29221 MANUALE secundum usum Almæ Ecclesiæ Mexicanæ, 8vo. slightly wormed, title and two following leaves defective, hf. red morocco, from the Ramirez collection, £42. Explicit Manuale, secundū usum Almae Ecclesiae Mexicanae, summa diligentia novissime recognitum, & in suis locis adaptatis sanctionibus Sacri Tridentini Concilii locupletatum, Impressum in praeclara URBE MEXICANA, in officina PETRI OCHARTE Impressoris, Expensis Didaci de Sansores, typis Anno Dii, 1568 excusum. APPARENTLY UNIQUE; title; 3 prel. 11.; Calendar 8 ll. text 183 folioed 11.; Index 5 11., on the last of which is the above imprint. This is a reimpres sion with variations of the edition printed by Juan Pablos in 1560. It was made by order of the Second Mexican Council, and adapted to the decrees of the Council of Trent. It is printed in large red and black Gothic letters, with musical notes and woodcut initials. Not mentioned by Brunet (though his continuator mentions the first edition), Graesse, Leclerc, nor in the Maximilian collection, which contains a copy of the first edition. It is included in the list of books printed in Mexico, known to Señor Icazbalceta and Mr. Harrisse, but apparently not mentioned by any other bibliographer. An early specimen of Mexican typography. 29222 MARTINEZ (Henrico) Reportorio de los Tiempos, y Historia Natural desta Nueva España, dirigida a Don Juan de Mendoça y Luna, Virrey, etc. del Nueva España, sm. 4to. modern morocco gilt, £32. 29223 En Mexico en la Emprenta del mesmo autor año de 1606 another copy, sm. 4to. title mended, and the last three leaves supplied by five leaves of MS. vellum, £4. 1606 The excessive rarity of this book is apparent from the fact that only five copies have come into the market during the last fifty years, two of them imperfect; and that, beyond those five, it is at present uncertain that there exists any other. The author held the important post of Cosmographer to the King, and his work contains important observations on the Astronomical System of the Ancient Mexicans and on the Geography and Natural History of the country; treatises on the carly history of the Aztecs and their settlement in Mexico, with a list of their kings before the Spanish conquest; accounts of Columbus and Cortes, and annals of the New World down to 1606. In these copies the title and some leaves are mended; a few are wormed, and the plate of the Dial apparently wants the pointer. A second part was promised, but never appeared. 29224 MORALES (J. B.) el Gallo Pitagorico, 8vo. a series of curious and amusing CARICATURES of Mexican Society, hf. bd. uncut, 10s Mexico, 1845 29225 MUNGUIA (C. de Jesus, Arzobispo de Michoacan) Obras: Obras diversas, 5 vols. including del Pensamiento y su Enunciacion and Estudios sobre el Hombre Morelia y Mexico, 1852 Cartas Pastorales, 1 vol. Exposicion de la Doctrina Catolica, 2 vols. 1855 1856 Sermones y Escritos sueltos, 1864-Manifesto a la Nacion together 9 vols. sm. folio, calf, £2. 1851-64 1851-64 29225 [NEBRIJA (Antonio de)] Advertencias y Preceptos para la Classe de Menores (wants end), 1721; EXPLICACION del Genero de los Nombres, etc. 1722; Explicacion del libro Quarto conforme al Arte de Antonio de Nebrija; con un Supplemento, 1717; 4 parts in 1, 12mo. vellum, 30s Mexico, 1717-22 29227 OPUSCULOS VARIOS. MS. collection of various Treatises of the 17th and 18th Centuries, on literary and historical subjects; amongst which is a grammatical treatise on the Mexican language, and an extremely curious narrative of supernatural visions by some Indian woman, written in large sprawling characters, and in badly-spelt, incoherent Spanish; in 1 vol. sm. 4to. MSS. in various hands, altogether about 700 pp., hf. calf, £18. 