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8. But God fhall Judah's breaches heal; And Edom's fons fhall vengeance feel; Who, cruel cry'd, "down with her wall, to the foundations level all.”

9. And Daughter of Chaldea know, Thou too art feal'd to future woe; Thy ruin'd palaces fhall ftand,

Grim emblems of a guilty land.

to. The blood of innocents will plead, For vengeance on thy guilty head;

Who pityless against their groans,

Couldst dash them helpless 'gainst the stones.

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WITH vain attempt, my God, I try,

To fhun thy all pervading eye,
My rifing up, my fitting down,
My every act to thee is known.

2. E'er yet my thoughts conception find,
Or are but embryos in my mind;
They plainly ftand before thy view,

Who look'ft the whole creation thro'.

3. Where'er I turn, lo! God is there, My fofteft whispers reach his ear, Beset by him on every hand,

I always in his presence stand.

4. Above my utmoft thoughts, too high,
O God, is thy immenfity:
Thy knowledge do I try to find,

It drowns, it fwallows up my mind.

5. Striving to hide me from thy fight,
Should I afcend to heaven's height;
There thy effulgent glories fhine,
In awful Majefty divine.

6. Should I in death's dark fhadow lye,
I'd meet thy comprehenfive eye;
If I to hell's grim regions go,
Thy wrath there deals the cup

7. If nounted on the wings of light,

of woe.

To fhores remote, I take my flight;
There would I find thy working hand,
Thy presence in the defart land.

8. Should I, behind the screen of night,
Think to evade thy piercing fight;
Thy eyes would all my works furvey,
Ánd darkness serve thee as the day!


The springs that life and motion give,
Are thine; by thee I move and live,
Thy hands did form my yielding clay,

É'er yet I breath'd, or faw the day.

10. With curious art thy goodness join'd,
My body to an active mind;
Therefore, to thee, my God, I'll raife,
My daily fongs of grateful praise.

II. E'er fince I trod this vale of tears,
From infancy to riper years,
Thro' ev'ry danger, ev'ry fnare,
I've ftill been guided by thy care.

12. In vain thy mercies, Lord, I try
To count, all numbers they defy;
If I could fum them, they are more,
Than every fand that lines the fhore.

13. Thy kindneffes my thoughts employ,
And fill my foul with inward joy;
Where'er I turn, I mercy fee,

And find I ever am with thee.

14. With fecret grief, O Lord, I mourn,
That impious men thy precepts scorn;
Well they deferve thy vengeful rod,
Whofe lips profane the name of God.

15. To me, I deem them mortal foes.

Whose daring words thy laws oppofe;
Thou wilt arreft their bold career,

And teach them who they ought to fear.

16. But fearch my heart, if yet within,
Lurks any unrepented fin,
My perverfe will, my God, fubdue,
And all my latent thoughts review.

17. If thy ftrict fcrutiny fhall find,

That fecret fin pollutes my mind,
Recal my wand'rings, by thy Grace,
And guide in the paths of peace.







EHOVAH! thou alone art great;
To thee, the proftrate nations bend;
Thy hand fuftains creation's weight;
Thy Pow'r no thought can comprehend:
Thou art the God,

Whose Sov'reign nod,

Does all those radiant fpheres control;
Thou, by thy word,
Omnifcient Lord,

Doft guide, impel, and rule the whole.


The things that are from thee had birth;
Without thy WORD, was nothing made:
The heav'ns above, this lower earth,
Thy hand their deep foundation laid:
They fhall decay,
And pass away,

But Thou, from all mutation free,
Art still the fame,

Thy glorious Name,

And praise fhall everlasting be.


Before thy all-pervading eye,
That looks the vaft creation thro;

Our hidden counfels open lye,
Reveal'd to thy minute review.


The shades of night,
The noon-day light,

Alike to thee, their tale impart ;
Our fecret plans,

Thy knowledge scans;

Thy piercing glance furveys the heart.


Above those orbs, beyond the flight,
Of all the morning-fons of light,
Who execute thy great commands,
Thy glorious throne exalted ftands.
Before thee fall,

The great and small,

Mortal, or Angel-tribes divine;
In thee, they live,

By thee, they move,

Their beings, and their praise are thine.


Who can thy mighty acts declare ?
Can Angels fhew forth all thy praise ?
Who with JEHOVAH may compare?
Great in his works, in counsel wife :
To all below,

Thy mercies flow,

To Saints, to Angels, near thy throne;
The Pow'rs above,

Confefs thy love.

Harmonious in thy praise alone.


Bright Cherubims, in holy praise,
By lofty Anthems thee proclaim;
But cannot to thy glory raife,
Their voices equal to the theme!
The heav'ns confefs,

Thy holiness,

Is far beyond the pow'r of speech:


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