Frottole Libro ...: Strambotti, Ode, Frottole, Sonetti. Et mo do de cantar uersi latini e capituli. Libro quarto. 41505 - 110 pagine Englische Version: Ottaviano Petrucci (1466-1539) is considered the inventor of musical printing with movable metal types and the first publisher of sheet music. The most comprehensive of his multi-part musical collections were the Frottole in eleven books, published between 1504 and 1514. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) owns, some of them as unica, the books one to nine. Book ten is not preserved. Petrucci combined very different poetic genres under the title of Frottole. These are predecessors of the Madrigal, secular songs in Italian from about 1480 to about 1530. The four voices are arranged on two opposite pages in accordance with the style of the choral books. Petrucci's printed music is distinguished by their outstanding typographic quality and beauty. Staves, notes and text were printed one after the other, which required the highest precision when assembling the printing blocks and during the printing process. // Autor: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung // Datum: 2016 |
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Frottole Libro ...: Strambotti, Ode, Frottole, Sonetti. Et mo do de cantar ... Visualizzazione completa - 1505 |
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abrufcia affanni almé Altus amor crudel anchor Anci apocho apocho aquieta ardo argeto Baffus Ballus Béche bel uolto Chaltro chel chiama e crida chogni cofi cor laffo crudel crudo el dipartir Dámi difpofto Dilecto albergo dogni dolce diua dolore faffo Fámi almen fdegnato amor fempre fento fenza fera feruirte feruo fguardo fiáma fidel fincera fede focho folicito amor fon locel Forfi fpera fperanza Frigida ftato ftral ftrano fuaue fufpir fuga fuga amore Fuggi pur grå Hayme inimica e tediofa Lachrime lalma Lenor Altus Lenor AltusBallus LenorAltus lhore Linfermo alhor locho mecho mei laffi mhai mifer Moftra morfi nocte Omia Oyme paffo pecto Penfa penfier pofa larcho poffo pretiofa fe priuato quádo quáto Quefto oime ramacina refta Rinforzi ognhor ripofo Rompi amor Scoltatime Surge cor temo de brufciar Tenor AltusBaffus troua ual forza uento uita uiuo uoglia uoler Zenor