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Bagley, Worth, 35

Bangs, John Kendrick, 127
Barry, John H., 16

Beall, Dr. W. P., 106, 109, 113
Beauregard, General P. G. T., 58
"Best-Seller," 238

"Bexar Scrip No. 2692," 119
Bill Nye, 127, 130, 133, 134
Bingham, Col. Robert, 82
"Birth of a Nation, The," 62

"Blackjack Bargainer, A," 170
"Blind Man's Holiday," 138

Bookman, The, 117, 137, 170, 173, 175,

194, 217, 221, 232

Boston Traveller, The, 61
Bray, Sir Edward, 24

Bray, Thomas, 24

"Brickdust Row," 223
Brockman, Ed., 110
Brown, John, 64
Browning, Robert, 207
Bulla, J. R., 39

"Buried Treasure," 58, 119

Burnside, General A. E., 59

Bynner, Witter, 8

[ocr errors]

Cabbages and Kings," 194-199, 201
"Caballero's Way, The," 78, 99
"Cactus, The," 169

Caine, Hall, 184

Caldwell, David, 52-56

"Caliph and the Cad, The," 206
"Caliph, Cupid, and the Clock, The,”


Campion, Miss Marguerite, 46
Canby, Henry Seidel, 11

Carbry, Mrs., 25

Carter, Anne Hill, 24

Cartland, Fernando G., 21

Caruthers, Dr. Eli W., 54

"Champion of the Weather, The," 238

Charles II, 23

"Cherchez La Femme," 138

Chicago Herald, The, 61

Church Society, 39

Cole, C. C., 30

Cole, Dr. J. L., 30

Coleman, Miss Sallie. See Mrs. Sara

Coleman Porter.

Coleman, Mrs. Thaddeus, 190

Collins, Wilkie, 90

"Comedy in Rubber, A," 208

"Complete Life of John Hopkins, The,"


Concept, The, 78

Concord Monitor, The, 61
Connors, Jimmy, 151-152, 192
Conrad, Joseph, 145
Cooke, John Esten, 30, 91
Cosmopolitan, The, 116, 192
Cox, General John D., 58, 59
Crane, James P., 126, 128, 248
Crane, Stephen, 11
Craven, Dr. Braxton, 41
Cromwell, Oliver, 23
Cullen, Clarence L., 181

Daily Express, The, 96
Daily Record, The, 42
Daniel, Martitia, 34
Daniels, D., 117, 127
Davies, Sir John, 205
Davis, Jefferson, 58, 59

Davis, Richard Harding, 194
Deems, Charles F., 28

Detroit Free Press, The, 5, 123
Dial, The, 192

"Dick Lightheart," 77
Dick, Reuben, 36

Dick, Judge Robert P., 60

Dick, Mrs. Robert P., 43

Dickens, Charles, 12, 62, 90, 91, 219, 222
Dillard, John H., 44

"Discounters of Money, The," 238
Dixon, Joe, 105

Dixon, Thomas, 62

"Duel," The, 236

Duffy, Richard, 172, 173, 175, 176
Dumas, Alexander, 90

"Duplicity of Hargraves, The," 170,
237, 238, 241

Edgeworth, Maria, 56
Elgin, John E., 96

"Elsie in New York," 219

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 14

"Enchanted Kiss, The," 128, 170, 210
Estes, Miss Athol. See Mrs. William
Sydney Porter.

Evans, C. N. B., 31

Everybody's Magazine, 169, 172
Ewing, John, 194

"Extradited from Bohemia," 188

Father Ryan, 75

"Ferry of Unfulfilment, The," 208
Field, Eugene, 134. See poem on p.


Fletcher, John, 134

"Fog in Santone," 128, 170

Folger, Peter, 38

"Fool-Killer, The," 31

Forman, Henry James, 11

Foulcher, A., 192

"Four Million, The," 77, 200, 233
Franklin, Benjamin, 38

"From Each According to his Ability,"


"From the Cabby's Seat," 208
Froude, J. A., 224

"Furnished Room, The," 231

Galsworthy, John, 10

Garland, Hamlin, 240

Garnett, Edward, 11

"Gentle Grafter, The," 21, 147, 149,


George Eliot, 83, 229

"Georgia's Ruling," 119, 162, 170

Ghent, W. J., 10

"Gift of the Magi, The," 122

Gilmer, John A., 60

"Girl and the Habit, The," 208

Goodloe, Daniel R., 22
Graham, E. K., 31

Gray, Julius A., 112

"Great Divide, The," 239

Green, Anna Katharine, 195

"Green Door, The," 209, 213
Greene, General Nathanael, 48
"Guilty Party, The," 220, 221

