A PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING, FOR GOD'S PROVIDENCE. ......... 0 THOU Eternal and Original Cause of all things! The contemplation of thy allsuperintending providence, makes me draw near to thee in the spirit of thanksgiving. When I view the majestic firmament, resplendent with thy glory; when I confider this earth, enriched with thy bounty; while I contemplate myself, and all other beings, preserved by thy Power, and sustained by thy Munificence, I rejoice, that thou, to whom all beings in heaven and in earth are obedient, deignest to consider me, an unworthy individual, as an object of thy special care. Every thing above or beneath me; every thing without or within me; the whole system of wonders that present themselves to my confideration, proclaim thee the Creator and Preferver of all. Omnipotent Architect of the World! the amazing fabric planned by thy Wifdom, and executed by thy Hand, gives undeniable testimony that thou art infinitely able able to fway, with justice and rectitude, the fceptre of the universe. Thou presidest over the powers of nature, which are altogether dependant on thy controul. All things obey that Voice which spoke the word, and they were created from nothing. Like a small drop of the dew of the morning, or like the dust of the balance, is this world in thy prefence, which thou canst easily diffipate by the breath of thy Power. The inhabitants of the earth are as grasshoppers before thee; and in thy hand is the spirit of every living thing. Thou art the Almighty Guardian of all thy creatures; thou art neither flow to hear, nor impotent to save. Thou art the parent of good, and the dispenser of happiness to all thy children. Thou gavest us our being, and thou art concerned for our well being. How precious is thy grace? From thy throne in the heavens, thine all-pervading eye inspects the immeasurable dominions of thy vast empire. I thank thee, O God, that thy family on earth, lives not in a fatherless and forsaken world. Thou, the great Parent of nature, dost not abandon thy offspring to chance or to fate; therefore am I confident, that, without thy permiffion, no power can injure, and no evil can approach me. Living in the prefence, and under the eye of my Almighty Sovereign, his wifdom shall conduct me, his liberality shall fupply my neceffities ceffities. In the hour of danger, I will entreat thy favour; thou wilt relieve me in my calamity, or give me fortitude to endure it. When evils threaten me, support me under them. When temptations urge me, aid me in resisting them. In all my trials, animate my hopes, and extinguish my fears. In thee I put my trust; give me, I pray thee, composure and tranquillity of spirit. In the enjoyment of thy favours, I reflect, with shame, on the innumerable instances of my ingratitude; yet, even the enormity of these, magnifies, O my God, thy unwearied goodness and forgiveness. Forget ful of thee, thou hast not cast me off; thy paternal eye has ever been watchful for my safety. Thy unceasing compassion has ever been mindful of me, even while I was neglectful of myself. Often, in pursuit of imaginary happiness, the seasonable checks of thy wise spirit, have often reclaimed my wanderings, and directed me to the fearch of a more substantial felicity. Though my heart is confcious of the enormity of my guilt, thy paternal chastisements have always been tempered with mercy; may thy rod ever be endured by me with patience and refignation: For I am convinced, that, in the end, thou wilt dry up my tears; thou wilt heal my forrows, and give me joy and gladneis for bitterness of heart. Great God! and ever-blessed Ruler of the world, dispose my mind to cultivate every pious L pious and devout affection. Incline me to a life of holiness here, that I may enjoy a life of happiness forever. Let thy prefence cheer me through the viciffitudes of time, and prepare me for the joys of eternity. May thy Almighty arm conduct me through the dark valley of death: Befriended by infinite goodness, I shall then fear no evil. Receive me, I pray thee, into the manfions of fupreme felicity, in thy eternal kingdom. Make me to partake of thy goodness, that I may ever rejoice in thy prefence; and thou, my God, be the never-ceasing object of my praise. Hear, I beseech thee, the petitions of thy humble worshipper, from heaven, the habitation of thy glory; may they come before thee with acceptance, because I only ask in the name of Christ, my ever-living Advocate. Amen. A A PRAYER, FOR AN AGED PERSON. ......... MOST Holy, and ever blessed Lord God, how shall I draw near to thy prefence, and with what arguments shall I, thine aged and infirm creature, plead before the Almighty. Where no merit is, O let thy wretched petitioner be a object of thy compaffion. Thou art the Lord of my life; the length of my days has been thy gift. Thou gavest me thy prot ction, from my infancy, till now; and thy watchful providences have ever followed me with tender regard. But what shall I answer the Judge of the whole earth; or how shall I conceal my tranfgreffions from thy omniscience: With contrition of heart, I acknowledge my fins; and the evils I have done, make me abhor myself. A long fucceffion of years have paffed over my head; but now the frailties of age give warning of my diffolution; the messengers of death are upon their approach to pull down this decaying tabernacle of dust; and the grave is about to open its devouring mouth to mingle me with |