5. Justice and judgment are the habitations of thy throne. Thou art glorious in honour; thy Majesty is awful and venerable. Thou art a rock of refuge to thy people; but thy wonderous works exceed their most elevated praises. 6. Men shall declare the singular distributions of thy providence; thy Saints delight to contemplate the continual effufions of thy bounty; and thy enemies, though unmindful of thy favour, tremble at the terrible acts of thy vengeance. 7. All nations shall preserve the memorials of thy great Goodness; they shall abundantly utter what thou hast done in the earth for their felicity and thine own glory. Thy loving-kindnesses shall be had in everlasting remembrance; but, while they commemorate thy Munificence, they shall revere thy inflexible and impartial Justice, and learn to imitate thy Righte ousness. 8. Thou, O Lord, art infinitely gracious to all thy pious worshippers; thou art full of compassion to the neceffitous; against those who have offended, thou art flow to anger, and ready to forgive; and to those who seek thee, thou art plenteous in mercy. 9. All thy creatures enjoy the fruits of thy indulgent care and unbounded liberality; and thy paternal tenderness is evident in all thy works. to Great 10. Great Architect of the World! by whom the harmony of the universe is maintained, the voice of nature is heard, proclaiming to thy attentive worshippers the beauties of thy kingdom, and the excellencies of thy Majesty; while all thy faints, in joyful acclamations, magnify thy glorious Name. 11. They shall declare thy Greatness ; they shall extol the magnificence of thy Sovereignty; for thou hast prepared thy throne in the heavens, and the innumerable hosts of thy children admire the stu pendous efficacy of thy power. 12. While thy paternal looks diffuse gladness through the creation, let mankind ever enjoy the demonstrations of thy complacency, incline us to yield ourselves thy willing subjects, under thy divine government; and may we ever rejoice, under the protection of fo compassionate and Mighty a Potentate. 13. The thrones, O God, of mortal princes, like themselves, crumble to the earth; the splendour of their crowns fuddenly falls into decay; but the glory of thy Kingdom, is like thyself, Immortal; thy counsels are uniform and unchangeable; thy dominion endureth for ever. 14. Great Sovereign of all! Thou knowest the wants of thy children; thou raisest up the wretched that are fallen to the earth; thou givest strength to the weak, and shewest mercy to the miferable; thou comforteft comfortest all that mourn; and bestowest fongs of confolation on fouls that are bowed down with forrow. 15. & 16. The imploring eyes of all thy creatures, wait upon thee; the food they folicit, they receive from thy liberal hand; while thou answerest them, thine own divine will is accomplished, and thy everlasting mercy is every where beheld. 17. Righteous art thou, O God, in all the difpenfations of thy providence; all thy ways are perfect; the acts of thy government are just and equitable; thou art holy in all thy works. 18. Thou art acquainted with the fufferings of thy fervants; thou hearest their prayers, when they call upon thee in fincerity; no cloud of adversity can conceal them from thy view; thou art ever nigh to them, ever within reach to hear their fupplications, and to help them in the hour of their calamity. 19. Thou fulfillest the defire of those who fear thee; from the meek, thy mercy is never removed; thou heareft the fupplications of thy people, and savest them from afflictions, that would overwhelm or annoy them. 20. All those that love thee, thy Mercy will preserve, and thy Goodness will reward; but the wicked shall be destroyed by thy Power, and their memorial shall perish for ever. 21. Incline 21. Incline our hearts ever to meditate on thee, O God, and let our mouths ever praise thy Goodness. Let thy mercy pardon what was amiss in our bypast lives, and thy Wisdom direct our future conduct, that, at the hour of our deaths, we may be received into thy heavenly Kingdom; and may all the inhabitants of the world, throughout all generations, magnify thy holy Name, for ever and ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A PRAYER, OF A COMMUNICANT, BEFORE HE GOES TO THE SACRAMENT. .... GREAT Parent of the universe! and in exhaustible Scource of all Perfection! with what sentiments of love and gratitude, shall I approach the footstool of thy glory! Thou art the High and Holy ONE, who art worshipped in celestial Mansions, by the fublime and elevated strains of the Angelic hosts; whose chief and only felicity, consists in magnifying the wonders of thy infinite and aftonishing Grace. Supreme fountain of inexpressible Goodness! how shall I find language to express the gratitude I owe to the ever-blessed Father of all Mercies, who condescends to lend the ear, of attention, to the humble voice of homage, that flows from a heart impressed with thankful acknowledgement of pious duty, and confcious obligation. While as yet my offences, as a dark cloud, frown upon my former conduct, and while the tears of repentance, yet demonstrate a heart sensible of its possession of secret faults, I, who am dust and ashes, am invited, even |