Hale, Edward J., 31

Hall, Frank, 93

Hall, Gilman, 172, 173, 175, 176, 181,

182, 214, 233

Hall, Dr. J. K., 88, 93, 94, 113

Hall, Mrs. J. K., 106, 109, 111
Hall, Lee, 93, 95-100

Hall, Mrs. Lee, 98

Hall, R. M., 93, 101, 114, 119, 125, 135,

Hall, Mrs. R. M., 52, 98, 100, 106,

Hampton's Magazine, 237

Hancock, Dr. Charles Russell, 249, 250
"Handbook of Hymen, The," 101
"Harbinger, The," 208

Harper's Weekly, 46, 193

Harrell, Joe, 114

Harris, Joel Chandler, 90, 240

Harte, Bret, 13, 90, 195, 240, 245

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 11, 13, 195, 244

"He Also Serves," 184

"Heart of the West," 201

"Hearts and Hands," 169

Heartt, Dennis, 31

Helper, Hinton Rowan, 21

Henderson, Archibald, 32

Herbert, Dr. Pinkney, 17

"Hiding of Black Bill, The," 115

"Higher Abdication, The," 102, 128
Hill, William Laurie, 31, 54
Hobbs, Alexander, 153

Hogg, James, 125

Houston Daily Post, The, 122, 129-134
Howells, W. D., 11, 54, 238
Hugo, Victor, 90

Humphreys, Henry, 36

"Hygeia at the Solito," 104, 128, 170
"Hypothesis of Failure, The," 87

Ilustración Española y Americana, La,


Irving, Washington, 13, 46, 243
Irwin, Will, 18

"Jack Harkaway," 77

Jackson, Andrew, 50

James, Henry, 187

James, William, 11, 208, 209

"Jeff Peters as a Personal Magnet," 231
Jennings, Al, 139-141, 149
Jennings, Frank, 139
"Jesse Holmes," 31

Jewett, Sarah Orne, 11, 240

"Jimmy Samson." See "A Retrieved

"Jimmy Valentine." See "A Retrieved

"John Burleson," 62

Johnston, General Joseph E., 58, 59

Johnston, Mary, 195

Johnston, Col. R. M., 129, 130

Junior Munsey, The, 237

"Katie of Frogmore Flats." See "The

Kilpatrick, General H. J., 59

King, Edward, 96, 97

Kipling, Rudyard, 11, 12, 18

Kreisle, Louis, 141

Kreisle, Mrs. Louis, 141

Lancaster, Robert A., Jr., 28

Lanier, Henry W., 247

Lea, Rev. Solomon, 29

Leacock, Stephen, 9, 231
Lee, Jesse M., 96

Lee, Light Horse Harry, 24

Lee, Robert E., 24, 58

"Let Me Feel Your Pulse," 17, 246
"Lickpenny Lover, A," 217

Lieberman, Elias, 227

Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 6, 217
London Magazine, The, 192

London Spectator, The, 195

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 51, 195
"Looking Forward," 131

"Lost Blend, The," 87

"Lost on Dress Parade," 206
"Lotus and the Bottle, The," 198
Lytton, Bulwer, 90

McClure's Magazine, 170

"Madame Bo-Peep, of the Ranches,"
189, 191

Maddox, John, 118

"Madison Square Arabian Night, A,”


"Makes the Whole World Kin,” 84
"Making of a New Yorker, The," 227,
229, 234-236

"Man About Town," 116
"Marionettes, The," 170
Mark Twain, 12, 48, 90, 195
Marx, Karl, 10

Maupassant, Guy de, 9, 12, 83, 204,
209, 245

Maurice, Arthur Bartlett, 173, 217, 232
Mebane, John A., 35

Memminger, C. G., 59

"Miracle of Lava Cañon, The," 124,


"Missing Chord, The,” 104, 128

Molière, 4

"Moment of Victory, The," 66

"Money Maze," 170

Moody, William Vaughn, 239

Morehead, Gov. John Motley, 27, 56
Morley, Christopher, 216
Mosley, A., 123

Moyle, Seth, 185, 249

"Mr. Valentine's New Profession."

