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Thursday, September 21

9 a.m.-12 m.

Answer ten questions as indicated below. No extra credit will be given for more than ten questions.

Indicate clearly your reasoning in each problem and state the units in which each answer is expressed.

Number and letter each answer to correspond with the question selected.


(Answer all questions in this part.)

1. a) State the Principle of the Conservation of Energy.

b) Describe briefly an experiment which was important in establishing this principle.

c) Explain how change of energy of one sort into energy of another sort is illustrated when a ball is thrown vertically upward.

2. A metal cube measuring 10 cm. on each edge is suspended in kerosene (specific gravity=0.8), the bottom of the cube being horizontal and at a depth of 30 cm. below the surface of the kerosene.

a) Find the upward force of the kerosene on the bottom of the cube.

b) Find the downward force of the kerosene on the top of the cube.

c) Why does a body apparently lose weight when suspended in a liquid? d) What is the apparent loss of weight in this case?

3. If a uniform meter stick weighing 130 grams is supported by a knife edge placed at the 40-cm. mark, where should a 50-gram weight be attached to the stick in order to maintain the stick in equilibrium in a horizontal position?

4. A calorimeter weighing 500 grams, made of metal of specific heat 0.095, contains 150 grams of water at 10° C. If 200 grams of water at 100° are poured into the calorimeter what will be the resulting temperature?

5. An electric heater has 12 wires of equal resistance connected in parallel. The resistance of each wire when hot is 50 ohms. If the heater is operated on a 110-volt circuit what will be

a) the total current passing through the heater?

b) the cost of operating the heater for 10 hours at 8 cents per kilowatt hour? 6. A man sets his watch by the sound of a bell which strikes at 6:00 P.M. The bell is 1 mile away and the temperature of the air is 20° C. How many seconds does the time now indicated by the watch vary from the correct time?

7. State the conditions under which a convex lens may produce

a) real images,

b) virtual images,

c) inverted images,

d) magnified images.


(Answer three questions from this part.)

8. A sled starting from rest slides downhill with a uniformly accelerated motion. Its velocity at the end of the fourth second is 20 feet per second. Find a) its acceleration,

b) the distance traveled by the sled in 4 seconds.

9. A railway water tank is to be filled with water by means of a steam pump working at the ground level. Will it make any difference in the economy of pumping whether the pipe from the pump enters at the bottom of the tank or is carried up the outside and ends in an elbow at the top? Explain, using sketch.

10. During a period of one hour 4 kilograms of steam at 100° C. condensed in a radiator and the temperature of the resulting water as it left the radiator was 92° C. How many calories of heat per second were made available during this time for heating the room?

11. a) What is meant by the electrochemical equivalent of an element? b) If the electrochemical equivalent of silver is 0.001118, how long will it take to deposit 2.4 grams of silver on a spoon if 3 amperes of current are used?

12. a) Represent by a diagram a step-up transformer and label the essential parts.

b) 5,000,000 watts of electrical power are to be transmitted a great distance. Which is the more economical way to transmit it, as 50 amperes at 100,000 volts or as 5,000 amperes at 1,000 volts? Give reason for your


13. What features in the manner of vibration of a sounding body determine the loudness, pitch, and quality, respectively, of the musical sounds produced by it?

14. The projection lens of a lantern has a focal length of 1 foot. How far back of the lens must a slide be placed in order to focus clearly upon the screen 24 feet from the lantern?

15. a) Explain the cause of the formation of a continuous spectrum when light from an incandescent lamp is passed through a prism.

b) How does this spectrum differ from that obtained when the source of light is a Bunsen burner in which sodium is being vaporized?


(All the examinations in Spanish are printed on this paper.)

Friday, June 23


2-5 p.m.

Read carefully the following directions before answering any of the questions.


Candidates offering Two-Year Spanish (Spanish Cp2) or Elementary Spanish (Spanish A) will take Parts I, II, and III.


Candidates offering Three-Year Spanish (Spanish Cp3) will take Parts III, IV, V, and VI.

Candidates who have already obtained credit for Elementary Spanish (Spanish A) and wish now to obtain credit for Intermediate Spanish (Spanish B) will take Parts IV, V, and VI.


Candidates offering Four-Year Spanish (Spanish Cp4) or Spanish BC (Intermediate and Advanced Spanish) will take Parts VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Take care to number and letter your answers exactly in accordance with this question



Translate into English:

Vivía muy lejos de aquí, y hace mucho tiempo, una Reina anciana, que era viuda desde hacía muchos años, y que tenía una hija hermosísima.

Cuando ésta llegó a los diez años, la prometieron a un Príncipe de un país muy lejano.

Llegada la época en que debían celebrarse las bodas, y cuando la joven se disponía a marchar a lejanas tierras, la buena anciana llenó sus baúles de objetos preciosos de oro y de plata, de copas y de joyas; en fin, de todo lo que convenía para un regio dote, porque amaba a su hija de todo corazón.

También le dió una doncella que debía acompañarla hasta entregarla en manos del que había de ser su esposo.

