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22. 22; Ep. XV. 1. 8; Sest. 120.
14. For objective gen., IV. 22.
28. Used substantively (sing.
number), IV. 10. 26; (gen. pl.
neut.) II. 18. 20. (superl. degree)
Mur. 45. 11; Sull. 49. 19; 57. 17.
With relative to be joined with
antecedent in English, Mur. 12.
27. Comparative degree higher
than superlative, III. 13. 50; Ep.
XXII. 1. 4. " Too," II. 9. 3;
III. 4. 13; IV. 12. 39; Sull. 72.
4; 'Unusually," Sest. 66. 28;
105. 31. Superl. degree used of
two objects, Sull. 13. 34. Inten-
sified by unus (adj.), III. 25. 31;
(adv.) Sull. 29. 5; 34. 13; by vel,
Mur. 31. 35. Less than compara-
tive, Sull. 72. 4.



[blocks in formation]

adsuefactus, with abl. II. 9. 6.
ADVERBS from fem. abl. sing.
of adj. I. 23. 16. For attributive
adj. II. 27. 20. For predicate
adj. bipertito, III. 5. 32; impune,
Ep. III. 13. 186; Mil. 31. 28; ita,
I. 20. 16; Sull. 22. 28; Ep. XV.
2. 25; melius, Ep. III. 11. 157;
sic, Ep. III. 3. 35; Ep. IV. 6. 68;
tuto, I. 19. 8; Ep. XXII. 3. 18.
For preposition and pronoun ali-
quo, I. 17. 24; hinc (= ex hac re),
II. 4. 20; huc, II. 4. 17; quo (=
ad quod), Mur. 28. 18; III. 28.
25; (= ad quae) Ep. IV. 8. 82;
{= ad quas) IV. 21. 25; (=locum
ad quem) IV. 21. 27; (= ad eum
locum [ad] quem) I. 10. 1; inde
= ex ea) Ep. XVI. 7. 94; unde
(= ex quo masc.) Mur. 26. 8;
Milo 59. 23; (= ex qua) Sest.
141. 30. In -us III. 23. 35; Ep.

[blocks in formation]

AGENCY, noun of, sometimes
equivalent to a present infinitive,
Mur. 7. 30; Ep. III. 1. 15; Sest.
12. 19. With esse to be trans. by
a verb, Mur. 3. 19.

ager Gallicus, II. 5. 2.

agere, "aim at," Mur. 79. 31;
III. 4. 10; IV. 12. 36; Sest. 71.
3; 79. 1; 104. 11; age antici-.
patory imperative (followed by pl.
imperative), Sull 72. 1; Mil. 55.
1; (followed by hortatory subj.)
Mil. 49. 1; (foll. by question)
Mil. 60. Quid agis, two mean-
ings, Ep. XXI. 6. 50.

agrarii, IV. 4. 25.
Ahala, I. 3. 25.

alienus a (ab), "damaging to,"
Sull. 31. 26; "utterly without,"
Sull. 83. 3.

[blocks in formation]

114. 16. Alii, distinguished from ceteri, Sull. 9. 25; 87. 10. Alii= ceteri, Sull. 5. 25.

ALLITERATION, m, Ep. X. 1. 8; p, I. 30. 25; s, Sull. 15. 20; v, IV. 12. 22.

altare, I. 24. 33.


altercatio, opposed to oratio perpetua, Ep. III. 8. 119. rhetorical term, Sull. § 48 ad init. AMBIGUITY, intentional (?) I. 14. 12; II. 12. 6; IV. 13. 55.

ambitus, summary of laws on, Mur. 46. 2.

an, elliptical, I. 3. 20; Sull. 5. 16; 21. 6; 32. 5; Sest. 90. 3. = an potius, IV. 12. 29. For num with dubitare, Sull. 68. 11.

ANACOLUTHON, I. 29. 1; Mil. 103. 1 f.

ANAPHORA, I. 1. 3; Sull. 79. 23; 83. 3; Ep. II. 2. 11 f.

animadvertere, with in and acc., I. 30. 19.

animus, pleonastic, IV. 17. 17; Sull. 1. 10; Ep. I. 3. 22; Ep. II. 2. 20; Sest. 71. 10. animum advertere, with acc., Sull. 9. 18; with in and acc., Mil. 71. 26.

ansae," handles," Sest. 22.
ante diem, in dates, I. 6. 8.
"old school,"

Sest. 6. 8; 130. 21.
ANTITHESIS, II. 25. 18-27.
Antonius, p. 24, §§ 34-36, 42,
48; III. § 14; Exc. IV.; Ep. II.


