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Von Menschen sind die Wälle rings erfüllt,
Von friedlichen, die in die Lüfte grüßen, -
Hell klingt von allen Türmen das Geläut,
Des blut'gen Tages frohe Vesper schlagend.
Aus Dörfern und aus Städten wimmelnd strömt
Ein jauchzend Volk, mit liebend emfiger
Zudringlichkeit des Heeres Fortzug hindernd-
Da schüttelt, froh des noch erlebten Tags,
Dem heimgekehrten Sohn der Greis die Hände.
Ein Fremdling tritt er in sein Eigentum,
Das längst verlassne, ein; mit breiten Aesten

Deckt ihn der Baum bei seiner Wiederkehr,

Der sich zur Gerte bog, als er gegangen.—(Schiller, Wallenstein)

4 Antonio-Und sie hat wohlgethan! Er ziert ihn schön,

Als ihn der Lorbeer selbst nicht zieren würde.

Wie die Natur die innig reiche Brust

Mit einem grünen bunten Kleide deckt,
So hüllt er alles, was den Menschen nur
Ehrwürdig, liebenswürdig machen kann,
In's blühende Gewand der Fabel ein.
Zufriedenheit, Erfahrung und Verstand
Und Geisteskraft, Geschmack und reiner Sinn
Für's wahre Gute, geistig scheinen sie
In seinen Liedern und persönlich doch
Wie unter Blütenbäumen auszuruhn,

Bedeckt vom Schnee der leichtgetragnen Blüten,
Umkränzt von Rosen, wunderlich umgaukelt
Vom losen Zauberspiel der Amoretten.

Der Quell des Ueberflusses rauscht darneben

Und läßt uns bunte Wunderfische sehn.

-(Goethe, Torquato Tasso)

5 Give in 100-200 words an account of the date, composition, historical or literary sources, literary purpose and metrical form of one of the following plays: Iphigenie auf Tauris, Jungfrau von Orleans, Nathan der Weise, Wallenstein, Faust, Torquato Tasso.

6 I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. There is one very sad thing in old friendships, to every mind which is really moving onward. It is this: that one can not help using his early friends as the seaman uses the log, to mark his progress. Every now and then we throw an old schoolmate over the stern with a string of thought tied to him, and look-to see the rate at which the string reels off.-(Holmes, Autocrat . . .)

MARION D. LEARNED University of Pennsylvania


Woman's College of Baltimore


Lawrenceville School

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College entrance examination board.

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Answer a or b or c or dor e in the following nine groups.

I Geography


a Indicate on the map the states of ancient Greece with the chief city of each. (Use map 11.)

b Locate Athens, Corcyra, Corinth, Crete, Delphi, Euboea, Ithaca, Mycenae, Olympia, Sparta. (Use map 11.)

c Show the greatest extent of Greece and the Greek colonies. (Use map 16.)

d Trace the route of Alexander in his conquests, marking the sites of battles and of towns captured. (Use map 21.)



a Amphyctyony, eupatrid, patres conscripti, senatus consultum, tribunate.

b Aedile, archon, censor, ephor, praetor.

c Acropolis, ager Romanus, areopagus, forum, sacra via.

3 Comparison and biography

Compare (resemblances and differences) the public career of

a Alcibiades and Catiline.

b Julius Caesar and Alexander.
c Pericles and Augustus Caesar.

4 Outlines

Outline one of the following:

a The part played in Greece by Rome.
The part played in Italy by Greece.

The conquest of Greece and Macedonia by Rome.

d In chronological order, (by means of parallel columns), the chief events in the history of Greece and of Rome from circa 500 B. C. to circa 400 B. C.

5 Explanations

Explain the present meaning and the historical origin of the fol

lowing expressions:

a A Delphic response, Draconian legislation, a victory of Pyrrhus.

b A laconic saying, all Roads lead to Rome, carrying the war into Africa. An oracular reply, crossing the Rubicon, a philippic.

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6 Tests

a What historical facts show the influence of the Greek religion on political or military affairs?

b Why did Athens fail and Rome succeed in building up a stable empire?

c How can the political success of Julius Caesar be explained?

d How does Caesar explain the apparent necessity of the conquest of Gaul by the Romans?

7 Narration

Give in narrative form a brief account of

a The first invasion of Britain by the Romans.

b Hannibal in Italy.

c The Retreat of the Ten Thousand.

d The Sicilian Expedition.

e The Second Triumvirate.

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Give the facts that will illustrate or explain any one of the following


a "A Roman was ambitious to be a praetor in order to plunder a province for three years, the first year to amass a fortune for himself, the second to reward his friends who had helped him secure the office, and the third to bribe the judges on his return.”

b Cicero said of Pompey, "Is there any kind of war in which fortune has not given him his opportunity?"

c Cicero said soon after the death of Caesar, "The tyrant is dead, but the tyranny still lives."

d" Down to his (Scipio Aemilianus') time the censors on laying down their office had called upon the gods to grant greater power and glory to the state; the censor Scipio prayed that they might deign to preserve the state."

e "The Greeks were not patriotic in the same sense and degree as the Romans."

Vassar College


Swarthmore College

HENRY P. WARREN Albany Academy, Albany, N. Y.

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