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at Hockley in the Hole, or St. Giles's, an expert boxer'; at a bagnio in Covent Garden, a vigorous fornicator; at an alehouse or tavern, one who loves his pot or bottle; and sometimes, though but rarely, a virtuous man GOOD WOMAN. A nondescript, represented on a famous sign in St. Giles's, in the form of a common woman, but without a head.

GOODYER'S PIG. Like Goodyer's pig; never well but when in mischief.

Goose. A taylor's goose; a smoothing iron used to press down the seams, for which purpose it must be heated: hence it is a jocular saying, that a taylor, be he ever so poor, is always sure to have a goose at his fire. He cannot say boh to a goose; a saying of a bashful or sheepish fellow.

GOOSE RIDING. A goose, whose neck is greased, being suspended by the legs to a cord tied to two trees or high posts, a number of men on horseback, riding full speed, attempt to pull off the head which if they effect, the goose is their prize. This has been practised in Derbyshire within the memory of persons now living.

GOOSEBERRY. He played up old gooseberry among them; said of a person who, by force or threats, suddenly puts an end to a riot or disturbance.

GOOSEBERRY-EYED. One with dull grey eyes, like boiled gooseberries.

GOOSEBERRY WIG. A large frizzled wig: perhaps from a supposed likeness to a gooseberry bush,

GOOSECAP. A silly fellow or woman.

GORGER. A gentleman. A well dressed man.


kiddey. Mung the gorger; beg child beg, of the gentle

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GOREE. Money, chiefly gold: perhaps from the traffic carried on at that place, which is chiefly for gold dust. Cant.


A monster with six eyes, three mouths, four arms, eight legs, five on one side and three on the other, three arses, two tarses, and a upon its back; a man on horseback, with a woman behind him.

GOTCH-GUTTED. Pot bellied


a gotch in Norfolk signify,

ing a pitcher, or large round jug.

TO GOUGE. To squeeze out a man's eye with the thumb: a cruel practice used by the Bostonians in America. To GRABBLE. To seize, To grabble the bit; to seize any one's money, Cant,


GRAFTED. Cuckolded, i. e. having horns grafted on his head.

TO GRAB. To seize a man. The pigs grabbed the kiddey for a crack: the officers seized the youth for a burglary, GRANNAM.


GRANNUM'S GOLD. Hoarded money: supposed to have belonged to the grandmother of the possessor.

GRANNY. An abbreviation of grandmother; also the name of an idiot, famous for licking her eye, who died Nov. 14, 1719. Go teach your granny to suck eggs; said to such as would instruct any one in a matter he knows better than themselves.

GRAPPLE THE RAILS. A cant name used in Ireland for whiskey. GRAPPLING IRONS.


GRAVE DIGGER. Like a grave digger; up to the a-se in business, and don't know which way to turn.

GRAVY-EYED. Blear-eyed, one whose eyes have a running humour.

TO GREASE. To bribe. To grease a man in the fist; to bribe him. To grease a fat sow in the a-se; to give to a rich man. Greasy chin; a treat given to parish officers in part of commutation for a bastard: called also, Eating a child.


As great as shirt and shitten a-se.

GREAT JOSEPH. A surtout. Cant.

GREEDY GUTS. A covetous or voracious person. GREEK. St. Giles's Greek; the slang lingo, cant, or gibberish. GREEN. Doctor Green; i. e. grass: a physician, or rather medicine, found very successful in curing most disorders to which horses are liable. My horse is not well, I shall send him to Dector Green. GREEN. Young, inexperienced,unacquainted,ignorant. How green the cull was not to stag how the old file planted the books. How ignorant the booby was not to perceive how the old sharper placed the cards in such a manner as to insure the game.

GREEN BAG. An attorney: those gentlemen carry their clients' deeds in a green bag; and, it is said, when they have no deeds to carry, frequently fill them with an old pair of breeches, or any other trumpery, to give themselves the appearance of business.

GREEN GOWN. To give a girl a green gown; to tumble her on the grass.


GREEN SICKNESS. The disease of maids occasioned by celibacy. GREENHEAD.

An inexperienced young man. GREENHORN. A novice on the town, an undebauched young fellow, just initiated into the society of bucks and bloods. GREENWICH BARBERS. Retailers of sand from the pits at and about Greenwich, in Kent: perhaps they are styled barbers, from their constant shaving the sand-banks. GREENWICH GOOSE. A pensioner of Greenwich Hospital. GREGORIAN TREE. The gallows: so named from Gregory Brandon, a famous finisher of the law; to whom Sir William Segar, garter king of arms (being imposed on by Brooke, a herald), granted a coat of arms.

GREY BEARD. Earthen jugs formerly used in public house for drawing ale: they had the figure of a man with a large beard stamped on them; whence probably they took the name: see Ben Jonson's Plays, Bartholomew Fair, &c. &c. Dutch earthen jugs, used for smuggling gin on the coasts of Essex and Suffolk, are at this time called grey beards.

GREY MARE. The grey mare is the better horse; said of a woman who governs her husband.

GREY PARSON. A farmer who rents the tithes of the rector or vicar.

GRIG. A farthing. A merry grig; a fellow as merry as a grig an allusion to the apparent liveliness of a grig, or young eel.

