Immagini della pagina
[blocks in formation]

nets for active circuits, 403;
some results of his experimental
researches, 404; discovery of
relations between light and
magnetism, 410; action of solid
substances on beam of polarized
light, 411; his papers on "Mag-
netization of Light and the
Illumination of Lines of Mag-
netic Force," and on "The Mag-
netic Condition of All Matter,"
411-414; the "magne-crystallic
force," 415; his labors in the
electro-chemical field, 417;
vention of first dynamo, 419;
his alternating-current trans-
former, 421; the electric motor,
426; dynamo-electric machine,
427; electric generator and
motor, 431, 432; the telephone,
433; modern power generating
and transmission plants, 436-
439; honors and death, 441,


Far East, The, xiv, 255. See I i
Hung Chang.

Farewell Address, Washington's,
xi, 166.

Farragut, D. G.-(1801-70.) U. S.
admiral, xii, 298, 306.

Farringford, Isle of Wight, Ten-
nyson's home at, xiii, 457.
"Father of his Country," Washing-
ton, xi, 243.

"Father of the Faithful," ii, 41, 49.
Fauquier, Francis. (1720-68.)

Colonial governor of Virginia, xi,

"Faust," Goethe's, xiii, 412, 423-
425, 429-435.

Feast days, Roman, i, 136.
Federal (U. S.) Government, xi,

161; Federal and State author.

ity, incipient contest between,
xi, 184.

Federal Power, Limitations of,
Haynes-Webster debate, xil, 73.
"Federal Union, it must be pre
served," Jackson's toast at Jef-
ferson's birthday banquet
(1830), xii, 73.

Federalism, Hamilton the champion
of, xi, 155.

"Federalist, The," xi, 180, 197,
198; Federalists, 248, 255;
leaders of the party, 246, 247,
249, 298, 299, 309; Federalist
party, Marshall a leader of, xii,

Federalists and Republicans.
Party lines dividing them, xi,
244; of what classes composed,
246-248, 249, 252-257, 290, 291,
298, 299.

Felix, the procurator at Cæsarea,
Paul before, ii, 443.

"Felix Holt," George Eliot's novel,
vii, 376-379
Fénelon, François. -


French prelate and author, vii,
60, 137, 141, 155, 157, 160-162,
171, 172, 303.

Fenn, Harry. His drawings for
Tennyson's "In Memorium,” xiii,
Ferdinand of Aragon.

[ocr errors]


King of
Castile, attitude toward Colum
bus, vi, 103.
Ferdinand and Isabella, promise

aid to Columbus, vi, 105; a new
Continent given to them, 108.
Ferdinand II.-(1578-1637.) Holy
Roman Emperor, extirpator of
Protestantism in Bohemia, viii,

[ocr errors]

· Roman numerals refer to Volumes. For location of Volumes in Books.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[blocks in formation]

Scottish astronomer, vii, 305.
Fertilization, Effects of Cross and

Self, Darwin's, xiv, 166; of
Orchids, 166.

"Fésole, Laws of," Ruskin's, xiv,

Fessenden, Wm. Pitt.-(1806-69.)

U. S. senator and Secretary of
the Treasury, xii, 308.
Festivals, Roman, i, 136.

Festus, Porcius, successor to Felix,
Paul defends himself before, il,
Feudal System.-(?800-1300 A.D.)

An institution of Middle Ages, v,
289; motives, dependence and
protection, 295; the medieval
peasant, 300-302; the petty
Kings of the era, 303; lordly
proprietors of great estates,
304, 305; their chief pleasures,
306; exclusiveness of the
feudal aristocrats, 306, 307;
bred a hardy agricultural class,
309; fruits of its grinding
despotism, 310; redeeming fea-
tures, 312; great patrimony of
the Knight, his horse, armor,
and his valor, 313; feudal de-
votion to women, 314-316; noble
qualities and domestic virtues
engendered, 317; courtly ele-
gance and dignity, 319;
Christianity softened and puri-
fied the feudal Knight, 321.
Feuerbach, Ludwig A.-(1804-72.)
German philosopher. His "Es-
sence of Christianity," vii, 352.
Fichte, Johann Gotlieb. (1762-
1814.) German metaphysician,
vii, 275.

Fiction. See Sir Walter Scott and
the Modern Novel.

Fielding, Henry.-(1707-54.) Eng-
lish novelist, vii, 309, 346, 366.
Fillmore, Millard. (1800-74.)
American president (1850-53),
xii, 136.

Fine Arts, The (Architecture,
Sculpture, Painting), iii, 83.
Fines as a punishment under the
Romans, iii, 70.