18s. Amongst the pieces are the following: Relacion que el Cardenal Arzobispo de Burgos Don Juan (sic for Francisco) de Mendoza y Bobadilla, dió al Rey Felipe II, en la sazon de haberle negado S.M. dos Havitos para sus sobrinos hijos del Marquès de Cañete, a curious treatise on the bar-sinister element in the history of the Spanish Nobility, written about the year 1550, 25 pp. a neat manuscript About 1740 Loa satirica en una comedia en la festividad del Corpus hecha en Ilayacapa, 1682, partly in Mexican, MS. Arte Mexicano, beginning voz activa, tiempo presente, MS. 26 pp. About 1700 Aguirre (Antonio de) Immortal Fama. Muerte de el sin segundo D. Fernando de Valenzuela, 1672, MS. Catalogo de muchas personas de ambos sexos que nacieron en la America y murieron con opinion de virtuosas y exemplares, 38 pp. MS. 29228 OPUSCULOS VARIOS. A MS. collection of various Treatises, chiefly of the 18th century, containing many historical and biographical notices; among which is a copy of Boturini's Catalogue of his Museum, all in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf. calf, £3. 3s Mexico, Sec. XVIII-XIX 29229 PIMENTEL, la Economia Politica aplicada á la Propiedad Territorial en Mexico, 8vo. hf. morocco, 78 Mexico, 1866 29230 PUGA (Vasco de). PROVISIÕES CEDULAS INSTRUCIONES DE SU MAGESTAD: Ordenaças, d' difūtos y audiēcia, p'a la buena expedicio de los negocios, y administració d'justicia y gouernacio d'sta nueua España y p'a el bue tratamieto & cseruació d'los yndios, dende el año 1525. hasta este presente de. 63. sm. folio, GOTHIC LETTER, with woodcut capitals, EXCESSIVELY RARE IF NOT UNIQUE WITH TITLE, calf, Mexico, Pedro Ocharte, 1563 the same, sm. folio, title supplied in pen-andink facsimile, with an "Indice Cronologico" in MS. added, hf. red morocco, £30. 29231 £63. ib. 1563 This is the EXTREMELY RARE Body of Laws relating to the Indies, known as PUGA's CEDULARIO (being collected by Vasco de Puga, Oydor of the Royal Audience of the Indies), and is the first attempt at a "Recopilacion" or Collection. Father Fischer's copy, which was wormed and wanted the title, sold in 1869 for £23. All the copies hitherto known have the same defect, even that in the British Museum. 29232 RAMIRES DEL CASTILLO (Pedro) Letras felizmente laureadas, que con ocasion de la jura de nuestro Rey Luis Fernando I, bróto, â influxos, no â golpes de Minerva, Fecudidad Mexicana, en el celeste suelo de su Real Pontificia Academia, Athenas de las Indias Septentrionales, sm. 4to. vellum, 10s Mexico, 1724 29233 ROJO (Lic.) Historia natural de Mexico, 7 vols. sm. 4to., one in folio, and three Appendices sm. 4to. original autograph MS. prepared for publication, unbound, £16. Mexico, about 1750 An unpublished MS. containing an interesting account of the animals, plants, and minerals of New Spain. The author, whose name in fact appears nowhere in the MS. itself, but only on the paper-wrappers in the handwriting of the late Don J. F. Ramirez, is not mentioned by Beristain, notwithstanding the fact that a work of so much importance could not have been produced except by a person of some standing in Mexican literary circles. The Abbé Fischer, who prepared the Ramirez catalogue, read the name as "Luis Rojo.” I read it "Licenciado) Rojo." If this be right, he may have been Andres Rojo y Calderon who published a work of totally different character in Mexico in 1765. 29234 SERMONES Varios de diversos Authores, 13 in 1 vol. thick sm. 4to. with a MS. list of Contents, vellum, a curious collection, 15s Mexico, 1701-14 29235 SERMONES. A vol. containing ten Spanish sermons preached between 1689 and 1736 in Mexico and La Puebla, and one in Valladolid, 1666;-in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 20s The following are the preachers' names: Fr. Joseph Xardon, Juan Domingo de Leoz, Benito Crespo, Fernando Alonso Gonzales, Francisco Abreu, Juan de Alvarado, Juan de Avila, Juan Bautista Sicardo, Joseph Carillo. 