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Address of John J. Hyde, Attorney at Law, as chairman in opening the mass meeting held in Kansas City, Mo., Sunday night, December 12, 1915, to celebrate the Third Anniversary of the "Truth About the Bible," by Sidney C. Tapp, Ph.B., and the rsolutions adopted at said meeting, on Mr. Tapp's idea and sex interpretation of the Bible, as a means of peace, and a prevention of crime, insanity and disease.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We have met here tonight to celebrate the birth of an Idea. There is nothing greater in the world than an Idea. Ideas have controlled the actions of the human race in all ages. It is meet and proper that we do honor to the Idea that we have met to celebrate the anniversary of this night, for in ages to come, it will control and influence the civilization of man, more than any idea ever given to the race, in the history of the world.

The inventor of gunpowder and the inventor of the printing press gave to the world ideas that have influenced the history of man. The inventor of steam, and the inventor of electricity, likewise have given to the world ideas that have moulded the thoughts and civilization of the human race; but the Idea that we have met to celebrate the anniversary of tonight, will do more to shape the thoughts and civilization of man than any idea of the ages.

Three years ago, on the 9th day of December, came from a small printing press in Kansas City, Mo., a book called "The Truth About the Bible," written by a lawyer whose name is Sidney C. Tapp. No one paid any attention to this privately printed book at first. It, as all ideas that have shaped and controlled the mind of man, had a humble beginning. Today it has crossed the waters and gone to the isles of the sea, and is arresting the attention and consideration of thinkers throughout the world. In this work, the author gave the world an Idea, when he said, "The Bible is a book of sex and non-sex; and that sex is the dividing line between the material and spiritual worlds; and that there is no sex within the consciousness of the divine Mind of the Godhead and in soul life; and that everything in the material and mortal universe is sex and controlled by sex," that will reconstruct science, philosophy, theology and the thought and mind of man. It is an idea that will never die. Having enunciated this fundamental truth as the key to the Bible, it follows as the logical conclusion, which he demonstrates psychologically, that all evil, disease and war and death are within the sex; and that sex controls the mind and actions of man in this fallen and mortal state. The Idea, enunciated to

the world, came, as it were, with a prophetic vision. The author, having enunciated this truth, declared peace and war within men and nations, to be a matter of metaphysics and of mind; and that it is the sex instincts within man that makes him fight and kill, and causes nations to go to war; and that Christ lived above the sex, hence was the "Prince of Peace."

Within less than two years after this Idea was enunciated, practically all of the civilized world was involved in war. If the truth of the sex of the Bible were understood, and the sex Idea enunciated by Mr. Tapp, comprehended by the human race, wars would be impossible and the "Lion and the Lamb would lie down together," and the nations of the earth would be at peace. The sex Idea enunciated by this man, as the key to the Bible, will do more to bring peace to the nations of the earth and good will to the human family in ages to come, than all the standing armies and navies and men of war that plough the bosom of the mighty deep. When his Idea and sex interpretation of the Bible is understood and comprehended, it will be impossible for the nations to go to war, and peace will prevail.

Messrs. Ford, Wanamaker, Rockefeller and others cannot purchase peace for the nations with their money, for, as Mr. Tapp demonstrates, the same thing that makes men avaricious and to want money, makes them fight. The sex instinct produces greed and war-they go hand in hand. If one hundredth part of the money that is spent for preparedness and war were spent in giving this man's idea to the world, and in educating the people to know the source of war within man, war would be impossible, and peace would be universal. Not only this, but Mr. Tapp's Idea, once given to the people, will empty the prison cells, insane institutions and hospitals of the world; for, as he demonstrates, all crime, insanity and disease are within the sex; and that Jesus lived above the sex, and hence healed the sick as he preached.