Fire-arms, Colonists need of, for
defence against Indians, xi, 41.
First Consul, Napoleon made, ix,
122, 124.

"First Principles," H. Spencer's,

xiv, 118, 123, 124, 126, 135.
Fiske, John.-(1842-1902.) Amer-
ican historical writer, his "Be-
ginnings of New England,” xi,
Flame-Engine, Ericsson's, xiv, 203.
Flanders, xi, 35.

Flavii, The, supplant the edifices
of Nero, iii, 106.
Flavius, Amphitheatre of, iii, 103.
Fleetwood, Charles.-(d. 1692.)

Cromwellian officer, xiii, 378.
Flemish weavers in England, vi,

[blocks in formation]

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

"Florida," The, United States war-
ship, xiv, 227, 228.
"Flying Dutchman," The (1843),
Wagner's, xiv, 29, 30, 36-41.
Foch, Ferdinand.-(1851-.) Gen-

eralissimo of Allied Armies, XV,
101; development as military
genius, 101-103; family history
of, 103-106; influence of French
history on life, 105, 106; early
education of, 106; chooses army
for profession, 107; enters
Jesuit College at Metz, 108;
part in Franco-Prussian War,
109; physical characteristics,
110; enters Ecole Polytech-
nique, 111; commissioned seo-
ond lieutenant, 111, 112;



mitted to Saumur Cavalry
School, 112; is made Captain,
112; marriage, 112; religion,
113; technical expert in artil-
lery, 114; assistant professor
at Staff College, 115; tribute by
Charles Dawbarn, 115; in com-
mand of Artillery, 116; made
and at-
tached to General Staff in Paris,
116; made Director of Staff
College, 116; writes treatises
on military arts, 117-120;
command of Twentieth Corps of
Castelnau's Second Army,
121; skill in Battle of Trouée
de Charmes, 121, 122; given
command of Ninth Army, 122,
123; position in Battle of the
Marne, 123-125; given Grand
Cross of the Legion of Honor,
125; made assistant to Com-
mander-in-Chief, 126; in com-
mand of the Northern Front,
126; popularity with British
commanders, 126; forced by ill-
ness to resign command, 127;
forms committee to draw plans


for future conduct of the war,
128, 129; successful plans for
assistance to Italy, 129; &c-
quaintance with Lloyd George,
129; Commander-in-Chief of Al-
lied Armies, 131; receives com-
mand of American forces, 131;
works to create a body of re-
serve, 132; tribute by Lloyd
George, 134; tributes by Lord
French and Lord Crewe, 135;
makes counter-attack at Chateau-
Thierry, 136, 137; decreed Mar-
shal of France, 137;
France after war,
Foch today, 138.

services to

137, 138;

[blocks in formation]

birth, 237; early interest in
mechanics, 238; marriage, 238;
dislike of "society," 239, 240;
Museum of Americanism, 240,
242; purchase of Wayside Inn,
240, 241; learns mechanic's
trade, 242; organizes Ford
Automobile Company, 242, 243;
Highland Park plant, 243, 244;
River Rouge plant, 244-247;
leader in industrial justice,
247-250; cares
money, 250; religion, 250, 251;
taste in literature, 251, 252;
love for home, 252; recreation,
252, 253; optimism, 253, 254;
politics, 254-257; buys Ford
Hospital, 257-259;
past and
future, 259, 260.


For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

"Foresters," The, Tennyson's pas-

toral play, xiii, 472.
Forgery under Roman law, iii, 69.
"Fors Clavigera," Ruskin's, xiv,

104, 105.

Fort Bowyer, Mobile Point, de-
fence of, by Major Lawrence and
General Andrew Jackson, xii, 37.
Fort Mims, Ala., Indian attack on,
xii, 33.

Foster v. Neilson, Case of, xii, 356.
Fountains Abbey, Cistercian mon-
astery of, vi, 260.
Fouquet, Nicolas.

[ocr errors]

(1 6 1 5-8 0.)
French marquis and financier,
vii, 158.

Fourth of July celebrations, xi,

Fox, Charles James.-(1749-1806.)

English statesman and orator,
xi, 95; xiii, 259.

Fox, George. (1624-91.) Founder
of the Society of Friends
(Quakers), i, 267; viii, 235;
xiii, 259.

Fox, Richard.-(d. 1528.) Bishop
of Winchester, vi, 259.

France, great loser in Seven Years'
War, viii, 389; China's war with,
xiv, 284-289.

Francis I. Emperor of Austria
(1792-1835), death of, ix, 177;
on the Holy Alliance, 278.
Francis de Sales. - (1567-1622.)
Saint, vii, 140.

