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LOBKIN. A house to lie in: also a lodging.

LOBLOLLEY Boy. A nick name for the surgeon's servant

on board a man of war, sometimes for the surgeon himself: from the water gruel prescribed to the sick, which is called loblolley.

LOEONIAN SOCIETY. A society which met at Lob Hall,at the King and Queen, Norton Falgate, by order of Lob the great. LOBSCOUSE. A dish much eaten at sea, composed of salt beef, biscuit and onions, well peppered, and stewed toge

ther. LOBSTER. A nick name for a soldier, from the colour of his clothes. To boil one's lobster, for a churchman to become a soldier: lobsters, which are of a bluish black, being made red by boiling. I will not make a lobster kettle of my **** **, a reply frequently made by the nymphs of the Point at Portsmouth, when requested by a soldier to grant him a favour.

Lock. A scheme, a mode. I must fight that lock; I must try that scheme.

Lock. Character. He stood a queer lock; he bore but an indifferent character. A lock is also a buyer of stolen goods, as well as the receptacle for them.

LOCK HOSPITAL. An hospital for venereal patients. LOCK UP HOUSE. A spunging house; a public house kept by sheriff's officers, to which they convey the persons they have arrested, where they practise every species of imposition and extortion with impunity. Also houses kept by agents or crimps, who enlist, or rather trepan, men tɔ serve the East India or African company as soldiers. LOCKERAM-JAWED. Thin-faced, or lanthorn-jawed. See LANTHORN JAWED.


LOGGERHEAD. A blockhead, or stupid fellow.

We three

loggerheads be: a sentence frequently written under two heads, and the reader by repeating it makes himself the third. A loggerhead is also a double-headed, or bar shot of iron. To go to loggerheads; to fall to fighting. LOLL. Mother's loll; a favourite child, the mother's darling, LOLL TONGUE. He has been playing a game at loll tongue; he has been salivated.

LOLLIPOPS. Sweet lozenges purchased by children.
To LOLLOP. To lean with one's elbows on a table.
LOLLPOOP. A lazy, idle drone.

LOMBARD FEVER. Sick of the lombard fever; i. e. of the



A hare; a term used by poachers.


LONG. Great. A long price; a great price.

LONG GALLERY. Throwing, or rather trundling, the dice

the whole length of the board.

LONG MEG. A jeering name for a very

tall woman: from

one famous in story, called Long Meg of Westminster. LONG SHANKS. A long-legged person.

LONG STOMACH. A voracious appetite.

LONG TONGUED. Loquacious, not able to keep a secret.
He is as long-tongued as Granny Granny was an idiot
who could lick her own eye.

LONG-WINDED. A long-winded parson; one who preached long, tedious sermons. A long-winded paymaster; one who takes long credit.

Loo. For the good of the loo; for the benefit of the company or community.

LOOBY. An awkward, ignorant fellow.

simpleton, or as if one could not say boh! to a goose.
LOOKING-GLASS. A chamber pot, jordan, or member mug.
LOON, or LOUT. A country bumkin, or clown.
LOONSLATE. Thirteen pence halfpenny.

Loophole. An opening, or means of escape. To find a
loophole in an act of parliament; i. e. a method of evad-
ing it.
LOP-SIDED. Uneven, having one side larger or heavier than
the other: boys' paper kites are often said to be lop-sided.
To LOPE. To leap, to run away. He loped down the dan-
cers; he ran down stairs.

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LORD. A crooked or hump-backed man.. These unhappy people afford great scope for vulgar raillery; such as, Did you come straight from home? if so, you have got confoundedly bent by the way.' Don't abuse the gemman,' adds a by-stander, he has been grossly insulted already; 'don't you see his back's up?' Or some one asks him if the show is behind; because I see,' adds he, you have the 'drum at your back.' Another piece of vulgar wit is let loose on a deformed person: If met by a party of soldiers on their march, one of them observes that that gentleman is on his march too, for he has got his knapsack at his back. It is said in the British Apollo, that the title of lord was first given to deformed persons in the reign of Richard III. from several persons labouring under that misfortune being created peers by him; but it is more probably derived from the Greek word nodos, crooked.

LOUSE. A gentleman's companion. He will never louse a grey head of his own; he will never live to be old.



LOUNGE. A loitering place, or gossiping shop.

LOUSE BAG. A black bag worn to the hair or wig.
LOUSE HOUSE. The round house, cage, or any other place

of confinement.

LOUSE LADDER. A stitch fallen in a stocking.




A small toothed comb.

Lour. A clumsy stupid fellow.

LOWING RIG. Stealing oxen or cows.

Low PAD. A footpad.

Low TIDE, or Low WATER. When there is no money in a man's pocket.

LOWRE. Money. Cant.

LUBBER. An awkward fellow: a name given by sailors to landsmen.

LUCK, or GOOD LUCK. To tread in a surreverence, to be bewrayed: an allusion to the proverb, Sh-tt-n luck is good luck.

