DICTIONARY. A-ABSUM ā, ǎb, abs, prep. with abl. A is used only before consonants; ab, before vowels and consonants; abs, only with te. I. OF SPACE: from, away from, on the side of, in the direction of, on, in; Gallia attingit ab Sequanis Rhenum, on the side of the Sequăni, i. 1; a dextro cornu, on the right wing, i. 52; a fronte, in front, ii. 23; ab millibus passuum octo, eight miles off or away, iv. 22. II. OF TIME: from, after; ab cohortatione, after exhorting, ii. 25. III. OF OTHER RELATIONS: from, by, by means of, in respect to, among, from with an accessory idea of against; ab iis defendere, to defend against (from) them, i. 11; ortus est a tribunis, arose among or had its origin from, i. 39; ab re frumentariā laborare, to suffer in respect to provisions, vii. 10. abditus, a, um, part. from abdo. ab-do, děre, dīdi, ditum, v. tr. To remove, put away; to conceal; sese in silvas, to hide away in the forests, i. 12. ab-dūco, ĕre, xi, ctum, v. tr. To lead away, take away, withdraw. ǎb-eo, ire, ivi or ii, itum, v. intr. To go away, depart. ǎbesse. See Absum. abfütūrus, a, um. Sce Absum. abies, ětis, f. The fir-trec, v. 12. ǎbisse for abiisse, from abeo. abjectus, a, um, part. from abjicio. ab-jício, ĕre, jēci, jectum, v. tr. (jacio.) To throw away, cast from, cast off, throw down; to hurl. abjunctus, a, um, part. from abjungo. ab-jungo, ĕre, xi, ctum, v. tr. To loose from the yoke; to separate, remove; abjuncto Labieno, Labienus having been detached, vii. 56. abreptus, a, um, part. from abripio. ab-rĭpio, ĕre, ripui, reptum, v. tr. (răpio). To snatch away, take away by violence, tear off or away. abs-cido, ĕre, cidi, cisum, v. tr. (caedo). To cut off or away. ab-scindo, ĕre, scădi, scissum, v. tr. To tear or break off, rend. abscisus, a, um, part. from abscido. absens, entis, part. (absum). Absent, being away; se absente, in his absence, v. 7. ab-similis, e, adj. Dissimilar, unlike; formā, of a form not unlike that of, iii. 14. ab-sisto, ĕre, stiti, v. intr. To withdraw; to keep off from, v. 17. abs-tineo, ere, ui, tentum, v. tr. (těneo). To hold from, keep from. Intr. to refrain from, abstain from; to spare, vii. 47. abstractus, a, um, part. from abstraho. abs-trăho, ĕre, xi, ctum, v. tr. To drag away, take or carry away by force. ab-sum, esse, fui, v. irr. n. To be absent or away from, to be distant from; longe iis abesse, to be far away from them, i. e., to be of no service to them, i. 36; to be exempt from, vi. 14. ǎb-undo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. intr. ǎcerbe, ăcerbius, ăcerbissime, adv. (unda, a wave). To flow over, abound | (ăcerbus). Roughly, bitterly, harshin, be well provided with. ac, conj. See Atque. accedo, ère, cessi, cessum, v. intr. (ad, cédo). To go near to, approach; to be added. Accedebat, quod, it was added, that, i. e., moreover, iii. 2. accelero, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. and intr. (ad, cèlèro, to quicken). To hasten; to make haste, vii. 87. acceptus, a, um, 1), part. from accipio; 2), adj. Pleasant, welcome, agrecable; maxime plebi acceptus, very much beloved by the people, i. 3. ly, sharply; with pain, with discontent, vii. 17. ăcerbitas, ātis, f. (ăcerbus). Harshness, sour or disagrecable taste. Fig., severity, rigor, unkindness, harshness of conduct; sorrow, trouble, calamity, hardship, bitter fate. ăcerbus, a, um, adj. (ācer). Sour or disagreeable to the taste. Fig., severe, hard, disagreeable. acerrime, adv. sup. of ācriter. ǎcervus, i, m. A heap, pile, collection. ăcies, ei, f. (gen. ăcie, ii. 23, for accido, ĕre, cidi, v. intr. (ad, cădo). To fall, fall upon; to befall, oc-ăciei, G. 120, 3). A sharp edge; cur, happen. Accidit, impers. it happens. accido, ère, cidi, cisum, v. tr., (ad, caedo). To cut off, cut down, fell. accípio, ĕre, ēpi, eptum, v. tr. (ad, căpio). To receive, take, accept; to attain, get; to learn; to approve of. acclīvis, e, adj. (ad, clīvus). Ascending, rising, sloping upwards; locus, paulatim ab imo acclivis, a place rising gradually from the plain, iii. 19. acclivitas, atis, f. (acclivis). An