PSALM I. PARAPHRASED. BLEST LEST is the man, who fhuns the way 2. Whofe ftudious and exalted mind, God's law his guide, by day and night; 3. He, like a generous tree, which grows, 4. Thus fhall the righteous ne'er decay, 5. But vicious men fhall not prevail; Their counfels and their hopes fhall fail; Their vain foundations fhall decay, And they, like chaff, be blown away. 6. For impious men, in judgment tried, 7. God loves the Saint, who patient treads, PSALM WHY do the Heathen people rage ? And why do fceptred kings engage, In deep confpiracy, and fpite, Against the King of kings to fight! 2. Those who were ne'er agreed before, Mind now their ancient feuds no more; They all accord-their powers employ, The Lord's anointed to deftroy! 3. Shall we, they cry, his laws obey? 4. From his Auguft, celestial Throne; 5. Attend, ye princes, to my will, My King fhall reign on Sion's hill; His fceptre fhall you overawe; And bend your people to my law. 6. Submiffive bow, ye fons of earth, To Him, your Lord, of heavenly birth; 7. Ask me, my Son, the boon shall shew, I give the world thy wide domain; 8. Obfequious 8. Obfequious to thy gentle fway, Crowds fhall their willing homage pay; 9. Conqueft fhall mark thy fhining path; Thy word fhall to thy foes be death : Nations, who dare thy fway refift; Thy pow'r fhall humble in the duft, 10 Ye Kings, who laws to others give, 11 To him, your greater King, draw near; 12. Ye feeble offspring of the duft; Make his all-potent grace your truft; 13. But those who hate JEHOVAH's Son, I. PSALM XXVIII. PARAPHRASED. 1:0:0: To thee I cry, O God, give ear, To thy poor fuppliant's humble pray'r; My God, and in my need, my Friend; Let them a harveft reap of fhame. They, by their crimes, provoke thy wrath, 6. Blefs'd be my God, who reigns above, He saw my tears, he weigh'd my grief; 7. When death stalk'd thro' war's bloody field, 8. Thy people on thine aid depend; Thou art their patron, guardian, friend; Defcend, thro' Chrift, the Prince, of peace. 9. By Him, of high celestial birth, Blefs every nation of the earth; Feed them with Manna from thy hand, PSALM I. W HY doft thou, Doeg, boaft in doing wrong? 2. What though his mercies patiently endure, 3. Lo! Heaven's own Priests, who by its altars flood, Are, without pity, bath'd in their own blood! Could nothing else thy cruelty affuage; Or ftem the torrent of thy master's rage e? 4. Regardless of the truth, thou hatest good; 5. I know thy malice, and thy dark defign, Is, that no blood fhall quench thy thirst, but mine; But learn, that Eye, that marks the pious foul, Shall guard my life, and all thy arts control. 6. JEHOVAH views his children from on high, Knows all their woes, and conftrues every figh; He foothe's their griefs; but will deftroy thy race; And wrathful pluck thee from thy dwelling place. 7. Men fhall with horror thy deftruction fee, Shrink from thy plagues, but thall not pity thee: Behold, they'll cry, his melancholy end, Who ne'er made Virtue, nor his God his friend! Thofe |