LUD'S BULWARK. Ludgate prison.

LUGS. Ears or wattles. See WATTLES.

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LULLIES. Wet linen.

LUMB. Too much.


Thieves who steal wet linen. Cant.

LUMBER. Live lumber; soldiers or passengers on board a ship are so called by the sailors.

LUMBER TROOP. A club or society of citizens of London. LUMBER HOUSE. A house appropriated by thieves for the reception of their stolen property.

To LUMP. To beat; also to include a number of articles under one head.


TO LUMP THE LIGHTER. To be transported.

LUMPERS. Persons who contract to unload ships; also thieves who lurk about wharfs to pilfer goods from ships, lighters, &c.

LUMPING. Great. A lumping pennyworth; a great quantity for the money, a bargain. He has got a lumping pennyworth; frequently said of a man who marries a fat woman. LUN. Harlequin.

LURCH. To be left in the lurch; to be abandoned by one's confederates or party, to be left in a scrape.

LURCHED. Those who lose a game of whist, without scoring five, are said to be lurched.

LURCHER. A lurcher of the law; a bum bailiff,or his setter. LURRIES. Money, watches, rings, or other moveables.


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LUSHEY. Drunk. The rolling kiddeys had a spree, and got bloody lushey; the dashing lads went on a party of pleasure, and got very drunk.

LYE. Chamber lye; urine.



MACCARONI. An Italian paste made of flour and eggs. Also a fop: which name arose from a club, called the Maccaroni Club, instituted by some of the most dressy travelled gentlemen about town, who led the fashions; whence a man foppishly dressed, was supposed a member of that club, and by contraction styled a Maccaroni.

MACE COVE. A swindler, a sharper, a cheat. On the mace; to live by swindling.

MACHINES. Mrs. Phillips's ware. See CUNDUM.

MACKEREL. A bawd: from the French muquerel. Mackerel-backed; long-backed.

MAD TOM, or TOM OF BEDLAM, otherwise an Abram Man. A rogue that counterfeits madness. Cant. MADAM. A kept madam; a kept mistress.

MADAM RAN. A whore.

MADE. Stolen. Cant.


MADGE. The private parts of a woman.

MADGE CULLS. Sodomites. Cant.

MAGG. A halfpenny.

MAGGOT BOILER. A tallow-chandler.

MAGGOTTY. Whimsical, capricious.

MAGNUM BONUM. A bottle containing two quarts of wine. See SCOTCH PINT.

MAHOMETAN GRUEL. Coffee: because formerly used chiefly by the Turks.

MAIDEN SESSIONS. A sessions where none of the prisoners are capitally convicted.

MAKE. A halfpenny. Cant.

MAKE WEIGHT. A small candle: a term applied to a little slender man.

MALINGEROR. A military term for one who, under pretence of sickness, evades his duty.

MALKIN, or MAULKIN. A general name for a cat; also a parcel of rags fastened to the end of a stick, to clean an oven; also a figure set up in a garden to scare the birds; likewise an awkward woman. The cove's so scaly, he'd


spice a malkin of his jazcy: the fellow is so mean, would rob a scare-crow of his old wig.

MALKINTRASH. One in a dismal garb.

that he

MALMSEY NOSE. A red pimpled snout, rich in carbuncles

and rubies.

MAN OF THE Town. A rake, a debauchee.

MAN OF THE TURF. A horse racer, or jockey.

Robbing Peter to pay
Paul, i. e. borrowing of one man to pay another.
MAN TRAP. A woman's commodity.

MAN OF THE WORLD. A knowing man.

MAN, (Cambridge.) Any undergraduate from fifteen to thirty. As a man of Emanuel---a young member of Emanuel. MANUFACTURE. Liquors prepared from materials of English growth.

MARE'S NEST. He has found a mare's nest, and is laughing at the eggs; said of one who laughs without any apparent cause.


MARINE OFFICER. An empty bottle: marine officers being
held useless by the seamen.
Sea wit.
MARPLOT. A spoil sport.

MARRIAGE MUSIC. The squalling and crying of children.
MARRIED. Persons chained or handcuffed together, in order

to be conveyed to gaol, or on board the lighters for transportation, are in the cant language said to be married together.

MARROW BONES. The knees. To bring any one down on

his marrow bones; to make him beg pardon on his knees: some derive this from Mary's bones, i. e. the bones bent in honour of the Virgin Mary; but this seems rather farfetched. Marrow bones and cleavers; principal instruments in the band of rough music: these are generally performed on by butchers, on marriages, elections, riding skimmington, and other public or joyous occasions. MARTINET. A military term for a strict disciplinarian: from the name of a French general, famous for restoring military discipline to the French army. He first disciplined the French infantry, and regulated their method of encampment: he was killed at the siege of Doesbourg in the year 1672.

MASON'S MAUND. A sham sore above the elbow, to counterfeit a broken arm by a fall from a scaffold.



MASTER OF THE WARDROBE. One who pawns his clothes to purchase liquor.

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