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364. SAINTE-BEUVE (C.-A.). Port-Royal. 6 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, uncut, original covers bound in.

Paris, 1867 365. SAINT-FÉLIX (JULES DE). Vièrges et Courtisanes. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, half cloth, uncut, the original covers bound in. Paris, 1837

366. SALON. Catalogue Illustre du Salon, 4 vols.; Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 2 vols.; Une Cigale au Salon, 2 vols.; and 6 others. Together, 14 vols. 8vo paper.

Paris, 1878-97

367. SAND (GEORGE). Œuvres de George Sand. Nouvelle édition, revue par l'auteur et accompagnée de morceaux inédits. 16 vols. 12mo, half cloth, gilt tops, uncut.

Paris, 1842-43 368. SAND (MAURICE). Raoul de la Chastre, Aventures de Guerre et d'Amour. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut.

Paris, 1865

* Author's Presentation Copy, with autograph inscription on half-title.

369. SANDRIN (LE); ou, Verd Galand, ou sont naifement deduits les plaisirs de la vie rustique (1863); Les Faictz Merveilleux de Virgille (1867); Nouvelles de L'Abbé Castin traduites pour la Première Fois (1880). Together, 3 vols. 18mo and 12mo, wrappers, uncut.

*All Limited Editions.

V. p. v. d.

370. SARTOR RESARTUS, by Thomas Carlyle, portrait, 1889; Letters and Journals of Jonathan Swift, 1885; Confessions of an English Opium Eater, by De Quincey, Edited by Richard Garnett, 1885; Selected Poems of Matthew Prior, portrait, 1889; Fables by John Gay, Memoir by A. Dobson, portraits, 1882. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, original paper covers, Lond. 1882-89


* Large Paper copies, only 50 printed.

371. SCOTLAND. A Series of 24 fine steel engravings after J. M. W. Turner, of Scotch Scenery. Folio, in a half leather portfolio. Edinb.: Cadell, 1833-34'

372. SELECTIONS from Steele, 1897; Schlegel's Lectures on the History of Literature, 1846; The Law of Divorce (Lloyd), 1887; Letters from a Chinese Official, 1904; and others. 17 vols., various sizes and bindings. v. p.—v. d.

373. SENIOR (WILLIAM). The Thames from Oxford to the Tower. Illustrated with 30 original etchings by Francis Walker, and numerous vignettes. 4to, decorative_cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1891

* One of 260 copies on Large Paper.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

374. SEVEN AGES of Shakespeare, illustrated, Lond. 1840; L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, illustrated, Lond. 1848 Cruikshank's My Sketch Book No. 3, Plain, Lond. 1833; Car men Sylva's Le Pic Aux Regrets, Conte Roumain, Montpellier, 1884. Royal 8vo, paper and cloth.

375. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A MidsummerNight's Dream. Illustrated with 24 silhouettes by P. Konewka. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut (part of back missing).

Lond. 1868

376. Jusserand (J. J.), The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare, illustrated, Lond. 1890; Shakespeare Jest-Books, Edited by W. C. Hazlitt, Lond. 1881; Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb, N. Y. 1864; A Study of Shakespeare's Portraits, illustrated, Lond. 1876. Together, 4 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth and half morocco.

377. SINGULARITÉS Physiologiques, 2 vols. (1865); L'Amour qui Saigne (Maizeroy-1882); EŒuvres Inédites de Pierre Motin (D'Estrée-1882). Together, 4 vols. 16mo, wrappers, uncut.

v. p.-v. d.

378. SONNETS des Vieux Maistres François, 1520-1670. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut.

* No. 12 of 80 copies on Holland paper.

Paris, 1882

379. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Shepheardes Calender. The original edition of 1579 in photographic facsimile, with an introduction by H. O. Sommer. 4to, wrappers.

* Limited to 520 copies.

Lond. 1890

380. STERNE (LAURENCE). Voyage sentimental en France et en Italie. Traduction nouvelle par A. Hedouin. 6 eaux-fortes par E. Hedouin. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. * One of 170 copies on Holland paper.

Paris, 1875

381. STEVENSON (J. J.). House Architecture. 190 illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth.

Lond. 1880

382. STOKES (ANSON PHELPS). Cruising in the Caribbean with a Camera. 12mo, original wrapN. Y. 1903

pers, uncut.


* Presentation copy from the Author to Mr. Hoe.

383. STORER (JAMES). History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Great Britain. Illustrated with a series of highly-finished engravings, exhibiting general and particular views, ground plans, etc. Vols. I and II ONLY (should be 4). 4to, blue morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by W. Matthews. Lond. 1814-19

* FIRST EDITION on largest paper, with the plates proofs on India paper.




Cartilla, y Luz en la verdadera destreza, sacada de los escritos de D. Luis Pacheco y Narvaez, y de los Autores que refiere. Sevilla, 1696. Facsimile reprint. 8vo, wrappers.


Very limited issue.

N. Y. 1902

385. TAYLOR (SIR HENRY). Edwin the Fair, 1852;; Philip Van Artevelde, 1852; Notes from Life, 1849. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1849-52

386. TEXT BOOKS on German, Trigonometry, French Composition, &c.; Pamphlets on Bookplates; Lempriere's Classical Dictionary; and others. Together, 25 pieces, vari-| ous sizes and bindings. v. p. v. d.

387. THÉÂTRE de Campagne, Préface de M. E. Legouvé, 4 vols. (4th series missing), Paris, 1878-80; Carnet d'un Mondain, second volume, Paris, 1882; Lettres à Une Inconnue, par Prosper Mérimée, 2nd volume, Paris, 1874; and 3 others. Together, 9 vols. 8vo and smaller, paper wrappers.

