which, after the Norman Conquest, the Old-English nobility or thegnhood was pushep down into "asecondary place in the political and social ascle." Of the far-reaaching effects of this change upon the whole subsequent histors of the English race I shall hereafter accasion to speak. The proximate effect was that "the ancient lords of the soil, thus thrnst down into the second rank, formed that great body of freeholders, the stont gentry and yeomanry of england, who were for so for so many ages the strength of the land." It was from this ancient theghhood that the Puritan settlers of New England were mainly descended....The rank and file were mostly inteliigent and prosperous yoeman. The lovvest ranks of society were not represented in the emigration. To an extent unparalelled, therefore, in the annals of colonization, the the settlers of New England were a body of picked men. Their Purittanism was the netural ont-come of their freetihnking, combined with an earnestness of carhacter which could coustrain them to any sacriffces needful for realizing their high ideal of life; They gavup pleasant homes in England. and they left them with no feeeling of rancour towards their native land, in order that, by dint of whatever hardship; they mihgt estaqlish in the American wilde rness what should approye itselfto there judgment as a god-fearing community. It matters little that their conceptions we rein some respects narrow. In the unflinching adherence to duty which promted their enterprise, and in the sober intelligence with which it ma carried out' we have, as I said before' the key to what is qest in the history of the American people.

3 Mark copy assigned and write such directions to printer as would result in an imitation of Traveling library list 44, assuming that you have no sample to show him but must convey the idea wholly by marks and directions.

4 Exclusive of running titles, shoulder-notes, italics and center heads, what types are used in Bibliography 20 and what distinctions do they show? What difference do you notice between Bibliography 20 and Bibliography 32 affecting relative amount of space occupied by same amount of matter? Mention the items of expense that are or may be affected by this difference, stating how and why.

5 With terms for presswork based on even hundreds of 8 page forms, in what items would the cost of 750 copies of a pamphlet of 14 printed pages differ from the cost of 800 copies of a pamphlet of 12 pages, both being in the same type? Make clear the reasons for your answer.

6 What is the main difference between linotype and type that is set by hand? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of linotype? What is meant by 10 point face on a 12 point slug? State the advantage of this type.

7 If you would make your own practice differ from recom mendations in § 26-29 (gal. 7), state how and why.

8 Define the following three units: point, pica and em. Specify and illustrate the use of each.

9 In what respects do a page of type and an electrotype plate differ? What are their comparative advantages and disadvantages? How do electros and stereos compare in expense, quality and durability?

10 Mention two standard sizes that you would choose for pamphlets, stating their dimensions in centimeters and approximately in inches. What are the largest and the smallest types you would use on each? What should be area of type on each (in cm or inches) to accord with usual rule? What would you make the width and length of type (in picas) on each of these sizes to equal such area?

11-12 Compare paper and typography (type and its arrangement, margins and presswork) of Mohawk and Houghton editions of Cooper's Last of the Mohicans. Is either poor enough to be rejected as a library edition? If so, why?

Specify kind (i. e. wrapping, tissue etc.), quality, texture and surface or finish of numbered samples of paper, referring to each by number. What is meant by 24 b, 50 lb etc. as applied to paper?

13-15 What practical directions should you give to one who wished to index a book and who knew nothing whatever of methods or principles of indexing? Be as explicit and helpful as possible. What general advice should you give for indexing Martin's Siege in Peking or a work of similar character? Or

Make on slips the index entries that you think desirable for P. 1-47 of Warner's Backlog Studies. [Do not mark the book.]

College Department



Thursday, June 5, 1902-9.30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m., only

Answer 10 questions but no more. If more than 10 are answered only the first 10 answers will be considered. Division of groups is not allowed. Each complete answer will receive 10 credits. Papers enti tled to 75 or more credits will be accepted.

I What four distinct phases has library legislation passed through since the middle of the 18th century?

2 What was the school-district library law? When was it passed in New York state? Why was it superseded?

3 Distinguish between a free library supported by taxation and a free endowed library, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each plan. Give examples of each kind of library. 4-5 Outline a plan for establishing a free library in a community that is without adequate library facilities.

6 What different methods are employed in electing trustees? 7 What is (a) the oldest college library in this country, (b) the oldest state library? What library was founded by Benjamin Franklin? When was the first public library founded [Approximate date]?

8 In which of the following states is there a state library commission: Indiana, New Hampshire, Kansas, California, Georgia, Ohio, Virginia, Minnesota, Maine, New Jersey?

9 What information of importance to librarians is contained in the following publications: American Library Association Handbook; Catalog of "A. L. A." Library; Hints to small Libraries; Public, Society and School Libraries, 1901; World's Fair Papers; Public Libraries in the United States, 1876; Classified Illustrated Catalog of the Library Bureau; Library Notes; Bulletin of Bibliography; Report of Connecticut Public Library Commission, 1901?

10 Characterize the bulletins of the following libraries: Carnegie Library of Pittsburg, Salem Public Library, Osterhout Free Library, New York Public Library, Springfield City Library Association.

II Explain the work of the American Library Association, assuming that you are talking to some one who has never heard of it.

12 Outline a plan for establishing the right relations between the library and the public schools, mentioning three libraries that have done particularly good work in this line.

13 What are the essential features of a satisfactory children's


14-15 Describe fully the work that is being done for the blind by the New York State Library

College Department



Friday, March 28, 1902-9.30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m.,


Answer questions 1-2 and 3-5 or 6-8 and five of the others but no more. If more than five of the others are answered only the first five answers will be considered. Division of groups is not allowed. Each complete answer will receive 10 credits. Papers entitled to 75 or more credits will be accepted.

1-2 Criticize a set of plans (to be assigned).

3-5 Give total book capacity of cases on walls or floor, or on both walls and floor, of a room 30x30 feet having one side open, two parallel sides with unbroken wall space 8 feet below windows and the fourth side broken by three low windows each five feet wide including casings. Provide within the room all passages needed for convenient access by the public. Allow for heating. Draw outline plan showing general position of cases and give figures in detail.

[blocks in formation]

6-8 Give approximate dimensions of floor plan of a building in a small country town for a library of 2,000 volumes that adds 100 books a year. Provide accommodation for readers and show outline with calculations in detail.

9 When 8,000 volumes are to be placed in a book room and 400 books a year are to be added, how many stories should the stack have? How much shelf capacity is needed on the main floor?

10 State the points to be considered before planning a library building.

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