Francis of Assisi St.-(1182-1226.)
Italian monk and preacher, v,

Franco-German War (1870-71), x,
299, 300; battles of Worth,
Metz, Gravelotte, and Sedan,
299, 300. See Bismarck, Prince,
XV, 109.

Frankfort, Goethe a student at,
xiii, 403.

Frankish sovereigns, V, 59.

Franklin, Benjamin. -

American philosopher and diplo-
mat, xi, 52; a founder of Amer-
ican Republic, 55; birth, par-
entage, and trade, 55; bent of
mind and early career, 56-58;
printer and editor, 59; marriage,
60; popularity, 62; his homely
philosophy and making of prov-
erbs, 62; postmaster and
prominent citizen of Phila., 65;
Poor Richard's Almanac, 62, 65;
attains independence, 66; scien-
tific investigator, 67; experi-
ments in electricity, 68, 69; in-
vents "Franklin Stove," 70; pub-
lic-spirit, 70; diplomat, 73, 74;
difficulties met with in his Eng-
lish mission, 74, 75; returns to
America, 76; member of the
Assembly, 76; again sent to
England, 80; hostility toward

him, 81; seeks to repeal Stamp
Act, 81; succeeds after exami-
nation by House of Commons,
81, 82; storm over Governor
Hutchinson's letters, 83, 84;
member of Continental Congress
and postmaster-general, 85, 86;
envoy to France, 86; important
services there, 92-95; relieved
after nine years' labors and re-
turns to America, 98, 99; mem-
ber of Continental convention,
100; death, and eulogy in Con-
gress, 101; lived to see begin-
nings of French Revolution, 100;
his theological belief, 101; Nes-
tor of Assembly, 190; John
Adams's jealousy of, 228.
Franklin Library, Philadelphia, xi,
60; stove, 70.
xiv, 105.
Frederic II, "the Great.”—(1712-
86.) King of Prussia (1740-86),
vii, 278; Carlyle's Life of, 354;

Magazine," xiii, 209;

For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

theme: "The Prussian Power,"

iii, 369; his heroism and gifts,
369; birth and unhappy child-
hood, 370; ascends throne
(œt. 28); glance at his era, 370,
371; character and disposition,
372; wrests Silesia from Aus-
tria, 373, 374; war follows and
wins it, 376; relations with Vol-
taire, 376-378; Seven Years'
War, 379; embroils Europe and
the chief Powers, 382-388; Eng-
land the principal gainer and
France the loser in long strug-
gle, 389; effect on Austria, 390;
aggrandizement of Prussia and
fame of Frederic, 390; partition
of Poland, 392; virtues and de-
fects of Frederic, 395, 396;
Prussia a great military Power,
397; the King's influence, 398,
399; military spirit demands
large standing armies, in itself
an evil, 401; Prussia a barrier
to Russia, 403; Carlyle's Life
of, xiii, 193, 236, 237;
pared with William II, xv, 209;
aid to America, 225, 226.
Frederick V of Bohemia.-(1596-
1632.) Head (in 1619) of the
German Protestant Union, viii,
147, 148.


Frederick VII. (1808-63.) King
of Denmark (1848-63), x, 282,

Frederick of Prussia, Prince (1744-
97), afterwards King (1786-97).
Seeks hand of Mme. Récamier in
marriage, vii, 239; dismissed by
her, 240.

Frederick William III, King of
Prussia. (1797-1840.) In his
era Prussia lays foundation of a
military monarchy, x, 261; death
of, 266.

Frederick William IV.-A religious
and patriotic King of Prussia

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Free-trade in England, x, 82.
Free-Will, St. Augustine on, iv,
312; Calvin on, vi, 359.
"Freischütz," der, Weber's, Wag-
ner's enjoyment of, xiv, 27.
Frémont, Capt. John C.-(1813-
90.) American explorer and gen.
eral, aids in securing cession of
California from Mexico, xii, 228;
in Missouri proclaims emancipa.
tion, 290.

French Academy, Founding of,
vii, 231.

French alliance, xi, 146.

French and Indian War, xi, 109,


French arrogance and intrigue, xi,

280; aid to America, 281; dic
tation, 289.

French Empire, The, ix, 105. See
Napoleon Bonaparte.
French-Huguenot blood, xi, 44..
French, Lord.-(1852- .) British
field-marshal, xv, 135, 305.
French Revolution, License of, il,
150; xi, 208, 240, 250; Burke's
"Reflections" on, 251; Jefferson
hails it, 280; savants of, 281;
leaders of, 293; Carlyle's His-
tory of, xiii, 192, 193, 218, 224,
237. See Revolution, French.
Friars, Dominican and Franciscan,
of the Middle Ages, ii, 144;
mendicant, v, 396.

For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

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