APOSTROPHE, Sest. 32. 10; 33. 21; 78. 30; 111. 13.

APPOSITIVE clause accommodated to construction of word on

which it does not depend, III. 21. 10-14; IV. 17. 16: see also CLAUSES.

apud me domi, Sest. 41. 19. aquae, medicinal springs, Ep. III. 10. 144. aquae pluviae, Mur. 22. 49.

aquila, standard of legion, I. 24. 28.

Ariopagitae, Ep. III. 5. 66. ARRANGEMENT, interlocked, Sest. 1. 14, 15; interlocked chiastically, Sest. 124. 16; 125. 5. See also GROUPing.

arx, the Capitoline fortress, IV. 18. 10.

aspectus, passive, IV. 11. 16; 16. 37.

ASSEMBLIES, see Comitia and Contiones.

assiduitas, Sest. 6. 12.

ASYNDETON, II. 10. 23; Between two words, Mur. 19. 5; III. 21. 11; Sull. 44. 31. With names of consuls in ab. abs. III. 19. 14. Adversativum, IV. 7. 5; Sull. 22. 27; 38. 30; 52. 31; 81. 21; 85. 34. Explicativum, Sest. 5. 21.

at, introducing objection of opponent, Mur. 70. 24; Sull. 51. 12. In exclamations, Sull. 42. 23. at enim, Sull. 56. 1; Mil. 15. 13. at vero, Mur. 35. 1; si non, at (certe), Sest. 7. 20; 14. 8; 37. 24.

atque, preceding more emphatic word, IV. 18. 4. "And especially," I. 11. 9; Sull. 86. 1; Sest. 11. 27. "Now," drawing attention to new point (cf. ac.), Sest. 92. 23. "I mean," introducing explanatory words, Sull. 5. 19; Sest. 83. 41. atque adeo, I. 5. 23. aliua atque, "other than,"

Mur. 35. 11. contra atque, III. 20. 30.

Atticus, Ep. III. Sal.

ATTRACTION of adj. pronoun to pred. noun, II. 23. 31, and see Demonstrative under PRONOUNS. To main clause of nouns that should stand in subord. clause, Sull. 66. 20; Ep. XIII. 3. 38. To acc. of nom. after quam in O. O., Ep. I. 3. 27.

auctoritas senatus, p. 76. § 111; I. 3. 30; Sest. 32. 12. Equivalent to consultum, Mur. 73. 4.

audacia, bad sense in good writers, II. 10. 14. Used in collective sense, III. 22. 29.

audire, with acc. for de and abl., III. 24. 9. male audire, Ep. IV. 5. 64.

Augures, p. 71, §§ 83-90. AUGURY, west unfavorable in, III. 18. 8.

Auli filius, Ep. III. 12. 171. Aurelia via, II. 6. 8. A. forum, I. 24. 26. A. lex, Mur. 24. 8. auspicato, imp. abl. abs. Mur.


auspicia, p. 71, §§ 83-85. Importance of, I. 33. 31. auspiciis isdem = tempore eodem, I. 33. 31.

aut, not correlative with a preceding or following aut, Sest. 10. 24.

Aventinus, for mons sacer, Mur. 15. 9.

Baiae, Ep. III. 10. 142.

BALLOTING, for magistrates, p. 60, §§ 32-36; Mur. 72. 30. Result announced, Mur. 18. 20. B. in courts by jury, Exc. II. § 9.

BANISHMENT not a penalty for crime, p. 36, § 63. First made such by the lex Tullia, Mur. 8. 2. B. by order of consul, Sest. 29. 32. barbati "old fashioned," Sest. 19. 14.

BARBERS, Mur. 26. 18.
basilica, Mur. 70. 10.

beati, "well to do," II. 20. 26; Sest. 98. 28.

boni, in political sense, I. 1. 5; III. 27. 12. BRIBERY,


offence, Sull. 73. 25; Summary of laws on, Mur. 46. 2.

BURIAL, importance of in eyes of Romans, IV. 11. 15; Mil. 33. 2. B. rites, see FUNERALS.

cadere, for accidere, Ep. VII. 1. 3; Ep. XIII. 1. 14; c. causa, "be non-suited," Mur. 9. 26.

caelum (de caelo), in augury, III. 18. 8.

