Immagini della pagina

ism, 342, 343; the Theodosian
code, 343; slaughters people of
Thessalonica, 345; death at
Milan, 346.

Theologians, Futile speculations
of, ii, 111; school of Augustine
and Calvin, vi, 361; modern,

Theology, Christian, iv, 283; Me-
diæval, v, 171;. Catholic, 198;
vii, 373.

Theology, Protestant, vi, 335. See
Calvin, John.

Theophilus of Alexandria, iv, 237,

"Theophrastus Such," George
Eliot's novel, vii, 384.
Theresa, Saint.—(1515-82.)


ish saint and religious enthus-
iast, holy transports of, ii, 226;
vi, 310; birth, vii, 26, 97, 117;
education, 116; enters convent,
119, 124; poor health, 125,
126; penances, 126; patience,
126; a cripple, 127; her
prayers, 128, 129; improved
health, 131; visions, 132; at
Toledo, 134; founds a convent
(Carmelite order), 213-215;
her mysticism, 138; influence,
140; writings, 140.
Thermometer, Galileo invents
(1593), vi, 436.
Thermopylæ, Greece, scene

B. C.) of a great action in the
Persian wars, vii, 57; Greek de-
feat of the Turks at (1821), ix,
293; Odysseus defends pass of,

Theseus, Temple of, iii, 96, 132,

Thessalonica, Paul and Silas at, ii,

428; Paul's Epistle to, 433;
xii, 181.
Thessalonicans, Emperor Theodo-
sius orders their slaughter, iv,
274; Saint Ambrose exacts re-

[blocks in formation]

French historian, ix, 221.
Thiers, Louis Adolphe.

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1877.) French historian and
statesman, vii, 249, 290; ix,
183, 221, 341, 343, 344, 349,
352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357; x,
30, 65, 206, 207, 211, 213, 225,
228, 231, 246; xii, 170.
Third Estate (the "bourgeois" or
middle class), in France, powers
of monarchy transferred to, ix,
36, 37, 39, 41, 50.


Thirteen Colonies, American
dependence won, xi, 51, 96.
Thirty-nine Articles of the English
Church, vi, 269, 286.

Thirty Tyrants, who ruled Athens
(404 B. C.), i, 275.

Thirty Years' War (1619-48), vi,
325; viii, 143, 144, 154, 171,
172, 174, 175, 176; X, 272.
See Gustavus Adolphus.

Thomas, Mr. Senator from Illi-
nois, xii, 107.

Thomas Aquinas. vi, 341, 407.
See Aquinas, Thomas.

Thompson, Mr. Justice.-xii, 353.
Thomson, C. E. Poulett (Lord
Sydenham).(1799-1841.) Eng-
lish free-trader, and Governor-
General of Canada, x, 79.
Thomson, Joseph. African ex-
plorer, xiv, 314, 316.

Thothmes, 18th Egyptian dynasty
of, xiv, 386.

Thou, Jacques-Auguste de.—(1553-
1617.) French historian, viii,

[blocks in formation]

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

(471-401 B. C.)
Greek historian, i, 347, 348; ▼,
380; xiii, 269.

Thuringian forest, v, 67; viii, 169.
Tiber, The, Bridges over, iii, 226.
Tiberius, Claudius Nero.


[ocr errors]

B. C.-37 A. D.) Rigorous rule
of, v, 285; vii, 161.
Tibullus, Albius. (54-18 B. C.)
Roman elegiac poet, i, 340, 341.
Ticino, river (in Switzerland and
Italy), x, 233.

Ticonderoga, N. Y., xi, 117, 135.
Tides, Galileo on the, vi, 443.
Tien Chu. Lord of Heaven,
Chinese deity, xiv, 266.
Tientsin, China, sisters of French
hospital at, slaughtered (1871),
xiv, 287; allied army at (1898),
Tierney, George. (1761-1830.)


