See, what wreath my head adorns, A King, alas !-And crown'd with thorns ! My temples with my blood are dy'd, A cure for your fick fouls apply'd. To purchase peace, myself I give, That, by my death, your fouls may live! For you this thorny crown I bear, That crowns of glory, you may wear! That I your hungry fouls may feed, For foes, as well as friends, I bleed ! While poignant anguish wrings my heart, Now the stings of wrath i find, Pouring from night's darkest shade, Now the fun withdraws his light, Was there ever pain like this? Think, O men! and grateful prove, To these tokens of my love; FINIS. 87 A Secret Prayer of a Parent for his Children, A Prayer for the Father of a Family, A Prayer for a Young Person, 100 A Prayer from the cxlv. Pfalm, 103 Sacrament, A Prayer of a Communicant, before he goes to the A Prayer and Thanksgiving of a Communicant, 108 ation, Prefervation, and Redemption of the World, A Morning Prayer for a Child, 112 A Prayer for a Servant, 115 The Lord's Prayer Paraphrafed, 117 A Prayer and Thanksgiving to God, for the Cre- 128 133 135 An Evening Prayer for a Child, A Prayer for a Sick Perfon, A Prayer for a Person Troubled in Mind for his Sins, St. Paul's Prayers for a Holy Life Paraphrafed, ESSAY II. A Prayer for a Young intending Communicant, a- 153. King David's Song in Prospect of Death, Simeon's Song Paraphrafed, The Confummation, - STRIKING PASSAGES OF SCRIPTURE IN THE STYLE OF OSSIAN, &c. A. Copies Copies Wm. Alder, of Horncliff, Esq; 2 Mr William Burn, Ford Par. Mr Adam Atkinson, Beanly, 2 Wm. Atkinson, Avering, 2 Edward Anderson, Esq; Glanton, I 2 I 1 Mr Adam Atkinson, Great I Wm. Archibold, Duddo, I Miss Archibold, Ditto, I I James Burn, Ditto, William Bolton, Wooler, I 20 I I I Colonel Beaumont, M. P. I I I I I James Bunyan, Jedburgh, x Walter Brigs, Jedburgh, I 6 Mrs Blake, Tilmouth, 4 Hugh Bogue, Esq; Smifield, Sir Francis Blake, Twisel Kylee, I Castle, 6 Mr Wm. Bugg, Postmaster, Mr Matthew Bell, Riffington, Norham Parish, Belford, I Mrs Bell, Ditto, Ditto, I Robert Brown, Coldstream, I 1 Rev. Edward Brudenell, Heb Mr Adam Borthwick, Ditto, I Whittingham, I I Mr Richard Brewhouse, Wap 2 perton, Eglingham, Peter Brown, Coldstream, I James Burrel, Berwick, C. I 1 The Honourable William Hay I Carr, Etal, 1 Rev. Mr Cupples, Swinton I Parifh, 4 I |