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men, among whom I may be called to live, by thy providence. Watch over me, Holy Father, this day for good, and keep me from all evil. May my foul and body ever be active in thy fervice, that, when I have finished my time here, thou mayest bring me to everlasting life hereafter, through Jefus Chirist, our Saviour. Amen.






REAT Father of all Mercy! thy fervant bows before thee, gratefully impreffed with the instances of thy goodness, in guiding and protecting me during the day. Thou haft fupplied my wants; thou haft guarded me from danger; thou art permitting me again to prepare for the refreshment of repole. I moft heartily thank thee, that I am happily born of pious and indulgent Parents, whofe tender folicitude is ever for my welfare and happiness, not only for this, but the life to come. May I daily profit by their inftructions and example. I blefs thee for those teachers who are fet over me; may I, and my companions, ever be fubmiffive to their prudent laws, and benefit by their precepts, that we may become wife, like thote who have gone before us. More especially, may we learn, with diligence, thofe things which concern our eternal peace. Yielding myself up to thy providential care, prevent me, I beleech thee, from all evil. While I lay afide that raiment with which I am clothed,


may I be mindful, at all times, that foon I muft yield up this body to the bed of death, and appear before thee, the immortal Father of Spirits. May this ever be feriously impreffed upon my mind, that I may, with diligence, prepare for my latter end; and fo at last be received with joy into thy ever-bleffed kingdom of glory, through our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen.







LMIGHTY GOD, and most merciful Father, thou art the Great Physician, both for the fouls and the bodies of mankind. Life and death are in thy hand. Thou art the Great Comforter of the Afflicted; thou art the refuge and strength of the Weak, in the day of trouble; thou vifiteft, with thy confolations, those who are forrowful; the hiding-places of obfcurity conceal them not from thy all-pervading eye.

To thee, I present my petitions; thou art the Hearer of Prayer; let my fupplications afcend with acceptance, in this the day of my vifitation. Let thine eye view with compaffion, thy creature, upon my bed of languifhment. While my body is thus fettered down with fickness, and feverely handled by the messengers of death, in the midst of thy chaftifements, thew mercy, and fupport my fpirit with thy confolations. Through thy loving-kindneffefs in Chrift Jefus, fpare me yet, I beseech thee, as a living monument of thy goodnefs. Command my diftempers to be removed,


moved, that I may not die, before I live to thy fervice. Be pleased to fhew the mightiness of thy Power, and the glories of thy Grace, in recovering me again to health; in paffing by the thousands of my infirmities and follies; in purifying my heart and all my faculties; that my fpirit may be cleansed from all fin, and I, in all things, become thy pious worshipper. If thou, O God, art yet pleafed to preferve my life, beftow upon me the forrow of an humble and fincere penitent for my bypast offences, and the purposes of a converted finner, to be more cautious of my future conduct; give me the love and gratitude of a pardoned offender; the pious zeal of a redeemed prifoner, who has efcaped from the bondage of fin; and the lively hope of thy Saints, who feel thy prefent goodness, and are not fatisfied but with the profpects of Eternal Life. Ever-gracious and holy Father in Heaven, let thy Glory rather be reflected from the fountain of thy Mercy, than refracted from the troubled streams of thy difpleasure, towards thy fervant.

Whether in gentlenefs and tender mercy, thou art willing to deal with me as to the concerns of this body, or whether this ficknefs of mine fhall be unto death, thy will be done; but O Lord God Almighty, let my immortal fpirit ever be precious in thy fight. Eternal and Merciful King of Heaven, I humbly implore thee, and paffionately entreat thee, through Christ Jefus,


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