ascent, steepness, upward slope. Acco, onis, m. A general of the Senones, vi. 4, 44. accommodatus, a, um, 1), part. from accommodo; 2), adj. Suitable, fitted; accommodatiora, better fitted, more adapted, iii. 13. accommodo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (ad, commodum). To adjust, fit, put on, arrange. accūrāte, accūrātius, accūrātissime, adv. (ad, cura). With care, carefully, exactly, attentively. accurro, ère, curri, and cucurri, cursum, v. intr. (ad, curro). To run to, hasten to. accūso, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (ad, causa). To accuse, blame, reproach, censure, find fault with. acer, acris, ācre, adj. (ăcco, to be sour). Sharp, pungent; disagreeable, violent. sharpness of the sight, fierce expression, keen looks; a line of battle, an army in line of battle, i. 22. acquiro, ère, sīvi, situm, v. tr. (ad, quaero). To procure, get, obtain, acquire. acriter, acrius, acerrime, adv. (acer). Sharply, vigorously, eagerly, violently, courageously, zealously. actuārius, a, um, adj. (ăgo). Easily moved, swift, fleet. actus, a, um, part. from ǎgo. ăcūtus, a, um, adj. (ăcuo, to make sharp). Sharp, pointed. ad, prep. with accus. I. OF SPACE: to, towards, in the direction of, in, at, near, among. II. OF TIME: towards, to, till, at; ad multam noctem, until late into the night, i. 26. III. OF OTHER RELATIONS. 1) With numerals : towards, about. 2) Of purpose: to, for; ad largiendum, i. 18. 3) In respect to, for, in, according to, after, in conformity with; ad hunc modum, after this manner, ii. 31; ad certum pondus, according to a fixed weight, v. 12. ădactus, a, um, part. from ădigo. ăd-aequo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. To make equal; to equal, make level with; to keep up with, i. 48. ǎd-ămo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. To love greatly, covet. ǎd-augeo, ēre, auxi, auctum, v. tr. To increase, enlarge. ADCANTUANNUS-ADUATUCI A brave Adcantuannus, i. m. chief of the Sontiates, iii. 22. ad-do, děre, didi, ditum, v. tr. To add, join to, annex, mingle with. ad-dūco, ĕre, xi, ctum, v. tr. To lead or conduct to, bring, convey to, draw towards, iii. 14. Fig., to induce, lead, influence. 283 adjutor, ōris, m. (adjuvo). Helper, aid, assistant. ad-juvo, āre, jūvi, jūtum, v. tr. To help, assist, aid; to avail, be of use. Admagetobriga. See Magetobria. ad-mātūro, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. To bring to maturity, ripen; to hasten. administer, tri, m. (ad, mănus). ǎdemptus, a, um, part. from adi- A servant, assistant, attendant. mo. ǎd-eo, īre, ivi or ii, itum, v. tr. To go to, approach; to attack, en counter. ǎd-eo, adv. (is). To that point, so far, to such a degree, so much. ǎdeptus, a, um, part. from ădipis cor. ǎd-ĕquito, are, āvi, ātum, v. intr. (éques). To ride towards or up to, i. 46. ǎd-haeresco, ère, haesi, haesum, v. intr. To stick to, adhere. ǎd-hibeo, ere, ui, itum, v. tr. (habeo). To bring to, summon, invite, admit, receive, bring, call in; to usc, employ, iii. 20. ǎd-hortor, āri, ātus sum, v. dep. To encourage, incite, exhort. ǎd-huc, adv. Up to this time, hitherto, thus far, as yet, still. ǎd-igo, ère, égi, actum, v. tr. (ǎgo). To drive in, conduct; to compel, force. ăd-imo, ĕre, emi, emptum, v. tr. (ěmo = accipio). To take away, deprive of, remove. ăd-Ĭpiscor, i, eptus sum, v. dep. (apiscor, to reach after). To obtain, get, acquire, attain by effort; nanciscor, to obtain by accident. ădĭtus, us, m. (ădeo). Approach, access, admittance; permission to approach, right of access or interview. ad-jăceo, ère, cui, v. intr. To lie at or near, be contiguous, border upon. adjectus, a, um, part. from adjicio. ad-jício, ère, jēci, jectum, v. tr. (jacio). To cast or throw to, hurl, send; to add, join to. ad-ministro, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (administer). To be at hand, assist, serve; to take in hand, manage, guide, direct. ad-miror, āri, ātus sum, v. dep. To wonder at, admire. ad-mitto, ère, misi, missum, v. tr. To permit, allow; to commit; to give reins to; equo admisso, at full speed, i. 