388. THEURIET (ANDRÉ). Paternité, illustrated, 1894; Tentation, 1894; Surprises d'Amour, 1893; L'Amie de Noël Trémont, 1902; Le Manuscrit du Chanoine, 1892; Mademoiselle Roche, 1891; and 9 others. Together, 15 vols. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. Paris, v. d.

389. THIERRY (AMEDÉE). Histoire des Gaulois depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à l'entière soumission de la Gaule a la domination romaine. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers.

Paris, 1857

390. THOMAS (MRS. J. M.), What is Charm?, 1899 ; Leclercq (Paul), L'Étoile rouge, Paris, 1898 (one of 30 copies); Les Femmes Blondes par deux Vénitiens, Paris, 1865 (one of 50 copies); Les Mystifications de Caillot-Duval, frontispiece, Paris, 1864.

391. TRISTAN. Recueil de ce qui reste des Poëmes, Publié par F. Michel, autograph letter by Michel inserted, 3 vols., Londres: Pickering, 1835; Goethe's Faust, Translated by Theodore Martin, Edinb. 1865; Dante's Vita Nuova,] Translated by Theodore Martin, Lond. 1862. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth.

Les Ornements de la Femme; L'Évantail; L'Ombrelle; Le Gant; Le Manchon. Édition complète et définitive. Vignettes. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut (broken).



Paris, 1892

La Société de Saint-Pétersbourg. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1886 La Société de Rome. Edition Augmentée de Lettres Inédites. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (slightly



Paris, 1887


395. VATHEK by Wm. Beckford and Johnson's Rasselas, etchings, Large paper copy, Lond. 1883; Timbs (John), Curiosities of London, 1868; Forsythe (William), Hortensius, 1849; and 2 others. Together, 5 vols. 8yo, cloth, uncut.

396. VICAIRE (LE) de Wakefield par Goldsmith, Traduction de Charles Nodier, illustrée par Jacques, 2 vols. (1853); Les Belles Mères (1887); Étude sur Théroigne de Méricourt (Pellet-1896); Paris Almanach (Goudeau-1895). gether, 5 vols. 12mo, wrappers, uncut.

*Limited Editions.

Paris, v. d..

397. VICTORIAN Hymns, English Sacred Songs, 1887; The Gospel, according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, 1885; The Book of Psalms, Translated by Rev. T. K. Cheyne, 1884; Q. Horati Flacci, opera, frontispiece, 1882; Of the Imitation of Christ, by Thomas A'Kempis, 1881. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Lond. 1881-87

Large paper copies, only 50 printed.

398. VILLANELLES (LES), de Joseph Boulmier, Avec ses Poësies en Langage du XVe Siècle (1879); L'Amour et Psyché (Apulée-1878); Pour Les Amants (Silvestre-n. d., broken); L'Aveugle (lacks front cover). Illustrations. Together, 4 vols. 24mo and 16mo, wrappers, uncut. v. p.-v. d. 399. VOLTAIRE (FRANÇOIS-MARIE AROUET DE). Candide ou l'Optimisme. Portrait. 8vo, wrappers, uncut (broken). Paris: Académie des Bibliophiles, 1869)

* One of 342 copies.

WALPOLE (HORACE). Anecdotes of Painting

400. W in England; with some account of the principal artists. . . collected by the late Mr. George Vertue; and now digested and published from his original MSS. 24 engraved portraits. Vol. II ONLY (should be 4), 4to, old calf. (Name on title.)

Printed by Thomas Farmer at Strawberry Hill, 1762 401. WARNER (CHARLES DUDLEY). Our Italy. With many illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.

N. Y. 1892

402. WELLINGTON. The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss A. M. Jenkins, 1834-1851, edited, with ex-; tracts from the diary of the latter, by Christine Terhune Herrick. 16mo, boards, uncut.

N. Y. 1889

* Inserted is a letter from the Duke of Wellington to Miss Jenkins.

403. WITOWSKI (J. G.-Editor). Anecdotes Histor iques et Religieuses, sur les seins et l'allaitement compren

ant l'histoire du décolletage et du corset. Ouvrage illustré

de 210 figures. 8vo, vellum wrappers (loose), uncut.

Paris, 1898

404. X


L'Amour aux Colonies: Singularités Physiologiques et passionnelles, observées durant trente années de séjour dans les colonies françaises. 8vo, wrappers.

* Limited to 300 copies.

Paris, 1893

405. ZOLA (OLA (ÉMILE). Nana, 1880; La Bête Humaine, 1890; Le Docteur Pascal, 1893; Lourdes, 1894; Émile Zola: l'Homme & l'Euvre, 1894; Zola contre Zola, Erotika Naturalistes des Rougon-Macquart, 1896. Together, 6 vols., ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut (2 somewhat broken). Paris, 1880-96

406. L'Assommoir; Étude Critique (Frederic Erbs); L'Assomoir ("R."); Le Livarot, Le Poisson Rouge et La Poupée, à la Manière de M. Zola (Mousk). Together, 3 pieces, 12mo and 16mo, wrappers, uncut.

Paris, v. d.

407. Suite du Roman d'Émile Zola La Terre (Touchaotut); Zola devant les Jeunes (Le Blond); La Passion de Notre-Seigneur; Zola (Manet); Les Odeurs dans les Romans de Zola (Bernard). Illustrations. Together, 5 pieces, 8vo and smaller, wrappers.

v. p. v. d.

408. Une Page d'Amour, 1880; La Joie de Vivre, 1884; Naïs Micoulin, 1884; Pot-Bouille, 1882; Germinal, 1885; L'Assommoir, 1878; and 10 others. Together, 16 vols. 12mo, half brown leather, uncut.

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Paris, v. d.





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