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names Majorca and Minorca. Their inhabitants, also called Baliares or Baleares, were celebrated as slingers.

Bargusii. A people in the N. E. of Spain, near Ilerda.

Beneventum. A town in Samnium, on the Appia via. Adjective, Beneventanus.

Boii. A powerful tribe in Cisalpine Gaul, between the Po and the Apennines.

Bovianum. The chief town of the Pentri in Samnium.

Brixiani. The people of Brixia, now Brescia, a town in Gallia Cisalpina, near the Alps.

Brundisium. A town in Calabria, in the S. E. of Italy, with an excellent harbor on the Adriatic. Now Brindisi.

Bruttii. The people of Bruttium, in the S.W. extremity of Italy. Caelius (mons). The south-eastern of the seven hills of Rome. Caenina. A town of the Sabines in Latium, N. E. of Rome. jectives, Caeninensis, Caeninus.


Cære. A city in Etruria, N. W. of Rome. Near it were warm baths, aquae Cærētes. Adjective, Caeres, itis and ētis.

Calatia. A town in Campania on the Appia via between Capua and Beneventum. Adjective, Calatinus.

Cǎles. A town in Campania, N. W. of Capua, famed for its excellent wine. Adjective, Calēnus.

Callicula. A mountain in Campania, stretching from Cales eastward. Callifæ. A town in Samnium, in the valley of the Vulturnus, S. E. of Allifæ. Adjective, Callifānus.

Cameria. A Sabine town in Latium, near Mons Lucretilis.

Campania. A rich and fruitful district south of Latium.

Cannæ. A village in Apulia, in an extensive plain E. of the Aufidus and N. of the small river Vergellus.

Canusium. A town in Apulia, on the Aufidus, S. W. of Cannæ. Adjective, Canusinus.

Capena. A town of Etruria, N. of Veii.

Capēna, Porta. A gate of Rome, on the south, in the wall of Servius Tullius.

Capitolinus (mons). One of the hills of Rome, near the Tiber, north of the Aventine and north-west of the Palatine.

Capua. The capital of Campania.

Carpetani. A powerful people in the centre of Hispania Tarraconensis. Cartala. Capital of the Olcades.

Carthago Nova. A town founded by the Carthaginians on the south coast of Hispania Tarraconensis, now Carthagena.

Casilinum. A town in Campania on the Vulturnus, on the site of the modern Capua. Adjective, Casilinas, ātis.

Casinum. A town in Latium near Samnium, on the river Casinus. Adjective, Casinas, atis.

Castǎlo. A town of the Oretani in Spain, on the Bætis.

Caudinae Furculae. The Caudine Forks, narrow passes in the mountains near Caudium, where the Roman army surrendered to the Samnites and was sent under the yoke, B. C. 321.

Caudium. A town in Samnium on the road from Capua to Bene


Celtiberia. A mountainous country in the central part of Spain. Inhabitants, Celtibēri.

Cenomani. A powerful tribe in Gallia Cisalpina, north of the Po, near Brescia, Verona, and Mantua.

Cercina. An island and town off the north coast of Africa, in the mouth of the Lesser Syrtis.

Circeii. A town of Latium on the promontory Circeium.

Cissis. A town in Spain near Tarraco.

Clastidium. A town in Liguria south of the Po, on the road from Dertona to Placentia.

Collatia. A Sabine town in Latium, near the right bank of the Anio.

Corcyra. An island in the Ionian sea, now Corfu.

Corniculum. A town in Latium in the mountains north of Tibur. Corsi. The people of the island of Corsica.

Cortona. A city in Etruria north-west of the Trasimene lake. Adjective, Cortonensis.

Cosanus portus. The harbor of Cosa in Etruria, called also portus Herculis.

Cremona. A city in Cisalpine Gaul on the northern bank of the Po. Cremonis jugum. The modern Little St. Bernard.

Croton or Crotona. A Greek city on the east coast of Bruttium. Adjective, Crotoniensis.

Crustumerium or Crustumeria.

A town of the Sabines in the

mountains near the sources of the Alia. Adjective, Crustuminus. Cures. A Sabine town on the Via Salaria, N.E. of Rome.

Delphi. A town in Phocis, north of the Corinthian gulf, seat of the celebrated oracle of Apollo.

Druentia. A large and rapid river of Gallia Narbonensis, which flows into the Rhone, near Avenio (Avignon). Now the Durance.

Ebusus. The largest of the Pityusae insulae, off the east coast of Spain.

Emporiæ. A town of the Indigetes in Hispania Tarraconensis near the Pyrenees.

Eněti. A people of Paphlagonia on the north side of Asia Minor. Eryx. A mountain and town on the N. W. coast of Sicily. Adjective, Erycinus, Erucinus.

Esquiliae (Exquiliae). The eastern and the largest of the seven hills of Rome. Adjective, Esquilinus, Esquiliárius.

Etruria. A country in Italy north of Latium. Adjective, Etruscus, Tuscus.

Euganei. A people said to have been driven by the Eneti or Veneti towards the Alps and the Lacus Benācus (Lago di Garda) from Venetia.

Faesulae. A city in Etruria, now Fiésole, near Florence.

Falerii. A town in Etruria on a lofty height near Mt. Soracte.

Falernus ager. A district in the north of Campania, famed for its éhoice wine.

Ferentinum. An ancient town of the Hernici in Latium. Near it was the grove and the source of the sacred brook Ferentina, at which the Latins used to hold their meetings.

