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The Romans befiege Capua.



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Hannibal advances to Rome and befieges it. The Romans

foon after take Capua.

Afdrubal enters Italy. He is defeated by the conful
Livius, whom the other conful Nero had joined.

3799. Scipio makes himself mafter of all Spain. He is made
conful the year following, and goes to Africa.
Hannibal is recalled to the aid of his country.

3802. 3803.

Interview of Hannibal and Scipio in Africa, followed by a bloody battle, in which the Romans gain a complete victory.

3804. Treaty of peace between the Carthaginians and Romans, which puts an end to the fecond Punick war.


Fifty years elapfed between the end of the fecond and
the beginning of the third Punick wars.

Hannibal is made prætor of Carthage, and reforms the
courts of juftice and the finances. After having exercised
that office two years, he retires to king Antiochus at Ephe-
fus, whom he advifes to carry the war into Italy.
In erview of Hannibal and Scipio at Ephefus.
Hannibal takes refuge in the island of Crete, to avoid
being delivered up to the Romans.










Hannibal abandons the inland of Crete, to take refuge 184. with Prufias king of Bithynia.

Death of Hannibal,

The Romans fend commiffioners into Africa, to adjudge the differences that arofe between the Carthaginians and Mafiniffa.

182. 181.








Beginning of the third Punick war. It fubfifts a little


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Scipio the younger is made conful, and receives the com




Scipio takes and entirely demolishes Carthage.


Second embafly fent by the Romans into Africa, to make 156. new enquiries into the differences fubfifting between the Carthaginians and Mafiniffa.

more than four years.

End of the Chronological Table,





himself tyrant of Sicyon.
VJ. 117
ABAS, king of Argos, II. 281
ABDOLONYMUS is placed upon the
throne of Sidon against his will,
V. 56. his answer to Alexander,
ABELOX, a Spaniard, his treache-

I. 200
ABRADATES, king of Sufiana, en-
gages in Cyrus's fervice, II. 136.
he is killed in the battle of Thymi-
ABRAHAM goes to Egypt with Sa-
rab, I. 54. the Scripture places
him very near Nimrod; and
II. 60
ABROCOMAS, one of the generals
of Artaxerxes Mnemon's army,
marches against Cyrus the Young-


III. 333
ABSALOM, brother of Alexander
Jannæus, VII. 316. he is taken
prifoner at the fiege of Jerufa-
ABUTITES, governor of Sufa, for
Darius, furrenders that place to
Alexander, V. 111. he is con-
tinued in his government, 112
dydos, a city of Afia, befieged by
Philip, VI. 272. tragical end of
that city,

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Aarnanians, a people of Greece,
their courage,
Abaans, fettled by Achæus in Pe-
loponnefus, II. 286.'inftitution of

their commonwealth, VI. 116.
their government, ibid. cities of
which the Achæan league is
formed at first, ibid. feveral cities
join it afterwards, 119. The
Achæans enter into a war with
Sparta, VI. 149. after many lof-
fes they call in Antigonus to
their aid, 154. in a war with
the Atolians, they have re-
courfe to Philip, 202. they de-
clare for the Romans against that
prince, 297. they join with the
Romans against Antiochus, 348.
their cruel treatment of many
Spartans, 389. they fubject the
Meffenians, VII. 18. they fend
deputies to Rome concerning Spar-
ta, 20. Callicrates, one of their
deputies, betrays them, 23. the
Achæans refolve to fhare with the
Romans in the dangers of the war
against Perfeus, VI. 135. they are
fufpected by the Romans, 186.
cruel treatment of them by the
Romans, 187, &c. troubles in
Achaia, 207. the Achæans de-
clare war against the Lacedæmo-
nians, ibid. they infult the Ro-
man commiffioners, ibid. they en-
gage Thebes and Chalcis to join
them, 210. they are defeated by
Metellus, ibid. and after by
Mummius, 211. Achaia is re-
duced into a Roman province,

ACHEMENES, brother of Artaxer-
xes Mnemon, is placed at the
head of the army fent by that

L 4

prince against Egypt, III. 97. be in killed in a battle, ibid. Acamur, fon of Xuthus, founder of the Achæans, 11. 286 Acumus, coufin of Seleucus Ceraunus, has the adminiftration of the affairs of Egypt, VI. 174. he avenges the death of that prince, ibid. he refufes the crown, and preferves it for Antiochus the Great, 175. his fidelity to that prince, ibid. he revolts again Antiochus, 190. he is betrayed and delivered up to Antiochus, and put to death, 192 Akaia, fo called from Achæus.

