Hudibras: Poëme, Volume 1

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1757 - 365 pagine

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Pagina 20 - For he was of that stubborn crew Of errant saints, whom all men grant To be the true church militant ; Such as do build their faith upon The holy text of pike and gun ; Decide all controversies by Infallible artillery ; And prove their doctrine orthodox By apostolic blows and knocks...
Pagina 47 - Still they are sure to be i' th' right. 'Tis a dark-lanthorn of the spirit, Which none see by but those that bear it ; A light that falls down from on high, For spiritual trades to cozen by ; An ignis fatuus that bewitches And leads men into pools and ditches, To make them dip themselves, and sound For Christendom in dirty pond ; To dive, like wild-fowl, for salvation, And fish to catch regeneration.
Pagina 42 - We shall not need to say what lack Of leather was upon his back ; For that was hidden under pad, And breech of Knight, gall'd full as bad: His strutting...
Pagina 38 - With so much vigour, strength, and heat, That he had almost tumbled over With his own weight, but did recover, By laying hold on tail and mane, Which oft he us'd instead of H in.
Pagina 22 - Freewill they one way disavow, Another, nothing else allow ; All piety consists therein In them, in other men all sin ; Rather than fail, they will defy That which they love most tenderly : Quarrel with minced pies, and disparage Their best and dearest friend, plum-porridge ; Fat pig and goose itself oppose, And blaspheme custard through the nose. Th' apostles of this fierce religion, Like Mahomet's, were ass and widgeon.
Pagina 280 - Honour's a lease for lives to come, And cannot be extended from The legal tenant : 'tis a chattel Not to be forfeited in battle. If he that in the field is slain Be in the bed of honour lain, He that is beaten may be said To lie in honour's truckle-bed. For as we see th...
Pagina 8 - He'd undertake to prove by force Of argument, a man's no horse; He'd prove a buzzard is no fowl, And that a lord may be an owl; A calf an alderman, a goose a justice, And rooks committee-men and trustees.
Pagina 72 - From whence, no doubt, th' invention came Of this lewd antichristian game.' To this, quoth Ralpho, ' Verily The point seems very plain to me ; It is an antichristian game, Unlawful both in thing and name. First, for the name ; the word Bear-baiting Is carnal, and of man's creating; For certainly there's no such word In all the Scripture on record ; Therefore unlawful, and a sin ; And so is (secondly) The thing : A vile assembly 'tis, that can No more be prov'el by Scripture, than Provincial, Classic,...
Pagina 60 - To those that dwell therein well known, Therefore there needs no more be said here, We unto them refer our reader ; For brevity is very good, When w
Pagina 36 - This sword a dagger had, his page, That was but little for his age...

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