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thusiasm; ferious without hypocrify; charitable without oftentation Under thy chastisements, may I be patient, humble, and resigned. In the midst of temptations, give me fortitude and strength to refift them, as a Christian. In my transactions among men, may I steadily maintain strict Justice, and an uncorrupted Rectitude.

Let the merits of that ever-blessed Saviour, whose death I have just commemorated, atone for all my frailties and failings, not only in my preparations for this Sacrament, but in the performance of the duties enjoined by him. Into the arms of Omnipotence, I resign myself; forbid, O God, that I should perish. In Christ Jefus I trust for eternal salvation; because he ever liveth to make interceffion for his people; and, through the happy influences of the Holy Spirit, I hope to be taught the paths of righteousness, and at last to attain to everlasting life. Amen.







LMIGHTY and everlasting God! Great Lord and Wife Governor of the World! who haft prepared thy throne in the heavens, and whose kingdom ruleth over all; I, the meanest of all thy fervants, present myself before thy awful Majesty, humbly to thank thee for thy great goodness. Thou, O God, despisest not the weakest of thy children; created by thy Power, thou preservest me by thy Bounty; thou hast ever conducted me by thy Wisdom; in all my troubles, thou hast been my deliverer, the God of my Salvation, and the high tower of my hope and fecurity. Though a fervant to others, I repine not at the dispensations of thy Providence. I would rather thank thy goodness, that, being redeemed by the precious blood of Christ Jesus, I am freed from the dreadful bondage of fin and death, and rejoice to find, that thy fervice is perfect freedom. Born of Christian parents, received into thy Church by Baptifm, and guided by the light of the Gofpel, I exult in the hopes of eternal life. Forbid,

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O God, that the meanness of my condition should ever ensnare me into envy or difcontent, into deceit or covetousness. But be pleased to grant to thy humble worshipper, truth and faithfulness, modesty, chastity, humility, and a contented spirit of meekness. May I ever be inclined to adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour, by my diligence, obedience, and fidelity, serving my earthly master in sincerity and fingleness of heart, as becomes every fervant of Christ. Profper me, and assist thy humble worshipper, in every lawful and honest endeavour, to glorify thee, and to further, confcientioufly, my Master's outward estate and welfare.

Dispose, I pray thee, all others in my humble circumstances, to the like piety and prudence. Do good to all my relations and friends, and be their gracious Rewarder, for all their care and concern for my happiness. Command thy blessing to defcend upon my fpiritual Paftor; may his instructions, as well as reproofs, have their due influence upon my mind, so that they may accomplish in me, by thy Grace, the fruits of Righteousness.

Accept, I beseech thee, of my thankfulness for the mercies of the night past. During the whole of this day, help me to employ my time to the honour of thy name, and the comfort and salvation of my immortal spirit, through Jesus Christ, my Interceffor, and ever-blessed Saviour. Amen.






THIS Prayer, which our Lord taught

his difciples, and commanded us to use, is, by every good Christian, esteemed a most complete, perfect, and comprehenfive form of devotion. It confifts of a preface, fix petitions, and a conclufion; and being a neat concife model upon which our minds may expand themselves, when we address God; so, in observing its order and method, we may be fuppofed to pray to this, or the like effect :-

OUR Father which art in Heaven.

Ever-blessed, and infinitely glorious Lord God, thou art the Creator, and merciful Preferver of the universe; thou art the great Parent of Angels and of Men; thy Name is from everlasting, and to everlafting thou art God. Thy gracious eye continually beholds all thy children; thy care is ever exercised in relieving our wants, and thy compaffion is inexhaustible. Thou art the Father of our Lord Jesus Chrift, of whom the whole Family of Heaven and Earth


is named. Through him, we are thy adopted children, and have the inheritance of fons. More than our earthly Parents, thou lovest us; thou permittest us to address thee, the great Source of all good, with the full assurance of gracious acceptance, when we call upon thy name in fincerity. To thee, therefore, we come, with all due reverence, love, trust, and dutiful affection, and with bowels of charity, good-will, and compassion, towards all men, we bend ourselves before thee, as our universal Father, whose tender and affectionate regard is over thy whole offspring. When we approach thee, who art the High and Holy One, who inhabitest eternity, give us, we pray thee, the spirit of grace, and of fupplication, that we may worship thee acceptably. O Lord our God, the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; yet thou condefcendest to look down in mercy upon thy prodigal and sinful children; thou crownest them with lovingkindness; and from the habitation of thy glory, thou makest blessings to descend upon all the inhabitants of the earth. By the saving ftrength of thy right hand, thou deliverest thy people, thou sendest help from thy fanctuary, and falvation to thy fervants cometh from thy Holy place.

Hallowed be thy Name.

May thy Name, O God, which is great,

excellent, and holy, be had in reverence


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