Caesar, C. Julius, pontifex, p. 27, § 39; Speech for conspirators, p. 38, § 66; Exc. III; First triumvirate, p. 41, § 75; Attitude toward Cicero, p. 42, § 75 f; (Cicero's statement), Sest. 39. 26. L. Julius, IV. 13. 41.

calamitas, of judicial conviction, Sull. 1. 2; 88. 24; Ep. XI. 1. 8; XV. 1. 3.

CALENDAR in charge of pontifices, p. 71, § 82; Kept secret, Mur. 25. 20; Confusion of, II. 23. 35. CALLS made in morning, I. 10.


Calpurnia lex, Mur. 46. 2.

campus c. Martius, I. 11. 17; Mur. 52.3. Elections in c. M., p. 60, § 35. Consecrated at each consular election, IV. 2. 14.

[blocks in formation]

Capitolium, in three senses, IV. 18. 10. Burned, III. 9. 23.

captus mente, III. 21. 3. caput, "civil rights," Mur. 8. 2; IV. 10. 15; Sest. 1. 12. capitis deminutio, p. 54, § 6.

carcer, not a place of punishment, p. 36, § 63; I. 19. 15; II. 22. 18.

carere," stay away from," Mil. 18. 37.

CASES: Nominative attracted to acc. in O. O. Ep. I. 3. 27. Supplied from acc. Mur. 21. 28.

Genitive in -as first dec. IV. 12. 21; in -i or -ii 2d dec. I. Title. Of ego and tu plural, IV. 19. 17. Agreeing with a possessive, I. 9. 12; IV. 23. 16; Sest. 128. 16; Mil. 92. 6. Of personal for possessive pronoun, I. 14. 21; II. 27. 17. Charge or penalty, I. 4. 19. Epexegeticus (= appositive), 1. 12. 32; Mur. 23. 12; 67. 2; Sull. 6. 36; 11. 10; 21. 2; 37. 19; Ep. XV. 1. 16; Sest. 6. 10; 18. 6; 63. 16; 90. 1; 137. 21. Objective (with verbs of memory), IV. 1. 6; (paenitet, etc.) IV. 20. 8; Ep. V. 2. 7; Sest. 60. 19; (replaced by a phrase) Sull. 12. 16. Partitive, Sest. 68. 22; (with uterque) Mur. 37. 8; (replaced by prep. and abl.) IV. 10. 13; (where unnecessary) Sull. 51. 14. Predicate (est eorum), II. 18. 12; III. 18.5; (with infin.), IV. 8. 22; Ep.

IV. 8. 86; Sest. 86. 15; 99. 8; Mil. 82. 23; [with munus] Mil. 22. 31. Price, I. 22. 8; (floeci) Ep. III. 13. 193; (magni) Mur. 10. 31; (nihili) Sest. 114. 25; (permagni) Ep. V. 3. 28; (pluris) Ep. XVII. 2. 20; Sest. 142. 7; (tanti) I. 22. S. Quality (consilii), Ep. VI. 15. 3; Sest. 36. 10; (modi) I. 4. 12; III. 25. 23; Sull. 60. 3; 64. 27; (partium) Sest. 120. 15; (connected with adjective) Sest. 120. 15. Gen. and noun for noun and adj., Mur. 16. 20; Sull. 4. 7, 13; 14. 11; 21. 15; 70. 16; 75. 16; Sest. 14. 11; 88. 1; 117. 13. Two or more gen. depending upon one word, IV. 15. 24; Ep. V. 2. 12; Ep. XXIII. 2. 16; Sest. 15. 22. With adfinis, Sull. 17.45; certior fieri, Ep. XVII. 3. 33; excusatio, Sull. 26. 12; in mentem venire, Sull. 19. 16; 38. 31; potior, II. 19. 3; Sest. 141. 35; pridie, etc., Sull. 52. 34; Ep. XIII. 1. 3; proprium, I. 12. 26; similis, I. 5. 31; societas, socius, Sull. 16. 30; vacatio, Sull. 26. 12.