29236 SANCHEZ DE TAGLE (F. M.) Obras Poeticas, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. calf neat, 10s Mexico, 1852 29237 VERACRUCE (Alphonsi à) Additiones Constitutionum Nove impressionis, 8vo. Roman letter, hf. morocco, from the Ramirez library, £25. (Mexico, 1559) PROBABLY UNIQUE. A very early specimen of Mexican topography. Fourteen numbered leaves commencing on folio 1 with "Frater Alphonsus à Veracruce Magister sacræ paginæ provintialis huius novæ Hispanæ venerabilibus prioribus localibus eiusdem provintiæ... Salutem," which epistle occupies 2 pp. and is dated, "Mexici Kalendis Novembris Anno 1559." Fol. 2 begins with "Haec sunt quæ addita, vel immutata sunt in novis constitutionibus Romæ editis ad illas, quæ in hac nova Hispania tradditæ sunt prælo." In the Epistle Vera Cruce begins, "cum his diebus venirent ad manus Constitutiones Novæ Romæ editæ," and goes on to say that he has compared them with "Constitutiones Nostræ ab hinc quatuor annis in Nova Hispania impressa [in 1556, by Juan Pablos]," and that the present volume contains his corrections, additions, etc. of the latter. This little tract is included in a list of the books, printed in Mexico from 1540 to 1600, known to Icazbalceta and Mr. Harrisse (Bibl. Amer. p. 374, Vol. 1). The copy seen by Icazbalceta was most probably the present. Other bibliographers mention it solely on the authority of Mr. Harrisse. 29238 VERA CRUCE (Illefonsi à) Speculum Conjugiorum, nunc auctum, Compluti, 1572; Appendix, nunc primò in lucem prodiens, Mantua Carpent. (Madrid), 1571; 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 25s 1571-72 Alfonso Gutierrez, who styled himself a Vera Cruce, was one of the most distinguished of the missionaries, and remarkable for his perfect knowledge of the Nahuatl and Tarasca languages. 29239 VERNAL DE SALVATIERRA (Andres) el Camino Verdadero, coloquio entre Jesus y la Alma, repartido en tres jornadas (obra en versos), 12mo. vellum, 30s Mexico, 1718 A very curious production by an unknown Mexican poet. The subject and the author's intentions were good, but the grotesqueness and the profanity of the book are, in many instances, strangely remarkable. 29240 ZUMARRAGA. DOCTRINA CRISTIANA: mas cierta y vdadera pa gete sin erudiciō y letras: en q se cõtiene el catecismo o informacio pa indios co todo lo principal y necessario q el xpiano deue saber y obrar, 8vo. the Title and last leaf in facsimile, hf. morocco, £40. A Gloria de Jesu Christo y desu bendita madre: a que se acaba lo añedido al cathecizmo por doctrina mas facil para los indios menos entendidos y mas rudos y negros. El qual fue impresso en la muy leal y gran ciudad de Mexico por mandado d'l reuerendissimo señor do fray Juan Cumarraga: primer Obispo d'Mexico. . . . Acabose d'imprimir è fin d'l año d' mil y quinietos y quarenta y seys años (1546) 66 VERY RARE: one of the earliest specimens of Mexican typography. Title contains a woodcut of a bishop preaching, over the text, and surrounded by a border. The signatures are a-i in eights, including title, and & which has only 4 ll. (making 76 11.). The "Doctrina" finishes on verso of k 4, on the lower portion of which we have the following colophon: Laus Deo. A Gloria y alabaça de dios ñro señor y de su mendita madre fue impressa esta doctrina catholica en mexico por mādado del reūerēdissimo señor don fray Juā Cumarraga: primero obispo de la misma ciudad: pa utilidad comun. Especial delos indios: porque por ella sean cathetizados los q se ouiere de baptizar: y ensenados los baptizados. Then follows I, which commences as follows:Prologo Proemio alos amados hermanos lectores xpianos enel suplemēto o adiciones del cathecismo que quiere dezir enseñamiento del christiano." The signatures of the "Prologo" run from I to n in eights, thus forming 24 11. ; n 8 is occupied with the colophon to the whole book which we reprint above. This edition is evidently the one (with the "Prologo" and final colophon wanting) described by Harrisse in his Additions to the Bib. Vet. Amer. pp. 131-2, from the copy in the Biblioteca Provincial of Toledo, which he places under the year 1540. As will be seen, on comparing his description with the present, the first colophon on verso of k 4 agrees word for word with that given by him; the number of leaves is the same, and