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Thursday, September 20

9 a.m.-12 m.

Answer ten questions as indicated below. No extra credit will be given for more than ten questions.

Indicate clearly your reasoning in each problem and state the units in which each answer is expressed.

Number and letter each answer to correspond with the questions selected.


(Answer all questions in this part.)

1. a) Define the terms force, power, energy, work.

b) How could the potential energy of an elevated body be calculated?

c) How could the kinetic energy of a falling body be calculated?

2. a) A gas cylinder 5 feet long and 1 square foot in cross-section contains gas at a pressure of 240 pounds per square inch. How many cubic feet would this gas occupy at normal atmospheric pressure?

b) State in words the law employed in solving this problem.

3. A stone has a weight of 500 grams and a volume of 90 cubic centimeters. What is its apparent weight when submerged in kerosene having a specific gravity of 0.89?

4. a) Describe some appliance which utilizes the unequal expansion of two metals when heated.

b) The normal temperature of the human body is 98.6° F. What is this temperature on the Centigrade scale?

5. a) Name three different effects by which an electric current may manifest its presence.

b) By which of these three could the direction of the current be determined? c) By which could the magnitude of the current be determined?

d) How much energy is required to operate for one hour an incandescent lamp having a resistance of 440 ohms when connected to a 110-volt circuit ?

6. a) State the formula which shows the relation between wave-length, velocity, and frequency of vibration of sound.

b) Give a reason for believing that all sounds, whether of long or short wavelength, travel at the same velocity.

c) The sound produced by a tuning fork making 512 vibrations per second is reinforced by a tube 62 centimeters long, closed at one end, when filled with hydrogen gas. Compute the velocity of sound in hydrogen gas. 7. a) Explain the cause of the apparent red color of a coal fire; red glass; a red flower.

b) Using a diagram describe an experiment to show dispersion of light.


(Answer three questions from this part.)

8. Explain, with the aid of a diagram, why it is possible for a boat to sail to the northeast when the wind is blowing from the north.

9. A wheel and axle was used to hoist 200 pounds from a well 50 feet deep. The hands of the workman at the wheel made 100 complete revolutions of 8 feet circumference each with an average force of 15 pounds. Find

a) the efficiency of the machine;

b) the number of foot-pounds of energy not utilized.

10. a) Calculate the number of calories of heat required to change a 40-gram piece of ice at -10° C. into steam at 100° C., if the specific heat of ice is 0.5.

b) Show by a carefully drawn curve the changes in volume which take place in the entire process indicated in part (a).

11. a) Draw a diagram of a circuit containing a dynamo used to supply current to five resistance coils arranged in parallel. Indicate on the diagram an ammeter properly located to measure the total current passing through the coils and a voltmeter to indicate the drop in voltage through the group of coils. Details of the dynamo need not be drawn.

b) If this dynamo has an electromotive force of 250 volts and a resistance of 0.4 ohm find the current which it supplies to each of the coils, the resistance of each coil being 123 ohms.

12. a) If 85 per cent of the energy received by an electric lamp is converted into heat, how many calories are developed in one hour by an incandescent lamp which uses 0.4 ampere from a 110-volt circuit.

b) At 8 cents per kilowatt-hour what is the cost of operating 12 such lamps for one hour?

13. a) If two musical sounds having the same pitch and loudness differ markedly in quality of tone to what is the difference due?

b) How far is a person from the wall of a building if, upon making a sound, he hears the echo in 4 seconds, the temperature being 10°C?

14. a) Describe a method by which the velocity of light has been determined. b) Light travels in a certain liquid with a velocity half that in air. Show, by a carefully drawn diagram, the path in the liquid of a ray of light which strikes the surface at an angle of 45°.

15. It is desired to enlarge a 2.5 by 4.5 inch photograph to 10 by 18 inches. If the distance between the original photograph and the enlarged image is 40 inches, what must be the focal length of the lens used?



(All examinations in Spanish are printed on this paper.)

2-5 p.m.