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ans, gives Themiftocles refuge, III. 72

Alonis. Feafs celebrated in honour of him at Athens, 111. 227 Adore, Etymology of that word, II. 353

ACIDAS, fon of Arymbas, king of Epirus, is driven out of his dominions by the intrigues of Philip king of Macedonia, IV, 42. he reafcends the throne, ibid. ACIDES, king of Epirus, is ba nished by his own fubjects, V.30% Grus, king of Athens, 11. 282 Egina, little inland near Athens,

II. 192

#gofpotamos, famous for Lylander's victory over the Athenians, 111.


EGYPTUS, name given Sefoftris, 1. 56

ENOBARBUS(Domitius) conful,declares for Anthony, and retires to him, VIII. 156 Holick dialect, 11. 287

OLUS, fon of Hellenus, reigns in Theffaly, 11. 284 SCHINES, Athenian orator, fuffers himself to be corrupted by Philip's gold, IV. 336. he accufes Demofthenes, 367. be is caft, and retires into banishment, 362

Esor the Phrygian: His hiftery, 11. 343. he goes to the sourt of Crufus. 344. he is fuppofed to have been the inventor of fables, 1bid. Etolia, one of the principal parts of Greece, 11. 275 ETOLIANS. War of the Etolians against the Achæans and Phip, VI. 195. treaty of peace between them. 222. the Atolians join the Romans again Philip, 231. they make prace with that prince, 263. they declare against him for the Romans, 301. they condemn the the treaty made be tween Philip and the Romans, 311, they form a refolution to feize Demerias, Chalcis, and Lacedæmon by treachery, 341. they call in the aid of Antiochus against the Romans,344. they offer


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ACARISTA, wife of Megacles. Her father's conduct in choofing her an husband. II. 321 AGATHOCLES feizes the tyranny of Syracufe, I. 130. his expeditions against the Carthaginians in Sicily and Africa, 131. he brings over Ophellas to his fide, and then puts him to death, 138. miferable end of that tyrant, ibid. AGATHOCLES, governor of Parthia for Antiochus, VI. 9+ AGATHOCLES, brother of Agathoclea, VI. 193. his afcendant over Polemy Philopator, ibid. his measures for obtaining the tuition of Ptolemy Epiphanes, VI. 269. he perishes milerably,


AGATHOCLEA, concubine of Ptolemy Philopator, VI. 193. miferable end of that woman, ibid. ACELAS of Naupatus, ambassador from the allies to Philip. Wifdom of his difcourfe, VI. 223AGESILAUS, is elected king of Sparta, III. 369. his education and character, 370. he fets out for Afia, 373. he differs with Lyfander, 375. his expeditions in Afia, 378. Sparta appoints him generaliffimo by fea and land, 381. he commiffions Pifander to command the fleet in his ftead, ibid. his interview with Pharnabafus, 383. he gains a victory over the Thebans at Coronæa, in which be is wounded, 391. he returns to Sparta, 393. he always retains his ancient manners, ibid. he difcovers the confpiracy formed by Lyfander, 394. different expeditions of Agefilaus in Greece, 395. he caufes his brother Telentias to be appointed admiral, ibid.

Sphodrias is acquitted by his means, IV. 213. Antalcides rallies him upon his being wounded by the Thebans, 214. difpute between Agefilaus and Epaminondas in the affembly of the allies at Sparta, 216. he caufes war to be declared against the Thebans, 217. he finds means to fave those who had filed from the battle of Leuctra, 222. his conduct in the two irruptions of the Thebans into the territory of Sparta, 223. Sparta fends aid to Tachos, king of Egypt, who had revolted against Perfia, 257. actions of Agefilaus in Egypt, 258. he declares for Nectanebis against Tachos, 259. he dies on his return to Sparta, 260 AGESILAUs, uncle on the mother's fide to Agis, king of Sparta, VI. 135. he abufes that prince's confidence, 136. violence which he commits when one of the Ephori,


AGESIPOLIS, king of Sparta with Agefilaus, IV. 199. difference between those two kings, ibid. he commands the army fent against Olynthus, 202. his death, ibid.. AGESIPOLIS reigns at Sparta with Lycurgus, VI. 2011 AGESISTRATA, mother of Agis, king of Sparta, VI. 144. her death. 146 ACIATIS, widow of Agis king of Sparta, is forced by Leonidas to marry Cleomenes, VI. 147. death of that princess. 158 AGIS 1. fon of Euryfthenes, king of Sparta, enflaves the inhabitants of Elis, J. cix. Aars I, fon of Archidamus, king of Sparta, III. 235. he makeswar against the people of Elis, 368. he acknowledges Leotychides for his fon at his death, 369 AGIS III. fon of another Archidamus, king of Sparta, commands the army of the Lacedæmonians against the Macedonians, and is killed in a battle, IV, 130 AGIS IV. fon of Eudamidas, reigns at Sparta, VI. 132. he endeavours to revive the ancient inftitutions

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