Ficana. A town in Latium on the Via Ostiensis eleven miles from Rome.

Ficulěa. An ancient town of the Sabines east of Fidenae.

Fidenae. A Sabine town five miles N. E. of Rome. Adjective, Fidėnas, ātis.

Formiae. A town in Latium, on the Appia Via, in the innermost corner of the Sinus Caietanus, near Mola di Gaëta.

Frentani. A Samnite people between Apulia and Picenum, on the Adriatic.

Gabii. A town in Latium between Rome and Praeneste. Adj., Gabīnus. Gades. A town in Hispania Baetica, now Cadiz. Adj., Gaditanus. Galliae. This plural is often used, with reference to the different divisions both of Gallia Transalpina and of Gallia Cisalpina.

Genua. A town in Liguria, on the Ligurian gulf, the modern Génoa. Gereonium (Geronium). A town in the southern part of the country of the Frentani, N. W. of Apulia.

Hadrianus ager. The territory of Hadria, in the south-eastern part of Picenum.

Heraclea. A town in Lucania, on the Gulf of Tarentum, near which Pyrrhus routed the Roman army under M. Valerius Laevinus, B. C. 280.

Herculis Columnae. The Pillars of Hercules, Calpe (Gibraltar)

and Abyla, mountains opposite each other on the coasts of Spain and Africa.

Hermandica. A city of the Vaccaei in Spain.

Hernici. A brave people in the eastern part of central Latium in the Apennines.

Hibėrus (Ibērus). The Ebro, the principal river in the N. E. of Spain.

Hirpini. A Samnite people between Apulia, Lucania, and Campania.

Hispaniae. This plural is often used by Livy, in reference to Hispania citerior and Hispania ulterior.

Histri (Istri). A warlike Illyrian race, at the northern extremity of the Adriatic, who carried on several wars with the Romans, till their final subjugation, B. C. 177.

Ictumuli. A town of the Insubres.


south of the Ebro.

A people in Hispania Tarraconensis, mostly

Ilergētes. A people in Hispania Tarraconensis between the Ebro and the Pyrenees.

Iliberri or Iliberris. A town in the S. W. of Gaul, at the foot of the Pyrenees. Now Elne.

Illyrii. The people of Illyricum or Illyria, a large country east of the Adriatic.

Insubres. A Gallic people north of the Po, next to the Boii the most powerful and warlike of the Gallic tribes in Cisalpine Gaul. Their chief town was Mediolanum (Milan). Singular, Insŭber.

Isăra. The Isère, a river in Gallia Narbonensis, descending from the Graian Alps (the Little St. Bernard), flowing westward with a rapid stream, and emptying into the Rhone north of Valentia.

Janiculăm, Mons Janiculus. A high hill on the right bank of the Tiber at Rome.

Lacetania. A district in Hispania Tarraconensis at the foot of the Pyrenees. Adjective, Lacetānus.

Lanuvium. A city in Latium on a southern hill of the outer range of the Alban Mount. Adjective, Lanuvinus.

Larinum. A town of the Frentani on the river Tifernus, near the borders of Apulia. Adjective, Larinas, ātis.

Latini. The people of Latium, a district of Italy south of Etruria and north of Campania.

Laurens ager. The country around Laurentum, a town of Latium between Ostia and Lavinium, near the sea.

Lavinium. A town of Latium, S. of Rome, three miles from the


Libui Galli. A tribe in Gallia Cispadana in the neighborhood of Brescia; but afterwards, perhaps, living near Vercellae.

Liby-phoenices. The Liby-phoenicians; the smaller settlements sent forth from Carthage along the whole north and part of the north-west coast of Africa; and the old Phoenician settlements also, which were numerous along the coast of the present province of Constantine and beylik of Tunis. There was equality of law between them and the Carthaginians, but they paid tribute and furnished contingents to Carthage.

Ligures. The people of Liguria, the country around Génoa.

Lilybæum. A town at the western extremity of Sicily on a promontory of the same name.

Lipărae insulae. The Lipari isles north of Sicily; called also Eoliae and Vulcaniae or Vulcani insulae.

Liternum (Linternum). A town on the coast of Campania, S. W. of Capua.

Locri, Locrenses Epizephyrii, inhabitants of Locri, an ancient Greek city in the S. E. of Bruttium.

Longuntica. A city on the east coast of Spain.

Luca. A Ligurian city at the foot of the Apennines, now Lucca. Lucani. The people of Lucania, a country in Italy south of Samnium and Campania and north of Bruttium.

Luceria. A town in Apulia near Samnium, S. W. of Arpi.

Lusitania. A country in the western part of Hispania, corresponding nearly to the modern Portugal.

Marrucini. A people in the eastern part of central Italy, east of the Paeligni and north of the Frentani.

Marsi. A warlike people in the centre of Italy east of Rome. Massicus mons. A mountain range between Campania and Latium, celebrated for its wine.

Massilia. A city on the Mediterranean, in Gallia Narbonensis, now Marseilles. Adjective, Massiliensis.

Mauri. The people of Mauretania in Africa between Numidia and the Atlantic (in Fez and Morocco).

Medullia. A colony of Alba in the land of the Sabines, between the Tiber and the Anio.

Melita. The island of Malta.

Meninx (Menix). An island at the S. E. extremity of the Syrtis Minor, off the coast of Africa.

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