22. admodum, adv. (ad, mõdus). Very, exceedingly; with numerals: about, fully, at least. ad-mõneo, ēre, ui, itum, v. tr. To admonish, warn, advise; to remind, suggest. ǎdolescens, tis, m. and f. (ădõlesco). A youth, a young man or woman. ǎdolescentia, ae, f. (ădolescens). Youthful age, youth. ǎdolescentulus, i, m. dim. (ădolescens). A very young man, stripling. ǎd-ŏlesco, ĕre, olēvi, ultum, v. intr. To grow up, come to maturity. ǎd-ōrior, iri, ortus sum, v. dep. To attack, fall upon; to attempt, undertake. ǎdortus, a, um, part. from ădŏrior. ad-scisco, ère, scīvi, scītum, v. tr. (scio). To take, receive, admit, join to. ad-sisto, ère, stiti, v. intr. Το stand by or near, be present, appear, in publico, vi. 18. ad-sum, esse, adfui or affui, v. irr. n. To be present or at hand; to aid, assist. Aduatŭca, ae, f. A fortress in the country of the Eburones, now Tongres, ad-jūdĭco, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. To vi. 32, 35. adjudge; to award, assign. ad-jungo, ĕre, xi, ctum, v. tr. To join to, add, bind to, annex, unite. Aduătăci, ōrum, m. A people of Gallia Belgica, ii. 4, 16, 29, 31; v. 27, 38, 39, 56; vi. 2, 33. adventus, us, m. (ad, věnio). Arri- | ity; justice, equity, impartiality; with val, approach, coming. adversarius, a, um, adj. (adversus). Hostile, opposed. Subs. An opponent, adversary, enemy. animi, composure, calmness, contentment, vi. 22. aequo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (aequus). To make equal. adversus, a, um, adj. (adverto). aequus, a, um, adj. 1) Even, level; Turned to, opposite, over again.st. Of favorable, suitable. 2) Equal, like; rivers: up or against the stream, aequo Marte, in an equal contest, vii. flumine adverso, vii. 61. Of winds: 19. 3) Just, right, honorable, reasonadverse, unfavorable. Of persons: able. 4) Calm, composed; aequiore hostile, unfriendly; and in general, unfavorable, opp. to secundus; res adversae, unfavorable circumstances, calamities; adversa nox, an unfavorable, stormy night, iv. 28; in adversum os, full in the face, v. 35. animo, with greater composure, v.52. aerārius, a, um, adj. (aes). Relating to copper or brass; aerariae secturae, copper mines, iii. 21. aes, aeris, n. 1) Brass, copper. 2) Money, as the first Roman coins were adversus, prep. with acc. (adver- of copper. Aes alienum, debt; lit., to). Against, opposite to. ad-verto, ĕre, ti, sum, v. tr. To turn to or towards; with animum, to turn one's mind to, perceive, observe. Sometimes animum is understood. ad-voco, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. To call to; to summon, call. ad-volo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. intr. To fly to, hasten to or towards; to rush upon, v. 17. aedificium, ¿, n. (aedifico). Edifice, building, residence. aedifico, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. and intr. (aedes, facio). To build, construct, make; naves, iii. 9. Aeduus, a, um, adj. Aeduan. Aeduus, i, m. An Aeduan. Aedui, ōrum, pl. The Acdui, a powerful people in Gallia Celtica, between the Liger (Loire) and the Arar (Saône). Their chief town was Bibracte. the money of another, hence, the money which one owes to another. aestas, ātis, f. The summer. aestimatio, ōnis, f. (aestimo). Apprisal, valuation, esteem; worth, price, value. aestĭmo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (aes). To estimate the value of; to esteem, regard, consider; to judge, determine, estimate; litem, v. 1. aestivus, a, um, adj. (aestas). Relating to summer; tempus, summer time, vi. 4. aestuārium, i, n. (aestus). An cstuary, marsh, creck, frith, inlet. aestus, us, m. 1) Heat, burning heat. 2) The ebb and flow of the sea, the tide. aetas, atis, f. (for aevitas, aevum, age.) The period of life, age; old age. aeternus, a, um, adj. (for aeviter aevum, age). Everlasting, eternal, perpetual. aeger, gra, grum, adj. Sick, indis-nus, posed; feeble, suffering, faint. aegre, aegrius, aegerrime, adv. (aeger). With difficulty, hardly, scarcely, ill. affĕro, ferre, attŭli, allātum, v. tr. irr. (ad, fero). To bring to, impart, offer, present; to contribute, afford; to Aemilius, i, m. Lucius, a decuri- occasion, cause, effect, produce. on of Gallic cavalry, i. 23. afficio, ère, feci, fectum, v. tr. (ad, aequaliter, adv. (aequus). Equal- făcio). To affect, influence, treat; ly, uniformly. aequinoctium, i, n. (aequus, nox). The equinox; the time when the days 2nd nights are of equal length. beneficio, to influence by kindness, vii. 37; poenā, supplicio, to punish. affigo, ère, xi, xum, v. tr. (ad, figo, to fix). To fix, fasten upon, attach aequitas, ātis, f. (aequus). Equal-to; longuriis, iii. 14. affingo, ĕre, inxi, ictum, v. tr. (ad, | iii. 21. 