better quality, and also of higher interest, in that a large number of them had not been seen in the auction-room for many years. Among the many excellent sales reported in this volume, special reference must be made to that held in New York in January, 1895. It consisted of part of the Collection of English Literature made by Mr. Charles B. Foote, a collector whose excellent taste and judgment is acknowledged in all Literary circles where the English language is spoken, and whose library had been formed regardless of trouble or expense. The small, but extremely important library of Mr. William Stuart and the Liturgical and Biblical Library of the late Mr. Blew, both deserve careful consideration. The former made the almost unheard of average of £20 per volume, and the latter was remarkable for its fine assortment of Breviaries and Missals. The library of Dr. Gennadius, late Greek Minister, is also noticeable for its classic contents, and the high prices realised for many of the books contained in it. A careful study of several volumes of BOOK-PRICes Current, say, of the first and this, the latest, should result in something more than a mere tabular analysis of figures. It would be, for instance, the most certain method of gauging the ups and downs of the book. market that the amateur is at all likely to hit upon. During the nine years that have elapsed since the first volume made its appearance, whole classes of books have risen or fallen in popular esteem, and we can see the taste of the hour reflected in almost every page. A comparison between an old and a new volume of this publication will be absolutely necessary when that work, often talked of, but never proceeded with, comes to be written -A History of Book-Prices, based, as it must be, upon the fleeting demands of fashion and the more permanent requirements of scholarly research. 3, Plowden Buildings, Temple, E.C. J. H. S. No 112. Lot 219 should have been included, viz.: "Description de l'Egypte," No. 234, for "Wright" read "Wight." No. 4891 (after) for "Breviarii" read "Breviaria." Book - Prices Current. I A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, and Comic His- tory of Rome, 3 vol., coloured plates and woodcuts by J. Leech, on India paper, n. d., imperial 8vo. (1) Young, £1 185. 2 Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution to 1815, 14 vol., portraits, tree-calf extra, m. e. by Rivière, 1860, 8vo. (3) 3 Annual Register, vol. i. to cxxxii., with the Index, vol. i. to 1819, 133 vol., calf gilt, 1758-1890, 8vo. (7) 4 Beauties of England and Wales, by Britton and Brayley, with Introduction by Brewer, 26 vol., LARGE PAPER, maps and plates, 1801-15-Forsyth (R.) Beauties of Scotland, 5 vol., 5 Bingham (Rev. J.) Works, edited by R. Bingham, 10 vol., calf, r. e., Oxford, 1855, 8vo. (22) Prefaces, by L. T. Berguer, 45 vol., morocco extra, contents lettered, g. e., 1823, 8vo. (27) 7 Bulwer-Lytton (Sir E.) Poetical and Dramatic Works, 5 vol., portrait, half calf gilt, m. e., 1852, 8vo. (29) Sotheran, £1 6s. 8 Byron (Lord). Works, with Letters, Journals and Life by T. Moore, 17 vol., frontispieces, 1835-36, 8vo. (36) Galwey, £1 11s. 9 Byron (Lord). Works, another copy, 17 vol., frontispieces. 1832-33, 8vo. (37) 6 British Essayists, with Biographical, 10 Byron (Lord). Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, vignettes by Warren, Creswick, and others, morocco super extra, g. e., 1841, 8vo. 11 Clarendon (Lord). History of the Rebellion, 7 vol., tree-calf extra, m. e. by Rivière, Oxford, 1849, 8vo. (44) 12 Clutterbuck (R.) History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, 3 vol., maps and plates, half calf gilt, m. e.. 1815-27. 13 Congreve (W.) Works, Baskerville's edition, 3 vol., portrait and plates by Hayman and Grignion (some leaves in vol. i. discoloured as usual), calf gilt, m. e., Birmingham, 1761, 8vo. Tregaskis, £1 125. (47) 14 Costume of Great Britain, with letterpress descriptions, coloured plates by W. H. Pyne, morocco extra, g. e., 1804, folio (305) Edwards, 1 16s. 15 Costumes of Austria, Russia, Turkey and China, with Explanations in English and French, 4 vol., coloured plates, morocco Ridler, £3 5s. extra, g. e. uniform, 1799-1804, folio (306) 16 D'Arblay (Mdme.) Diary and Letters, edited by her Niece, Maggs, £2 13s. 7 vol., portraits, 1843, 8vo. (51) 17 Defoe (D) Works, with Life and Notes by Sir W. Scott, 20 vol., portrait, half vellum, gilt, m. e., contents lettered, Oxford, Maggs, £2 15s. 1840, 8vo. (54) 18 Dodwell (E.) Views in Greece, coloured plates on linen guards, Bull, £2 morocco extra, g. e., 1821, imperial folio (310) 19 Dyer (T. H.) History of Modern Europe, 5 vol., 1877, 8vo. George, £1 4s.. (58) 20 Egypt. Description de l'Egypte ou recueil des observations et des Recherches faites pendant l'Expedition de l'Armée Française, 25 vol., 8vo., letterpress (wanted vol. x.), and to vol. atlas folio of plates and maps, half calf (all faults), Paris, George, £4 18s. 1821-30, folio (311) 21 Eisenberg (Baron de). Manége Moderne dans sa perfection, plates of Horsemanship by Picart, half calf, 1727, folio (312) George, L1 2s. 22 Ellicott (Bp.) New Testament Commentary for English Readers, 3 vol., maps, half mor., g. e., 1883, 4to. (252) C. Gardner, £1 9s. 23 Evelyn (J.) Diary and Correspondence, with Memoir by W. Bray, 5 vol., portraits, 1827, 8vo. (63) 24 Fielding (H.) Works, with Life by A. Murphy, 10 vol., portrait, Quaritch, L1 125. calf gilt, m. e., 1806, 8vo. (64) 25 Fox (Rt. Hon. C. J.) Speeches, 6 vol., calf extra, m. e. by Nicholls, £2 175. Rivière, 1815, 8vo. (66) 26 Français (les) Peints par eux-mêmes-Paris, 5 vol.-Provinces, 3 vol.-Prisme, Encyclopédie Morale du 19e siècle-Les Anglais peints par eux-mêmes, 2 vol.; together 11 vol., plates and woodcuts by Lami, Meissonier, Penguilly, Kenny Meadows and others, half morocco uniform, Paris, 1840-42, imperial 8vo. Denham, £2 4s. (69) 27 Froude (J. A.) History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, 12 vol., 1867-70, 8vo. (70) George, £3 55. 28 Gardiner (S. R.) History of England from 1603 to 1642, 10 vol., Shepherd, £1 135. 1887, 8vo. (72) 29 Gardiner (S. R.) History of the Civil War, 2 vol., 1888, 8vo. Pentland, £3 35. (73) 30 Gartside (M.) Ornamental Groups of Flowers, Birds, Fruit, etc., plates, some coloured by hand, half morocco, 1808, E. Waters, £2 5s. imperial folio (314) Maggs, £i 19s. 31 Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with Notes by Milman, Guizot, and Smith, 8 vol., portrait and maps, 1854-55, 8vo. (77) W. Brown, £1 15s. |