We have met here tonight to celebrate the third anniversary of this man's Idea; and to memorialize Congress on his Idea as a preparedness of war for this nation; and to take such steps as may be necessary to present the Idea to Congress, that it may consider his Idea in the war preparedness now pending before that body; and for the further purpose of sending this Idea as a messenger of peace, through the good offices of the President of the United States to the powers that are now at war; and to take such other steps as may be necessary to arrest the attention of the public and nations to this Idea as a means of peace; and to call the attention of the scientific world to Mr. Tapp's Idea as a means of emptying the prison cells, insane institutions and hospitals of the world. The man of Nazareth healed the sick and restored the insane to their right minds as he preached, but the world for nineteen hundred years has never known why. With Mr. Tapp's sex interpretation of the Bible comprehended, it is all clear-all disease and insanity are within the sex-the man of Nazareth lived above the sex in thought and consciousness, and, therefore, was the master of insanity, disease and death itself, and the "Prince of Peace."

The author's sex interpretation of the Bible harmonizes the Bible with science and philosophy. In fact, with his sex interpretation of the Bible comprehended, the Bible becomes the final authority of all science and philosophy. Ladies and gentlemen, we celebrate this night, for the 9th of December, 1912, the day of the birth of the greatest Idea in the history of the ages. I now declare this meeting open for the purpose for which we have assembled.

JOHN J. HYDE, Att'y at Law, Pres.
THEO. F. CLARK, M. D., 1st Vice-Pres.
E. L. MILLER, LLB., 2nd Vice-Pres.

Judge E. M. BARTLETT, 4th Vice-Pres.
G. E. CLARK, D. C., M. C., Sec'y.
L. A. KNOX, A. B., LL. M., Ass't. Sec'y.

GEO. T. WASSON, A. B., 3rd Vice-Pres. E. C. LOWNEY, Treasurer


Object:- The Preservation of Peace and the Prevention of Crime, Disease, and Insanity by Dissemination of Mr. Tapp's Writings on the Sex Interpretation

of the Bible.

P. O. Box 710

Offices 1033-34-35 Scarritt Building


To His Excellency Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, and to the Senate and the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.

Sirs-On Sunday night, December 12, 1915, at a mass meeting of citizens held in Kansas City, Mo., at which time and place The Sidney C. Tapp International Peace League was organized for the purpose of disseminating the Writings and sex interpretation of the Bible by Sidney C. Tapp, as a means of preservation of peace and prevention of war, crime, disease and insanity, the undersigned, and Sidney C. Tapp, as Author of said Books, were appointed a committee, and authorized and instructed to visit Washington, D. C., and present to Your Excellency, and to the Senate and the House of Representatives, Mr. Tapp's sex interpretation of the Bible, as a means of pre

vention of war and preservation of peace; and as a means of prevention of crime, disease and insanity. Instead of visiting Washington in person and presenting this Idea for the purposes named, to you in person, and to the committees of the House and Senate having under consideration the bill for "Preparedness," we beg to submit this argument as covering the Idea and principles involved for your consideration.

May we say to you that war and peace are questions of metaphysics—a state of mind—and that the sex controls the mind of mortal man? We beg to submit that this world war now raging in Europe is a sex question, and that all wars are sex questions. Not only this, but that all economic, social, industrial and political questions are sex questions; and that all greed, avarice, ambition, malice, hatred, murder and death have their origin in the sex, and are controlled by sex; and that the mortal and carnal mind of man is sex; and that in soul life there are no sex, war, strife and death. If the world is to have peace it must come to realize this truth and solve every problem from this viewpoint.

Standing armies, men of war ploughing the bosom of the mighty deep, arsenals and forts cannot produce peace. They are the results of thought, and the thought that produces them leads individuals and nations to war, strife, murder and death; that peace, industrially, politically and otherwise, is a process of education, and that this education consists in leading men out of their animal and sex instincts into soul and spiritual thoughts, which will enable them to overcome the animal within them and thus live in peace with mankind. Armies will never cease fighting, and wars will continue, until man becomes conscious of that within human nature which produces war, namely, the sex, and masters the sex and the animal instincts within human nature. All nature is founded on sex, and all nature is at war; and, if the voice of peace is to be heard, man must be taught the source of strife within human nature, and how to overcome it. The Man of Galilee, at thirty years

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