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thieves, pickpockets, &c. A gang of sheep trotters; the four feet of a sheep.

GAOLER'S COACH. A hurdle: traitors being usually conveyed from the gaol, to the place of execution, on a hurdle or sledge.

GAP STOPPER. A whoremaster.

GAPESEED. Sights; any thing to feed the eye. I am come abroad for a little gapeseed.

GARNISH. An entrance fee demanded by the old prisoners of one just committed to gaol.

GARRET, OF UPPER STORY. The head. His garret, or upper story, is empty, or unfurnished; i. e. he has no brains, he is a fool. GARRET ELECTION. A ludicrous ceremony, practised every new parliament: it consists of a mock election of two members to represent the borough of Garret (a few straggling cottages near Wandsworth in Surry); the qualification of a voter is, having enjoyed a woman in the open air within that district: the candidates are commonly fellows of low humour, who dress themselves up in a ridiculous manner. As this brings a prodigious concourse of people to Wandsworth, the publicans of that place jointly contribute to the expence, which is sometimes considerable.

GAWKEY. A tall, thin, awkward young man or woman. GAYING INSTRUMENT. The penis.

GAZEBO. An elevated observatory or summer-house. GEE. It won't gee; it won't hit or do, it does not suit or fit.

[blocks in formation]

GELT. Money, German.-Also, castrated.

GENTLE CRAFT. The art of shoemaking. One of the gentle craft a shoemaker: so called because once practised by St. Crispin.

GENTLEMAN COMMONER. An empty bottle; an university joke, gentlemen commoners not being deemed over full of learning.


GENTLEMAN'S MASTER. A highway robber, because he makes a gentleman obey his commands, i. e. stand and deliver. GENTLEMAN OF THREE INS. In debt, in gaol, and in danger of remaining there for life: or, in gaol, indicted, and in danger of being hanged in chains.

GENTLEMAN OF THREE OUTS. That is, without money, without wit, and without manners: some add another out, i. e. without credit.


GENTRY COVE. A gentleman. Cant.
GENTRY COVE KEN. A gentleman's house.
GENTRY MORT. A gentlewoman.


GEORGE. Yellow George; a guinea. Brown George an ammunition loaf.

GERMAN DUCK. Half a sheep's, head boiled with onions. GET. One of his get; one of his offspring, or begetting. GIB CAT. A northern name for a he cat, there commonly called Gilbert. As melancholy as a gib cat; as melancholy as a he cat who has been caterwauling, whence they always return scratched, hungry, and out of spirits. Aristotle says, Omne animal post coitum est triste; to which an anonymous author has given the following exception, preter gallum gallinaceum, et sacerdotem gratis fornicantem. GIBBERISH. The cant language of thieves and gypsies, called Pedlars' French, and St. Giles's Greek: see St. GILES'S GREEK. Also the mystic language of Geber, used by chymists. Gibberish likewise means a sort of disguised language, formed by inserting any consonant between each syllable of an English word; in which case it is called the gibberish of the letter inserted: if F, it is the F gibberish; if G, the G gibberish; as in the sentence How do you do? Howg dog youg dog.

GIBBE. A horse that shrinks from the collar and will not draw.

GIBLETS. To join giblets; said of a man and woman who cohabit as husband and wife, without being married; also to copulate.

GIBSON, OF SIR JOHN GIBSON. A two-legged stool, used to support the body of a coach whilst finishing.

GIFTS. Small white specks under the finger nails, said to portend gifts or presents. A stingy man is said to be as full of gifts as a brazen horse of his farts.

GIFT OF THE GAB. A facility of speech.

GIGG. A nose, Snitchel his gigg; fillip his nose. Grunter's gigg; a hog's snout. Gigg is also a high one-horse chaise, and a woman's privities. To gigg a Smithfield hank; to hamstring an over-drove ox, vulgarly called a mad bullock.

GIGGER, A latch, or door. Dub the gigger; open the door. Gigger dubber; the turnkey of a jaol.

TO GIGGLE. To suppress a laugh. Gigglers; wanton wo


GILES's or ST. GILES'S BREED. Fat, ragged, and saucy; Newton and Dyot streets, the grand head-quarters of most of the thieves and pickpockets about London, are in St.


Giles's parish. St. Giles's Greek; the cant language, called also Siang, Pedlars' French, and flash.

GILFLURT. A proud minks, a vain capricious woman.. GILL. The abbreviation of Gillian, figuratively used for woman. Every jack has his gill; i. e. every jack has his gillian, or female mate.

GILLS. The cheeks. To look rosy about the gills; to have a fresh complexion. To look merry about the gills; to appear cheerful.

GILLY fellow. GILT, or RUM DUBBER. A thief who picks locks, so called from the gilt or picklock key: many of them are so expert, that, from the lock of a church door to that of the smallest cabinet, they will find means to open it: these go into reputable public houses, where, pretending business, they contrive to get into private rooms, up stairs, where they open any bureaus or trunks they happen to find there,

GAUPUS. A Scotch term for a tall awkward

GIMBLET-EYED. Squinting, either in man or woman. GIMCRACK, OF JIMCRACK. A spruce wench; a gimcrack also means a person who has a turn for mechanical contrivances.

