Bless'd Seraphs know, When thy perfections they would reach. VII. On earth, thy willing Saints would shew, Of all thy works, tho' bright they shine: A Father's grace, In streams of copious gifts defcend; Ensigns of love, Where'er we move, Mark thee our universal Friend! VIII. Prophets, and Holy men, have told, All willing nations did confpire, Thy praise to fing, In one great univerfal Quire. IX. Where'er thy altars are beheld, There is a Father's presence known; The heart, that's with devotion fill'd, Shall still thy confolations own; In latest breath, In pangs of death, Thy Sons, with praise upon their tongues, From earthly woes, Sink to repose, Adoring thee, in joyful fongs. Great x. Great Parent of our praise and love, Those men who mourn, To thee, in their distress, they cry, Thou still art near, And save them when about to die. XI. Great Sov'reign Pow'r, whose mighty sway, To all mankind thy aid dispense, And guide us by thy Providence. Let old and young, With grateful fong, Still praise the wonders of thy grace, And may we find, Our God our Friend, Thro' Chrift, our Lord, the Prince of peace. A VARIETY OF COMMENTS ON SOME OF THE STRIKING PASSAGES OF SCRIPTURE, IN THE STYLE OF OSSIAN. THE DEFEAT OF SISERA. From JUDGES iv. and V. CHAP. -:0:0: DEBORAH THE PROPHETESS. E men of Judah, lift the warlike shield. been sheathed; and all your armour blotted with disgrace. The terrors of Jabin shall keep you bound in fervile chains no more. Surely the enchantment of Jacob's fons is broken; and the weapons that war against them shall not profper. I saw the flaming Guardians of Ifrael alight on Tabor's confecrated top. They called thee, Barak, from the cloud that obfcures thy renown in Nephthali. They have tempered thy mind with prudence; they have warmed thy heart with courage; they have whet whetted thy fword for conqueft; they have tuned the voices of the SEERS for fongs of victory. Come, and let ten thousand warriors follow thee to Tabor; fuccess shall crown your toil, and Sifera, and his mighty men, thall perish. Terrible in arms, the fon of Abinoam arose; and at the trumpets call, the men of valour were gathered together. The bondage of Ifrael's race, stung them with indignation; the fullen gloom of defiance darkened the countenance of every warrior. Like the irrefiftable torrent from the heights of Ephraim, furious, they rushed upon the embattled legions of Sifera. The spark of heroism glowed in every breast; the awful genius of vengeance breathing on every heart, led Ifrael's Chiefs, like famithed lions, on their foes. On Kishon's banks the multitudes of Canaan fell; her filver streams were dyed with the blood of warriors. Tell now, ye boastful Chiefs of Hazor, what your skill avails, when your prowess is blasted by the mighty God of battles. The angel of adversity, from his dufky wings, sheds baleful influence over all your strength; and death, to feed his fhrieking vultures, delights to multiply his heaps of flain. The streams of Megiddo are stemmed with the bodies of dead warriors! How is the strength of Jabin withered? How is the glory of Sifera tarnished? How are the shields of the mighty cast with themselves to the ground ? THE |