See "A Retrieved Reformation."
"Municipal Report, A,” 75, 222, 230,


Munro, George, 89
Murphey, Archibald D., 56

Nation, The, 12, 240

New Jersey State Gazette, 49
"New York by Campfire Light," 238
New York Evening Post, The, 216
New York Sun, The, 9, 181

New York Times, The, 206
New York World, The, 199, 200
Norris, Frank, 230

North American Review, The, 12
"No Story," 170

"On Behalf of the Management," 229
O. Henry, each story an autobiography,
3-7; birth, 8; the O. Henry myth, 8-9;
tributes to his genius, 9-13; the
people's writer, 13-15; maternal
grandfather, 18-22; maternal grand-
mother, 22-25; mother, 25-33; pater-
nal grandfather, 33-38 paternal
grandmother, 38-41; father, 41-45;
Greensboro, North Carolina, 46-66;
early incidents and influences, 66-71;
education, 71-80; in his uncle's drug
store, 80-89; his reading, 89-91; goes
to Texas with Red Hall, 93-95; Red
Hall, 95-100; on the La Salle County
ranch, 100-114; in Austin, 114-129;
in Houston, 129-137; goes to Hon-
duras, 137-139; in Central America,
139-142; trial and conviction in
Austin, 143-146; in prison, 146-171;
takes pen-name O. Henry, 169; goes
to Pittsburg, 172; goes to New York,
173-176; in New York, 176-202;
themes and technique, 203-206; "turn-
ing the tables on Haroun al Raschid,"
206-207; stories of habit, 207-209;
"What's around the corner," 209-216;
stories of working girls, 216-226;
city stories, 226-236; regional stories,
237-243; comparison with prede-
cessors, 243-245; failing health, 246-
247; goes to Asheville, 247-248; re-

turns to New York, 248-249; in the
Polyclinic Hospital, 249-250; death,

"Options," 201, 202

Outlook, The, 162

Page, Arthur W., 105

Page, Thomas Nelson, 240

Partlan, Miss Anne, 185-187

"Passing of Black Eagle, The," 208

Pater, Walter, 204

Patmore, Coventry, 225
Patriot, The, 19, 25, 26

Peck, Judge Epaphroditus, 33
"Pendulum, The," 208

"Penny Plain and Twopence Colored,"

Phelps, William Lyon, 12
Picayune, The, 169

Pitkin, Walter B., 203

Poe, Edgar Allan, 9, 11, 13, 83, 195, 204,
244, 245

Pope, Alexander, 246

Porter, Algernon Sidney, father of O.
Henry, 40-44

Porter, Mrs. Algernon Sidney, mother
of O. Henry, 25-33, 171

Porter, Clark, 41, 80, 81, 83, 87

Porter, David Weir, 40

Porter, Jane, 90

Porter, Miss Lina, O. Henry's aunt,
40, 71-77

Porter, Mrs. Sara Coleman, O. Henry's

second wife, 67, 173, 180, 182, 190-
191, 246, 247

Porter, Margaret Worth (Mrs. Oscar

E. Cesare), O. Henry's daughter, 125,
141, 154, 158-166, 231, 247
Porter, Shirley Worth, 40
Porter, Sidney, paternal grandfather of

O. Henry, 18, 33-38

Porter, Mrs. Sidney, paternal grand-
mother of O. Henry, 33, 38-41

Porter, William Sydney. See O. Henry.
For spelling of Sydney see pages, 18,


Porter, Mrs. William Sydney, O.
Henry's first wife, 120-123, 141-143
Portland Advertiser, The, 62
Prescott, W. H., 14

"Pride of the Cities, The," 238, 242

Read, Opie, 195

Reade, Charles, 90, 91

Reece, Joe, 42

Reed, John S., 10

"Renaissance of Charleroi, The," 138
"Retrieved Reformation, A," 150-152,
191-194, 206

Roach, G. P., 120, 121, 154, 172

Roach, Mrs. G. P., 120, 121, 146, 156,

162, 172, 201

"Roads of Destiny," 201, 202, 211
"Roads We Take, The," 212
Rolling Stone, The, 119, 125-128, 135
"Rolling Stones," 106, 201
Rollins, Hyder E., 37, 137

"Romance of a Busy Broker, The," 208
"Rose of Dixie, The," 65, 238, 242
"Rouge et Noir," 170

"Round The Circle," 169
Rumer, J. B., 153

Schenck, Judge David, 39
Schofield, General John M., 59
Scott, David, 37, 42
Scott, Walter, 90, 243
Scribner's Monthly, 96
Searles, Stanhope, 194
"Seats of the Haughty," 128
Shakespeare, 206, 218, 225
Sherman, General W. T., 58
"Ships," 198

Shirley, Abia, maternal grandmother of
O. Henry, 22, 25

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