De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octoApud Gerhardum Fleischerum, 1840 |
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Pagina 86 - OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR, By THUCYDIDES. A New Recension of the Text, with a carefully amended Punctuation; and copious NOTES, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory...
Pagina 89 - A Dictionary, in Greek and English, of the Words, Phrases, and principal Idioms contained in the History of the Peloponnesian War of Thucydides.
Pagina 87 - Traduction française par Ambr. Firmin Didot. Avec des observations par M. de Brussy et Ambr. Firmin Didot.
Pagina 164 - ... me, and return to any station of privacy or humbleness, rather than wear them with such stains as you seek to throw upon me." Dean Ireland also printed, but did not publish, in 1832 and 1834, two papers, read before the College of Physicians — he was then nearly seventy- three years of age — "The Plague of Athens, compared with the Plague of the Levant and the Plague of Milan in 1630," and "The Plague of Marseilles in 1720.