so also is the number of chapters into which the work is divided, but the title is totally different. There can be no doubt that the title in the present copy is the right one, as the text commences on its verso, the last word being divided and continued correctly on the next page. It seems therefore to follow that if Harrisse has copied the title of the copy in the Provincial Library of Toledo correctly, either that two different titles were issued with the same book, or that an earlier edition without the "Prologo" and second colophon was issued with title as given by him. The title and second colophon of the present edition are correctly given by Harrisse, Bib. Amer. Vetust. p. 419, though his collation (60 unnumbered leaves) is incorrect, but it is evident that the copy he there describes had not the "Prologo." I sold the Ramirez copy in 1880 for £65; the Maximilian (Fischer) copy fetched £41; the Andrade copy 485 thal. "Volume infiniment précieux, et l'un des plus anciens produits authentiques des presses mexicaines."-Brunet, Suppl. 29241 VARIAS CURIOSIDADES, sm. 4to. plainly written MS. about 330 pp.; vellum wrapper, £5. 5s Mexico, Sec. XVIII The contents are as follows :— I. Carta del Arzobispo de Santiago de Galicia Dn. Fray Anto. Monroy, hijo de Mexico . . . al Marques de la Mejorada, en respuesta de los manifiestos publicados contra el Papa en nombre de S. M. 1709, 63 pp. II. Noticia del proyecto que en 24 de Sepbre. de 1747 se remitio a Madrid, sobre el servicio personal etc. por Dn. Melchor Macanaz. (Of interest to American history. 38 pp.) III. Manifiesto y cotejo que tuvo S. Magd. Phelipe V, contra el Rey Britanico... Por Dn. Melchor de Macanaz, Secretario de Estado . . ..1747. 78 pp. en de IV. Versos en la Missa nueva del Br. Don Manuel Marcos de Ibarra. V. Thebaida Indiana su fundacion, origen y observancia las montañas de Santa Fe de la Nueva España. Descripcion metrica Dn. Francisco Ruiz de Leon, hijo de la Nueva España. 74 pp. An unpublished work by the author of the Hernandia. VI. Cedula real a los l'adres Arzobispos de las Indias e Islas Philipinas, 1769. 7 11. VII. El Norte del Nuevo Adan. 8 leaves of verses. 1760. 3. Central America. 29242 AYETA (FRANCISCO, Custodio de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio de Mexico) ULTIMO RECURSO DE DA PROVINCIA DE SAN JOSEPH DE YUCATAN destierro de Tinieblas, en que ha estado sepultada sú Inocencia, y confundidos sus Meritos, sm. folio, half calf, RARE, £7. 7s : [Mexico] no Printer's name, date, or place (cir. 1690) 'This author's works are EXTREMELY RARE, as in consequence of the bitter feelings excited in the breasts of the Archbishop Palafox and the Viceroy, because of what the former terms their falsehoods and scandal, they were destroyed by the authorities. The book contains a vast amount of information respecting the early Missions in America in general, and amongst the Indians in Spanish America in particular. 29243 BASTIAN (A.) Steinsculpturen aus Guatemala, sm. folio, 3 plates, sd. 5s 1882 29244 CABRERA (P. F.) Description of an ancient city, discovered near Palenque, in Guatemala, translated from the report of Ant. del Rio; followed by a History of the Americans, 4to. plates, hf. calf, 58 29245 CATHERWOOD, Views of Ancient Monuments, Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, impl. folio, 25 large lithographs, hf. bd. morocco, scarce, £6. 6s 1822 1844 This splendid work, depicting the stupendous Monuments of Architecture left by an unknown race in Central America, is an indispensable companion to Stephens' works on the same subject; Stephens and Catherwood having travelled in company. 29246 CHARNAY, Cités et Ruines Américaines, Mitla, Palenqué, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal, recueillies et photographiées par Désiré Charnay, avec un texte par VIOLLET-LE-DUC, suivi du Voyage et des Documents de l'Auteur, 8vo. vol. of text in hf. morocco, and Atlas of 49 plates in atlas folio, portfolio, rare, £14. 10s |