A cada una le dieron un caballo para el viaje; pero el de la Princesa tenía un mérito muy grande, y es que sabía hablar. Respondía al nombre de Alazor.

Llegada la hora de la despedida, la anciana madre entró en su dormitorio, y cogiendo un cortaplumas, se hirió en un dedo, que sangró; luego dejó caer tres gotas sobre un pedacito de lienzo blanco, y dándoselo a la hija, le dijo: -Hija mía, guarda bien ese recuerdo; te hará falta en el camino.

Se despidieron derramando lágrimas; el lienzo se le metió la Princesa en el pecho, se subió al caballo, y se marchó.

—S. PÉREZ, El caballo prodigioso.

Translate into Spanish:


1. In this season the nights are as long as the days. 2. Those boys said they had to close these windows, because it was too cold. 3. I don't know whose pen this is. It is yours, isn't it? No, it isn't mine. 4. My mother wants me to learn to play the piano. 5. He was afraid that we might not bring our books. 6. Bring (formal sing.) them (fem.) to me. I want to see them. 7. I should be glad to give it to you, if I had it. 8. He has been living here for two months now. 9. I breakfasted yesterday morning at half-past eight or a quarter to nine. 10. It is said that the cathedral was built by the Moors in the thirteenth century.


1. Give the five principal parts (infinitive, gerund, past participle, present indicative first singular, preterite first singular) of saber, poder, dormir, ir, decir.

2. Conjugate the present indicative of parecer, sentir, pedir, acordarse; the preterite indicative of empezar, hacer; the present subjunctive of tener,


3. Write Spanish sentences illustrating the use of: (a) the subjunctive mood in a relative clause; (b) nadie in a negative sentence with and without no; (c) the neuter article to; (d) the neuter pronoun lo; (e) the demonstrative pronoun los; (f) the attributive adjective hermoso preceding its noun; (g) the adjectives grande and gran.

Translate into English:


¡Ah! ¡Cielos! ¿Qué sería del mundo sin cocido? ¿Y qué de la mísera humanidad sin pagas? La paga era la única forma de bienes terrestres en conformidad con los principios morales, pues para todas las demás clases de bienestar tenía Pantoja en el fondo de su alma un altivo desprecio. Difícilmente concedía que en la clase de ricos hubiera alguno que fuese propiamente honrado, y a las grandes empresas y a los audaces contratistas les miraba con religioso horror. Labrar en pocos años pingüe fortuna, pasar de la pobreza a la opulencia ... era imposible por medios lícitos. Para que tal cosa suceda, es indispensable ensuciarse, quitándole lo suyo a la víctima eterna, al propietario elemental, al Estado. Al millonario que había heredado su fortuna y no hacía más que gastarla le perdonaba el buen Pantoja; pero aun así no le tenía en olor de santidad, diciendo que si él no robaba, lo habían hecho sus padres, y la responsabilidad, como el dinero, se transmitía de generación a generación.

Cuando veía entrar en el Ministerio y pasar al despacho del Ministro al representante de Rotschild c de otra opulenta casa española o extranjera, pensaba cuán útil sería ahorcar a todos aquellos señores. Estas ideas y otras semejantes las vertía Pantoja en el círculo del café a donde concurría, siendo objeto de punzantes burlas por su estrechez de miras.



Write a letter according to the directions under (a) or (b), or translate (c): take only one of the parts (a) (b) (c):

a) Write a letter dated at Chicago, Illinois, and addressed to an acquaintance (not an intimate friend) now living in Barcelona. Tell him that you are glad to have received his recent letter describing a trip which he made into Andalusia. Ask him to write about the customs of Catalonia in his next letter. Describe to him your daily duties (your school life, your home life), and your plans after you have been admitted to college. Close the letter in proper form, and sign it.

b) Write a letter dated at Havana, Cuba, addressed to Messrs. Méndez y Rey of Santiago, stating that on account of the lack of good paper for typewriters and for general business documents, you have resolved to keep on hand an extensive stock of all kinds of paper. Give the name of an American firm with which you have signed a contract for all kinds and sizes of paper to be manufactured expressly for you. Call attention to the reputation of this American firm. Tell Méndez y Rey that you have already received a large quantity of this paper and that you are sending them samples and price lists. Ask them to make comparison with terms offered by other firms and to send you an order.

c) Translate into Spanish:

I had a good opportunity to observe the mixed types of the city's population when I went out on the morning after my arrival. In marked contrast to their deserted appearance of the night before, the streets were now crowded and presented a queer mixture of life. Numbers of men and just a few girls (as the custom of employing female clerks is only beginning to be adopted in Mexico) were hurrying to business. Among these business men and clerks, dressed much as they would be in an American city, were moving typical Mexican Indians in their cotton attire, blankets, and straw sombreros. Their women, mostly barefoot, went along wrapped in their rebosas. Sometimes one of the Indians would have his whole family with him.

Shopping and shopkeeping in Mexico City have several odd features. In the old-fashioned stores, for example, the salesmen stand in a row behind the

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