Dative. With adj., IV. 11. 2; Sest. 138.5. Agent with gerund. and p. pass. part., I. 16. 10; II. 26. 3; IV. 22. 34. Double constructions (consulere), IV. 3. 1; (metuere), Sull. 88. 37; (verbs of threatening") II. 1. 3. Ethical, II. 4. 23. Intrans. verbs, Sull. 46. 18. Purpose, Mur. 73. 13; 87.23. Reference, IV. 2. 12; 11. 16; Sull. 31. 21; Sest. 32. 19. Separation, III. 22. 29; Sest. 46. 17; [joined with abl.] I. 16. 35; Mil. 18. 35, 36. Service, Sull. 45. 8. With adfinis, IV. 6. 24; Sull. 70. 9;

coniunctior, Sest. 4. 14; credo,
Sull. 46. 18; esse and verbal noun,
Sull. 65. 14; fas est, Mil. 7. 7;
haerere, Sest. 62. 10; legatus,
Mur. 32. 45; necesse est and infin.,
Ep. V. 1. 5; Mil. 45. 4; obviam
fit, Mil. 29. 22; praesto esse, Ep.
XXIII. 4. 32; probare, Sull. 31.
21; Sest. 96. 7; similis, I. 5. 31.
Accusative. Adverbial (ali-
quid), Sest. 10. 20; 94. 29; (hoc)
Sull. 35. 19; 46. 18; (id temporis)
I. 10. 30; Mil. 28. 14; (nihil) I. 1.
3; III. 27.11; Sull. 51. 23; (quod)
Sull. 7. 2; 9. 15; Ep. XXII. 3.
18; (summum) Mil. 12. S. Cog-
nate, Mur. 30. 10. Exclamatory,
II. 7. 9; Sull. 42. 23; Ep. XXI.
1. 4; Sest. 27. 1; Mil. 63. 37.
Time within which,' with per,
II. 7. 20. Attracted from nom.
in O. O. after quam, Ep. I. 3. 27.
Pleonastic with inf. depending
upon cupio, volo, etc., Sull. 61.
21; Ep. XVI. 1. 11. With audio,
lego, loquor for de and abl., III.
24. 9; celo, Sull. 39. 43; credo,
Sull. 22. 20; moneo, II. 20. 33;
paenitet and gen., see Genitive;
paenitet and inf., Ep. IX. 1.
11; paenitet and ellipse of gen. or
inf., Ep. VIII. 1. 2; pridie, I. 15.
24; proxime, Mil. 59. 25.

[ocr errors]

Ablative. Absolute (imperson-
al), Mur. 1. 2; (same noun with
two particp. in different senses)
IV. 17. 28; (containing pronoun
referring to subj. of sentence)
Sull. 26. 1; Sest. 11. 32; (con-
taining another abl. abs.) Sest.
49. 11. Agent. I. 24. 25; (with
gerund.) Mur. 54. 26; Sull. 23.
2; Mil. 104. 6. Cause I. 23. 23.

Manner with neither cum nor
adj. (precibus), Sull. 55. 26;
(silentio) Sull. 62. 25; (vi) Ep.
VI. 16. 17. Means, with intrans.
verb, Sest. 46. 17; Mil. 47. 10; of
persons (active verb), Mil. 26.37;
(passive verb) Mil. 54. 17. Place
with and without prep. I. 19. 8;
with totus, Sull. 42. 6. Quality
with proper noun without generic
appositive, I. 4. 4; (with te) Ep.
XXI. 1. 7; connected with adj.
II. 22. 22; Ep. XV. 1. 9; Sepa-
ration, I. 16. 36. Time (seem-
ingly duration), Sull. 17. 44; 55.
33; (words not suggesting time)
Mur. 37. 11; 67. 11; Sull. 55.
31; Different kinds juxtaposed,
(2) Sest. 49. 8; (3) Sest. 57. 20;
(6) Sest. 63. 23-25. Instead of
part. gen. IV. 10. 13; of acc. for
duration of time, Sull. 17. 44;
55. 33. With cum and verbs of
exchanging, Sest. 37. 20; dignus,
Ep. XXIII. 2. 18; (facio and) fio,
"become of," Ep. XIV. 3. 26;
Ep. XXI. 5. 40; Sest. 29. 1;
fretus, Ep. I. 1. 4; haereo, I. 13.
7; interest and refert, IV. 9. 1;
Sull. 2. 23; Ep. V. 3. 28; Ep.
VII. 1. 1.; nitor, Sest. 27. 17;
verbs of placing, I. 16. 38.

Locative. Of common nouns,
I. 19. 6; modified by poss. pron.
in gen. I. 19. 6; Sest. 41. 17.

Castor, temple of, Sest. 34. 12.
Catilina, p. 21, §§ 25-68.
Speech to his followers, Mur. 50.
8 f. Sallust's account of his
death, Exc. IV.

Cato, M. Porcius (Censor),
Mur. 32. 41. M. Porcius (Uticen-
sis), Mur. 3. 1; Cicero's opinion

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