English Whig politician, x, 67.
Tiglath-Pileser. Assyrian king
(745-727 B. C.), seizes throne of
Nineveh and destroys power of
Syria, ii, 292, 293, 296.
Tigris, Traders on, i, 44; Tigris
river, xiv, 351, 361, 373.
Tillemont, Sébastien. (1637-98.)
French historian, viii, 252.
Tilly, Count. (1559-1632.) Im-
perialist general in Thirty Years'
War, and commander of Catholic
League; sacks Magdeburg, viil,
124, 152; war turns him into a
fiend, 157; his cruelty at assault
of Magdeburg, 167; obtains su-
preme command, 167; Gustavas
II delivers Saxony from his
armies, 169.

[ocr errors]

Tilsit, Peace of (1807), between
Napoleon and Alexander I of
Russia, viii, 271, 273; ix, 126,
127, 128; x, 252, 254.

[blocks in formation]

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

Toleration, Chinese edict of, xiv,


Toleration, Religious, in Middle

Ages, V, 70.

Toltecs, The, mound-builders and
cliff-dwellers of Mexico, xiv, 389.
Tokugawa, Prince Yoshinobu,

President of Japanese House of
Peers, xv, 435; delegate to con-
ference on limitation of arma-
ments, 435.
Toombs, Robert (1810-85), of Ga.
-American politician and Con-
federate Secretary of State, xii,

Torgau, Battle of (1760), viii, 386,

Tories, English, x, 319, 353.
Tories, English, Tumults of, in
James II's time, vii, 188; hostile
to reform, x, 25, 30.

[blocks in formation]

Toul, Bishop Bruno of, and after-
wards Pope, created by Emperor
of Germany, induced by Hilde-
brand to refuse title and office
until elected by Roman clergy,
▼, 105.

Toulon, Napoleon at siege of
(1793), ix, 113.

Touraine, France, v, 254; loses
her population
(era of Louis XIV), viii, 285.
"Tournament, The Last," Tenny-
son's, xiii, 465.

Tours, France, vii, 89; viii, 285.
Tours, silk-trade ruined (era of
Louis XIV), viii, 285.

Toutée, Major, his boat journey
through rapids of the Bussa, on
Niger river, xiv, 332.
Town-Meetings in New England,
xi, 37.

Toxotius, of Julian family, husband
of Paula, vii, 177.

Trade Unions, English, x, 54.
Trading Ships, Capture of Ameri-
can, by French and English
cruisers, xi, 306.



(56-117.) Roman Em-
peror; his triumph over the
Dacians, iii, 230; arch of, at
Rome, 228, 229.

Trajan's Column, at Rome, iv, 109.
"Transfiguration, The," Raphael's,
vi, 430.

Transformer, alternating-current,
Faraday's, xiv, 421.

Transmigration of souls, Egyptian
idea of, i, 39; ignored in Old
Testament and abhorred by
Moses, 41; not in the Vedas,

Trans-Mississippi tract, lost to
Confederacy in Civil War, xii,


"Transome, Mrs."-A character of
George Eliot's, vii, 378.
Transubstantiation, Doctrine of, v,
419; vi, 341.

Transvaal, Rich mining regions of,
xiv, 345.

Treason, Roman, Public crime of,
iii, 68.

Treaties, Chinese, xiv, 279.
Treaties of 1815 (European), x,

Treaties of Peace signed between
England, France, and the U. S.
(1783), xi, 98; between Eng-
land and the U. S. (1814), xii,

Treaty of Paris (1856), x, 195.
Trebizond, seaport on the Black
Sea, x, 157.

Roman numerals refer to Volumes. For location of Volumes in Books,
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[blocks in formation]

writer, his comparison of Gen-
eral R. E. Lee with Chevalier
Bayard and others, xii, 346.
Trenton, Battle of (Dec. 26, 1776),
xi, 130.

Trevelyan, Sir George O.

(1838-.) English liberal poli-
tician, and author of "Life and
Letters of Lord Macaulay," xiii,
250, 277.

Treves, Prussia, Prefecture of, iv,
253; elector of, viii, 273.
Trial by Jury, Alfred the Great's
institute, viii, 46.

Triarii, Roman soldiers in the third
rank, iii, 257.

"Tribe, The Idols of the," Bacon's,
vi, 411.

Tribunes of the people, Roman

plebs attain right of becoming,
iii, 34, 261.

Tribute of the nations to Solomon,
ii, 206.