GIN SPINNER. A distiller.

GINGAM BOBS. Toys, bawbles; also a man's privities. See THINGAM BOES.

GINGER-PATED, or GINGER-HACKLED. Red haired: a term borrowed from the cockpit, where red cocks are called gingers.

GINGERBREAD. A cake made of treacle, flour, and grated ginger; also money. He has the gingerbread; he is

rich. GINGERBREAD WORK. Gilding and carving: these terms are particularly applied by seamen on board Newcastle colliers, to the decorations of the sterns and quarters of West-Indiamen, which they have the greatest joy in defacing.

GINGERLY. Softly, gently, tenderly. To go gingerly to work; to attempt a thing gently, or cautiously.

GINNY. An instrument to lift up a great, in order to steal what is in the window. Cant.

GIP from yus, a wolf. A servant at college.

GIRDS. Quips, taunts, severe or biting reflections.

GIZZARD. To grumble in the gizzard; to be secretly dis



GLASS EYES. A nick name for one wearing spectacles. GLAYMORE. A Highland broad-sword; from the Erse glay, or glaive, a sword; and more, great.

GLAZE. A window.

GLAZIER. One who breaks windows and shew-glasses, to steal goods exposed for sale. Glaziers; eyes. Cant.--Is your father a glazier; a question asked of a lad or young man, who stands between the speaker and the candle, or fire. If it is answered in the negative, the rejoinder is--I wish he was, that he might make a window through your body, to enable us to see the fire or light.

GLIB. Smooth, slippery. Glib tongued; talkative.
GLIM. A candle, or dark lantern, used in housebreaking;
also fire. To glim; to burn in the hand. Cant.
GLIMFENDERS. Andirons. Cant.

GLIMFLASHY. Angry, or in a passion. Cant.
GLIMJACK. A link-boy. Cant.

GLIMMER. Fire. Cant.

GLIMMERERS. Persons begging with sham, licences, pretending losses by fire.


GLIMSTICK. A candlestick. Cant.

GLOBE. Pewter. Cant.

GLOVES. To give any one a pair of gloves; to make them a present or bribe. To win a pair of gloves; to kiss a man whilst he sleeps for this a pair of gloves is due to any lady who will thus earn them.


GLUEPOT. A parson: from joining men and women together in matrimony.

GLUM. Sullen.

GLUTTON. A term used by bruisers to signify a man who will bear a great deal of beating.

GNARLER. A little dog that by his barking alarms the family when any person is breaking into the house.

Go, THE. The dash. The mode. He is quite the go, he is quite varment, he is prime, he is bang up, are synonimous expressions.

GLY BE. A writing. Cant.

Go BETWEEN. A pimp or bawd,

GO BY THE GROUND. A little short person, man or wo


GO SHOP. The Queen's Head in Duke's court, Bow street, Covent Garden; frequented by the under players: where gin and water was sold in three-halfpenny bowls, called Goes; the gin was called Arrack. The go, the fashion; as, large hats are all the go.



GOADS. Those who wheedle in chapmen for horse-dealers. GOAT. A lascivious person. Goats jigg; making the beast with two backs, copulation.

GOB. The mouth; also a bit or morsel: whence gobbets. Gift of the gob; wide-mouthed, or one who speaks fluently, or sings well.

GOB STRING. A bridle.

GOBBLER. A turkey cock.

GODFATHER. He who pays the reckoning, or answers for the rest of the company: as, Will you stand godfather, and we will take care of the brat; i. e. repay you another time. Jurymen are also called godfathers, because they name the crime the prisoner before them has been guilty of, whether felony, petit larceny, &c.

GOG. All-a-gog; impatient, anxious, or desirous of a thing. GOG AND MAGOG. Two giants, whose effigies stand ou each side of the clock in Guildhall, London; of whom there is a tradition, that, when they hear the clock strike one, on the first of April, they will walk down from their places.

GOGGLES. Eyes: see OGLES. Goggle eyes; large prominent eyes. To goggle; to stare.

GOING UPON THE DUB. Going out to break open, or pick the locks of, houses.

GOLD DROPPERS. Sharpers who drop a piece of gold, which they pick up in the presence of some unexperienced person, for whom the trap is laid, this they pretend to have found, and, as he saw them pick it up, they invite him to a public house to partake of it: when there, two or three of their comrades drop in, as if by accident, and propose cards, or some other game, when they seldom fail of stripping their prey.

GOLD FINDER. One whose employment is to empty necessary houses; called also a tom-turd-man, and night-man: the latter, from that business being always performed in the night.

GOLDFINCH. One who has commonly a purse full of gold. Goldfinches; guineas.

GOLGOTHA OR THE PLACE OF SCULLS. Part of the Theatre at Oxford, where the heads of houses sit; those gentlemen being by the wits of the university called sculls. GOLLUMPUS. A large, clumsy fellow.

GOLOSHES, i. e. Goliah's shoes. Large leathern clogs, worn by invalids over their ordinary shoes.

GOOD MAN. A word of various imports, according to the place where it is spoken: in the city it means a rich man ;


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