5) To drive in, iv. 17. II. To fingo). To assert falsely, add falsely. pursue a course of action. 1) To ex. affinitas, ātis, f. (affinis, near to). press, state; gratias, to give thanks, Connection, nearness; 41; cum Caesăre, to treat with, i. 13; (by marriage), i. 18. to negotiate, v. 37. 2) To perform, relationship affirmātio, ōnis, f. (ad, firmo). Af-manage, pursue, transact, do, i. 20; firmation, assurance; assertion, declaration, vii. 30. affixus, a, um, part. from affigo. conventus, to hold the assizes, i. 54. 3) To pass, spend. Intr., to act, vii. 17. agricultūra, ae, f. (ager, colo). Ag afflicto, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. freq.riculture, cultivation of the soil, tillage. (affligo). To agitate, toss, trouble, vex, afflict, injure, damage. Of ships: in vadis, to strand, iii. 12. ălăcer, cris, cre, adj. Lively, animated, brisk, quick; cheerful, elated; eager, active, fierce. ǎlacritas, ātis, f. (ălăcer.) Live afflictus, a, um, part. from affligo. affligo, ère, xi, ctum, v. tr. (ad, fli-liness, ardor, zeal, eagerness, promptgo, to strike.) To strike or dash ness; gladness. against; to cast down, prostrate. Of ships to shatter, injure, collide, v. 10. affore,―affutūrum esse (ad, fore). See Adsum. G. 204, 2. ālārius, a, um, adj. (āla, wing). Stationed on the wings. Subs. pl. The auxiliaries, as they occupied the wings of the army. albus, a, um, adj. White; plum alces, is, f. The elk, vi. 27. africus, i, m. The south-west wind. Agendĭcum, i, n. A town in Gal-bum, tin, v. 12. lia Celtica, the capital of the Senones, now Sens, vi. 44; vii. 10, 57, 59, 62. ǎger, agri, m. Land, territory, field, country, district. agger, ĕris, m. (ad, gěro). A mound, rampart; the materials for a mound. aggredior, ědi, essus sum, v. dep. (ad, gràdior, to go). To go to or against, attack; to attempt, undertake. aggrego, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (ad, grěgo, to collect in a flock.) To collect, assemble; to join, unite, attach. ăgito, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (ago). To put in motion, drive; to revolve in mind, talk about, discuss, deliberate upon. agmen, inis, n. (for ǎgimen, ågo). An army on the march, the line of march; a march; a troop, band; primum agmen, the van; novissimum, the rear. ǎgo, ère, ēgi, actum, v. tr. I. To put in motion, drive. 1) To drive away, carry off, convey away; praedam, vi. 43. 2) To drive before one's self, pursue, iv. 12. 3) Of war machines: to push forward, move nearer; vineas, ii. 12. 4) Of mines: to extend, conduct, Alésia, ae, f. A fortified town of the Mandubii, in Gallia Celtica, modern Alise, vii. 68, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 84. ǎlias, adv. (ălius). At another time, otherwise; alias... alias, at one time ... at another time; sometimes... sometimes. ǎliēno, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (ăliēnus). To change; to estrange, alienate; to take away. ǎliēnus, a, um, adj. (ălius). Belonging to another, foreign to; estranged, hostile; unfavorable, unfriendly; foreign to the subject, vi. 11. ǎlio, adv. In another place, elsewhere. ǎliquamdiu, adv. For some time. ǎliquando, adv. (ăliquis). Sometimes; at length. ăliquanto, adv. (ăliquantus). A little, somewhat. ăliquantus, a, um, adj. (ălius, quantus). A little, some, somewhat. ăliquis, or ăliqui, qua, quod or quid, pron. indef. (ălius, quis). Some one, any one, some, any, anything. ăliquot, indef. num. indecl. (ălius, quot). Some, several, a few. |