Trinitarian controversy, vi, 234.
Trinity, Doctrine of the, iv, 156.
Trinity College, Cambridge, Byron
at, xiii, 141, 143; Macaulay at,
250; Tennyson at, 452.
Trinity College, Dublin, ix, 69.
Triomphe, Arc de, Paris, x, 301.
Tripoli, Capt. Decatur bombards,
xi, 283.

Tripolitza, in the Morea, Greek
capture of, in war with Turks
(1821), ix, 294.

"Tristan und Isolde," Wagner's
opera of (1865), xiv, 32, 45,
46, 52, 55.

Trivium and Quadrivium, v, 225.
"Troilus and Cressida," Chaucer's

[ocr errors]

poem, vi, 64; Shakspeare's play,
xiii, 295.

Trollope, Anthony. (1815-82.)
English novelist, vii, 348, 379;
xiii, 100.

Troppau, Congress of (1820), ix,

Trotzky, Leon.- - (1877-.) Rus-
sian Bolshevist leader; family
history, xv, 173; made Presi-
dent of the Workmen's Soviet,
174; personal views, 174; exile
and escape, 174; imprisoned in
Spain, 174; goes to New York,
174; arrested by British author-
ities, 175, 176; compared with
Lenin, 175-177; Foreign Minis-
ter of new Government, 182.
"Trovatore, Il," Verdi's opera of
(1853), xiv, 67.

Troy, Siege of, x, 342; Schlie-
mann's excavations of its ruins,
xiv, 386.

Troyes, France, vii, 91; viii, 285.
Trumbull, Henry Clay.-(1830- .)

Congregational clergyman,
author of "The Blood Covenant,"
i, 81.

Trust, Roman breaches of, iii, 76.
Truth, Seeking after, i, 183; un-
popular, v, 51; its power, vi,

Tseng, Marquis.

Chinese diplomat and minister
to England, xiv, 274.

Tsin-shi ("fit for office"), Chinese
academic degree, xiv, 272.
Tsungli-Yamen, Chinese Foreign

office at Peking, xiv, 255, 288.
Tuan, Prince, of China, encourages
the Boxers in their rising
(1900), xiv, 296.
Tuberclin, xiv, 470.
Tuberculous disease,
xiv, 471.


Tuck, Friar.-The vagabond monk,
v, 157.

Roman numerals refer to Volumes. For location of Volumes in Books,
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

English clergyman and moralist,
vii, 305.

Tuckey, Captain.-Attempt (1816)
to ascend the Congo river, xiv,

Tuileries, The, Paris, vi, 202;
gardens of the, viii, 316, 319;
Bonaparte's pomp at, ix, 53, 56,
125, 152, 218, 338, 346, 368,

Tullia, Cicero's daughter, Death of,
iii, 293.

Tulliver, Maggie (in "The Mill on
the Floss"), vii, 368, 369, 380.
Tunstall, Cuthbert.- (1475-1559.)

English prelate, vi, 259.
Turanians, Cyrus's wars against
the, iv, 44.

Turenne, Vicomte de.-(1611-75.)

French marshal, vii, 157, 160,
183; viii, 128, 251, 264, 266,
268, 271, 282, 295, 346; ix,
105, 110.

Turgot, A. R. Jacques.-(1727-81.)
French statesman and financier,
xi, 87, 88.

Turin, Italy, x, 130, 135.
Turkey, intervention in Crete, xv,
243; attempts to disarm popu-
lation of Macedonia, 247; Balkan
War, 250, 251; signs Armistice
with Bulgaria, 250; treaty of
peace with Greece, 251; plans
to attack Greece, 251, 252.
Turkey and Russia. viii, 352,
392; war between (1828). Rus-
sians invade Moldavia and Wal-
lachia, ix, 320; Ibraila capitu-
lates, 321; Silistria surrenders,
322; war closes with Treaty of
Adrianople (1829), 322; x, 152.
Turkey declares war on Russia

(1853), x, 174.

[ocr errors]

Turkish bloodthirstiness in Bul-
garia, x, 371.

Turkish Empire, x, 152,

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[blocks in formation]

Roman numerals refer to Volumes. For location of Volumes in Books,
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

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