8. But God fhall Judah's breaches heal; And Edom's fons fhall vengeance feel; Who, cruel cry'd, "down with her wall, to the foundations level all.” 9. And Daughter of Chaldea know, Thou too art feal'd to future woe; Thy ruin'd palaces fhall ftand, Grim emblems of a guilty land. to. The blood of innocents will plead, For vengeance on thy guilty head; Who pityless against their groans, Couldst dash them helpless 'gainst the stones. I. -0::0::(0)::0::0 WITH vain attempt, my God, I try, To fhun thy all pervading eye, 2. E'er yet my thoughts conception find, Who look'ft the whole creation thro'. 3. Where'er I turn, lo! God is there, My fofteft whispers reach his ear, Beset by him on every hand, I always in his presence stand. 4. Above my utmoft thoughts, too high, It drowns, it fwallows up my mind. 5. Striving to hide me from thy fight, 6. Should I in death's dark fhadow lye, 7. If nounted on the wings of light, of woe. To fhores remote, I take my flight; 8. Should I, behind the screen of night, 9. The springs that life and motion give, É'er yet I breath'd, or faw the day. 10. With curious art thy goodness join'd, II. E'er fince I trod this vale of tears, 12. In vain thy mercies, Lord, I try 13. Thy kindneffes my thoughts employ, And find I ever am with thee. 14. With fecret grief, O Lord, I mourn, 15. To me, I deem them mortal foes. Whose daring words thy laws oppofe; And teach them who they ought to fear. 16. But fearch my heart, if yet within, 17. If thy ftrict fcrutiny fhall find, That fecret fin pollutes my mind, A A HYMN TO THE DEITY. JEHOVA I. EHOVAH! thou alone art great; Whose Sov'reign nod, Does all those radiant fpheres control; Doft guide, impel, and rule the whole. II. The things that are from thee had birth; But Thou, from all mutation free, Thy glorious Name, And praise fhall everlasting be. III. Before thy all-pervading eye, Our hidden counfels open lye, The The shades of night, Alike to thee, their tale impart ; Thy knowledge scans; Thy piercing glance furveys the heart. IV. Above those orbs, beyond the flight, The great and small, Mortal, or Angel-tribes divine; By thee, they move, Their beings, and their praise are thine. V. Who can thy mighty acts declare ? Thy mercies flow, To Saints, to Angels, near thy throne; Confefs thy love. Harmonious in thy praise alone. VI. Bright Cherubims, in holy praise, Thy holiness, Is far beyond the pow'r of speech: Blefs'd |