GRIM. Old Mr. Grim; death.

GRIMALKIN. A cat: mawkin signifies a hare in Scotland. GRIN. To grin in a glass case; to be anatomized for murder: the skeletons of many criminals are preserved in glass cases, at Surgeons' hall.

GRINAGOG, THE CAT'S UNCLE. A foolish grinning fellow, one who grins without reason.

GRINDERS. Teeth. Gooseberry grinder; the breech. Ask bogey, the gooseberry grinder; ask mine a-se.

To GRIND. To have carnal knowledge of a woman. GROATS. To save his groats; to come off handsomely: at the universities, nine groats are deposited in the hands of an academic officer, by every person standing for a degree; which if the depositor obtains with honour, the groats are returned to him.

GROG. Rum and water. Grog was first introduced into the navy about the year 1740, by Admiral Vernon, to prevent the sailors intoxicating themselves with their allowance of rum or spirits. Groggy, or groggified; drunk.


GROG-BLOSSOM. A carbuncle, or pimple in the face, caused by drinking.

GROGGED. A grogged horse; a foundered horse.

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GROPERS. Blind men; also midwives.


GROUND SQUIRREL. A hog, or pig. Sea term.
GRUB. Victuals. To grub; to dine.

GRUB STREET. A street near Moorfields, formerly the sup-
posed habitation of many persons who wrote for the book-
sellers: hence a Grub-street writer means a hackney au-
thor, who manufactures books for the booksellers.
GRUB STREET NEWS. Lying intelligence.

TO GRUBSHITE. To make foul or dirty.

GRUMBLE. To grumble in the gizzard; to murmur or repine. He grumbled like a bear with a sore head.

GRUMBLETONIAN. A discontented person; one who is always railing at the times or ministry.

GRUNTER. A hog; to grunt; to groan, or complain of sick.


GRUNTER'S GIG. A smoaked hog's face.

GRUNTING PECK. Pork, bacon, or any kind of hog's flesh. GRUTS. Tea.

GUDGEON. One easily imposed on. To gudgeon; to swallow the bait, or fall into a trap: from the fish of that name, which is easily taken,

GULL. A simple credulous fellow, easily cheated.
GULLED. Deceived, cheated, imposed on.

GULLGROPERS. Usurers who lend money to the gamesters. GUM, Abusive language. Come, let us have no more of your gum.

GUMMY. Clumsy: particularly applied to the ancles of men or women, and the legs of horses.

GUMPTION, or RUM GUMPTION, Dacility, comprehension, capacity.

GUN. He is in the gun; he is drunk: perhaps from an allusion to a vessel called a gun, used for ale in the universities.

GUNDIGUTS. A fat, pursy fellow.

GUNNER'S DAUGHTER. To kiss the gunner's daughter; to be tied to a gun aud flogged on the posteriors: a mode of punishing boys on board a ship of war. GUNPOWDER. An old woman. Cant.

GUTS. My great guts are ready to eat my little ones; my guts begin to think my throat's cut; my guts curse my teeth: all expressions signifying the party is extremely hungry,


GUTS AND GARBAGE. A very fat man or woman. More guts than brains; a silly fellow. He has plenty of guts, but no bowels: said of a hard, merciless, unfeeling person. GUTFOUNDERED. Exceeding hungry.

GUT SCRAPER, or TORMENTOR of CATGUT. A fiddler. GUTTER LANE. The throat, the swallow, the red lane. See RED LANE.

GUTTING A QUART POT. Taking out the lining of it: i. e.
drinking it off. Gutting an oyster; eating it. Gutting a
house; clearing it of its furniture. See POULTERER.
GUY. A dark lanthorn: an allusion to Guy Faux, the principal
actor in the gunpowder plot. Stow the guy: conceal the

GUZZLE. Liquor. To guzzle; to drink greedily.
GUZZLE GUTS. One greedy of liquor.

GYBE, OF JY BE. Any writing or pass with a seal.
GYBING. Jeering or ridiculing.

GYLES, OF GILES. Hopping Giles; a nick name for a lame
person: St. Giles was the tutelar saint of cripples.

GYP. A college runner or errand-boy at Cambridge, called at Oxford a scout. See SCOUT.

GYPSIES. A set of vagrants, who, to the great disgrace of our police, are suffered to wander about the country. They pretend that they derive their origin from the ancient Egyptians, who were famous for their knowledge in astronomy and other sciences; and, under the pretence of fortune-telling, find means to rob or defraud the ignorant and superstitious. To colour their impostures, they artificially discolour their faces, and speak a kind of gibberish peculiar to themselves. They rove up and down the country in large companies, to the great terror of the farmers, from whose geese, turkeys, and fowls, they take very considerable contributions.

When a fresh recruit is admitted into the fraternity, he is to take the following oath, administered by the principal maunder, after going through the annexed forms: First, a new name is given him by which he is ever after to be called; then standing up in the middle of the assembly, and directing his face to the dimber damber, or principal man of the gang, he repeats the following oath, which is dictated to him by some experienced member of the fraternity:

I, Crank Cuffin, do swear to be a true brother, and that I will in all things obey the commands of the, great tawney prince, and keep his counsel and not divulge the secrets of my brethren.

I will

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