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Pretexts, founding his Hopes and Wishes, for the Death of his Father and Lord, upon the Declaration of the common People in his Favour, which he flattered himself with.

All this has fince been discovered by criminal Informations, after he had refufed to declare it of himself, as has appeared above.

Thus it is evident, by all these Proceedings of the Czarewitz, and the Declarations he has made by Word and Writing, and lastly by that of the twenty-second of June, of the present Year, that he was not pleased the Succeffion of the Crown fhould devolve to him by his Father's Death, in fuch a Manner as his Father would have left it him, according to the Order of Equity, and the Ways and Means which God has prefcribed; but that he defired it, and had a Design to obtain it, even during the Life-time of his Lord and Father, contrary to the Will of his Czarian Majefty, and in direct Oppofition to his Inclination; and not only by Infurrection and Rebellion, which he expected, but alfo by the Affiftance of the Emperor, with a foreign Force, which he had flatter'd himself to have at his own Disposal, even at the certain Hazard of the Kingdom's Ruin, and the Alienation of every Thing from the State, that would have been demanded of him for that Affiftance.

From hence therefore it appears, that the Czarewitz, by concealing all his pernicious Designs, and abundance of Perfons, who held Intelligence with him, (as he has done till his laft Examination, and he was fully convicted of his ill Practices) had determined to reserve to himself an Opportunity hereafter, when a favourable Occafion fhould prefent itself, of re

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1718. fuming his Defigns, and putting in Execution his horrible Enterprize, against his Father and Lord, and the whole Empire.

He has hereby rendered himself unworthy of the Clemency and Pardon, which were promifed him by his Lord and Father; as he has also owned himself, as well before his Czarian Majefty, as in Prefence of all the States, Ecclefiaftical and Civil, and publickly before the whole Affembly; and he has alfo declared, both by Word and Writing, before the Judges appointed by his Czarian Majefty, whofe Names are under-written, that all that has been faid above was true, and manifest by the Effects of it which have appeared.

Since therefore the aforefaid Laws, Divine and Ecclefiaftical, Civil and Military, and particularly the two laft, condemn to Death, without Mercy, not only thofe whose Attempts against their Lord and Father have been declared by Evidence, or proved by Writing, but even those who have confpired only in Thought to rebel, or have had a bare Intention against the Life of the Sovereign, to ufurp his Empire: What may we think of a Defign of Rebellion, which has hardly had a Parallel in the World, and is joined to an horrid double Parricide against his Sovereign, firft, as the Father of his Country, and next as his own Father by Nature? A Father in himself most merciful, who has brought up the Czarewitz from his Cradle with a more than paternal Care, with a Tenderness and an Affection which have fhewn themfelves upon all Occafions; who has endeavoured to form him for the Government, and instruct him in the Mi

litary Art with incredible Pains, and indefatigable Application, that he might render him. capable and worthy of the Succeffion to fo great an Empire. By how much stronger Reafon does fuch a Defign deferve the being put to Death?

It is with an Heart full of Affliction, and Eyes ftreaming down with Tears, that we, as Subjects and Servants, pronounce this Sentence; confidering that it does not belong to us, as fuch, to enter into a Judgment of fo great an Importance, and particularly to pronounce a Sentence against the Son of the moft mighty and merciful Czar, our Lord. However, it being his Will that we fhould enter into Judgment, we declare by thefe Prefents our real Opinion, and pronounce this Condemnation, with a Confcience as pure and chriftian, as we think we can answer it at the terrible, juft, and impartial Judgment of the Great God.

To conclude, We fubmit this Sentence we now give, and the Condemnation we at prefent make, to the Sovereign Power, and Will, and merciful Review of his Czarian Majefty, our moft merciful Monarch.

Underneath was figned with their own Hands.


Count Apraxin, General, Admiral;

Count Gabriel Gollowin, Chancellor ;
Prince James Dolgoruki, Privy-Counsellor ;
Count John Mouffin Pufchkin, Privy-Counsel-


Tichon Streschneff, Privy-Counsellor ;

Count Peter Apraxin, Senator;

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Baron Peter Schafiroff, Vice-Chancellor and Privy-Counsellor ;

Peter Tolitoi, Privy-Counsellor and Captain of the Guards;

Prince Dimitri Galizin, Senator;

Adam Weide, General;

John Buturlin, Lieutenant-General;

Count Andrew Matweof, Privy Counsellor 3

Prince Peter Galizin, Senator;

Michael Samarin, Senator;

Gregory Czernifchoff, Major-General;

Prince Peter Galizin, Major-General;

John Golowin, Major-General;

Prince John Romadonofski, Chamberlain;

Alexis Soltikoff, Boiare;

Prince Matthew Gagarin, Governor of Siberia;
Peter Buturlin, Boiare;

Cyril Naraskin, Governor of Moscow;

Michael Wolkoff, Brigadier, and Major of the

The Major of the Guards of the Regiment of Preo-

Prince Gregory Yufupoff, Major;

Paul Jaguzinski, Major-General, and Captain
of the Guards;

Simon Soltikoff, Major of the Guards;
Dimitroff Mamonoff, Major of the Guards;
Bazile Karzmin, Major of the Guards of Preo-

Bazile Zatoff, Brigadier and Inspector-General ;
Gavafin Kafcheleff, Colonel;

Theodore Buturlin, Gentleman of the Chamber;
Gabriel Noreff, Colonel;

Prince Gurgen Schzerbain Okolnitzey ;

Stephen Klobozoff, Vice-Governor of Peters



Ufchakoff, Major of the Life-Guards;
Skornyakoff Pifareff, Captain-Lieutenant of the

Prince Boris Czircoff, Captain of the Life-

Peter Lodichenski, Vice-Governor of Archangel;
John Strekaloff, Colonel;

Stephen Kolitchoff, Vice-Governor of Afoph;
Peter Solowowa, Captain of the Guards;
Alexander Rumyanzoff, Captain of the Guards;
Simeon Theodoroff, Captain of the Guards;
Anthony Dewyer, Master-General of the Po-
lice, and Adjutant-General of his Czarian

Leon Ifmailoff, Captain of the Guards;
Prince John Chachoffsky, Captain of the Guards;
Welliaminoff Zernoff, Captain of the Guards;
Peter Sawfeloff, Colonel;

John Lighareff, Captain of the Guards;
Alexis Baskakoff, Captain of the Guards;
Dimitri Bestucheff Riumin;

Prince Bazile Wiazemky, Colonel;

John Scheremetoff, Lieutenant of the Fleet;
Prince Serge Borifoff Golizin;

Prince Simeon Sonzoff Zafckin;

Prince Gregory Uruffoff, Captain of the Guards;
Prince Czirkaski;

Matthew Golowin;

Dolgorouki, Colonel;

Leon Michailoff Gleboff;

Prince John Borjatinski, Colonel;

Boris Neronoff;

Stephen Neledenski Melezkoi;

Bafile Scheremetoff, Lieutenant of the Fleet;

Bafile Rzeffsky



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