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Scene I.

The moated grange at St Luke's.
Enter Mariana and a Boy.

Boy sings.

Take, O, take those lips away,

That so sweetly were forsworn;
And those eyes, the break of day,

Lights that do mislead the morn : But my kisses bring again, bring again; Seals of love, but seal'd in vain, seal'd in vain. Mari. Break off thy song, and haste thee quick away : Here comes a man of comfort, whose advice Hath often still'd my brawling discontent. [Exit Boy.

Enter Duke disguised as before.

I cry you mercy, sir; and well could wish
You had not found me here so musical :
Let me excuse me, and believe me so,

My mirth it much displeased, but pleased my woe.

Duke. 'Tis good; though music hath oft such a charm
To make bad good, and good provoke to harm.
I pray you, tell me, hath anybody inquired for
me here to-day? much upon this time have I
promised here to meet.

Mari. You have not been inquired after: I have sat
here all day.

Enter Isabella.

Duke. I do constantly believe you. The time is

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come even now. I shall crave your forbearance
a little: may be I will call upon you anon, for
some advantage to yourself.
Mari. I am always bound to you.
Duke. Very well met, and well come.

What is the news from this good Deputy?
Isab. He hath a garden circummured with brick,
Whose western side is with a vineyard back'd;
And to that vineyard is a planched gate,
That makes his opening with this bigger key:
This other doth command a little door

Which from the vineyard to the garden leads;
There have I made my promise
Upon the heavy middle of the night
To call upon him.


Duke. But shall you on your knowledge find this way?

Isab. I have ta'en a due and wary note upon't:


With whispering and most guilty diligence,
In action all of precept, he did show me
The way twice o'er.

Are there no other tokens

Between you 'greed concerning her observance ?

Isab. No, none, but only a repair i' the dark;


And that I have possess'd him my most stay
Can be but brief; for I have made him know
I have a servant comes with me along,
That stays upon me, whose persuasion is
I come about my brother.

'Tis well borne up.

I have not yet made known to Mariana
A word of this. What, ho! within! come forth !


40 Re-enter Mariana.

I pray you, be acquainted with this maid;
She comes to do you good.

I do desire the like.
Duke. Do you persuade yourself that I respect you?
Mari. Good friar, I know you do, and have found it.
Duke. Take, then, this your companion by the hand,
Who hath a story ready for your ear.
I shall attend your leisure: but make haste;

The vaporous night approaches.

Mari. Will't please you walk aside ?

Duke. O place and greatness, millions of false eyes


[Exeunt Mariana and Isabella.


Are stuck upon thee! volumes of report

Run with these false and most contrarious quests
Upon thy doings! thousand escapes of wit

Make thee the father of their idle dreams,

And rack thee in their fancies!

Re-enter Mariana and Isabella.

Welcome, how agreed?

Isab. She'll take the enterprise upon her, father,

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When you depart from him, but, soft and low,
'Remember now my brother.'


Fear me not.

Duke. Nor, gentle daughter, fear you not at all.
He is your husband on a pre-contract:


To bring you thus together, 'tis no sin,

Sith that the justice of your title to him
Doth flourish the deceit. Come, let us go:
Our corn's to reap, for yet our tilth's to sow.

Scene II.

A room in the prison.

Enter Provost and Pompey.


Prov. Come hither, sirrah. Can you cut off a man's head?

Pom. If the man be a bachelor, sir, I can; but if he be a married man, he's his wife's head, and I can never cut off a woman's head.

Prov. Come, sir, leave me your snatches, and yield me a direct answer. To-morrow morning are to die Claudio and Barnardine. Here is in our prison a common executioner, who in his office lacks a helper: if you will take it on you to assist him, it shall redeem you from your gyves; if not, you shall have your full time of imprisonment, and your deliverance with an unpitied whipping, for you have been a notorious bawd.

Pom. Sir, I have been an unlawful bawd time out of mind; but yet I will be content to be a lawful hangman. I would be glad to receive some instruction from my fellow partner.

Prov. What, ho! Abhorson! Where's Abhorson, there?

Enter Abhorson.

Abhor. Do you call, sir?

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Prov. Sirrah, here's a fellow will help you to-morrow in your execution. If you think it meet, compound with him by the year, and let him abide here with you; if not, use him for the present, and dismiss him. He cannot plead his estimation with you; he hath been a bawd.

Abhor. A bawd, sir? fie upon him! he will discredit

our mystery.

Prov. Go to, sir; you weigh equally; a feather will 30 turn the scale. [Exit.

Pom. Pray, sir, by your good favour, -for surely, sir, a good favour you have, but that you have a hanging look,-do you call, sir, your occupation a mystery?

Abhor. Ay, sir; a mystery.

Pom. Painting, sir, I have heard say, is a mystery; and your whores, sir, being members of my occupation, using painting, do prove my occupation a mystery: but what mystery there should 40 be in hanging, if I should be hanged, I cannot imagine.

Abbor. Sir, it is a mystery.
Pom. Proof?

Abhor. Every true man's apparel fits your thief: if it be too little for your thief, your true man thinks it big enough; if it be too big for your thief, your thief thinks it little enough: so every true man's apparel fits your thief.

Re-enter Provost.

Prov. Are you agreed?

Pom. Sir, I will serve him; for I do find your hang


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