Friday, June 22

Read carefully the following directions before answering any of the questions. NOTICE IN REGARD TO TWO-YEAR SPANISH AND SPANISH A:

Candidates offering Two-Year Spanish (Spanish Cp.2) or Elementary Spanish (Spanish A) will take Parts I, II, and III.


Candidates offering Three-Year Spanish (Spanish Cp.3) will take Parts III, IV, V,

and VI.

Candidates who have already obtained credit for Elementary Spanish (Spanish A) and wish now to obtain credit for Intermediate Spanish (Spanish B) will take Parts IV, V, and VI.


Candidates offering Four-Year Spanish (Spanish Cp.4) will take Parts VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Candidates who have already obtained credit for Elementary Spanish (Spanish A) and wish now to obtain credit for Intermediate and Advanced Spanish (Spanish BC) will take Parts VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Take care to number and letter your answers exactly in accordance with this question paper.

Translate into English:


Ventura había nacido para violinista. Fué ésta una convicción común a todos los de su casa desde que tuvo ocho años el futuro maestro. Nadie recordaba quién había puesto en poder del predestinado el primer violín, pero sí era memorable el día solemne en que cierta celebridad de la música, colocando una mano sobre la cabeza de Ventura, dijo con voz profética: "Será un Paganini este muchacho." A los doce años Ventura hacía hablar al violín y llorar a los amigos de la casa, complacientes y sensibles. La palabra genio, que por entonces empezaba a ser vulgar en España, zumbaba algunas veces en los oídos del niño precoz. Un charlatán, que examinaba cráneos y levantaba horóscopos a la moderna, estudió la cabeza del músico y escribió esto en un papel que cobró muy caro:

-Será un portento o será un imbécil; o asombrará al mundo por su habilidad artística, o llegará a ser un gran criminal embrutecido.

La madre de Ventura comenzó a inquietarse. El pavoroso dilema la obligaba a desear, más que nunca, la gloria del artista para su hijo.

-¡Cualquiera cosa, decía, antes que malvado!

Ventura estaba seguro de no ir a presidio, a lo menos por culpa suya.

Su inteligencia era precoz como su habilidad de artista, y a los quince años ya tenía bastante juicio para comprender que, ante todo, era hombre y que aquellas teorías que le predicaban parientes y amigos respecto a la misión excepcional del artista, a la moral especial del genio, eran inmorales y muy peligrosas.

-CLARÍN, Las dos cajas.


Translate into Spanish:

1. Why didn't you come when I called you? 2. These pictures are the worst that I have ever seen. 3. Can you take dinner with me tomorrow evening at seven o'clock? 4. No one has told me what I have to do. 5. Those oranges are not good. Do not eat them. 6. I want you to give me more money. I have spent all that I had. 7. The teacher that I just saw gave me all the information I desired. 8. That man never works and is always hungry. 9. I don't think that you are as old as I am. 10. After you study your lesson you may recite it to me.


1. Write (a) the preterit indicative third person singular of seguir, hacer, dar; (b) the future indicative first person plural of salir, querer, decir; (c) the present indicative first person singular of pedir, ir, sentarse; (d) the present participle (gerund) of caer, sentir, morir.

2. Write with the plural of the definite article the nouns, limón, árbol, joven, acción, nuez, calle, ley, inglés, república.

3. Write the proper possessive pronoun form in place of the following; (a) Nuestro padre, (b) Sus sillas (de Vds.), (c) Su amiga (de ellas), (d) Mis plumas, (e) Sus lápices (de él).

4. Give the different translations of le in the sentence Le dimos el dinero. How may the sentence be written in order to make the different meanings clear? 5. Write sentences in Spanish illustrating the use of: (a) mayor, (b) más de, (c) deber de, (d) con tal que, (e) haber de. Translate each sentence into English.

6. Give the Spanish equivalents for: (a) five times a day, (b) three million dollars, (c) he is a doctor, (d) at my uncle's, (e) not yet.

7. Write sentences in Spanish illustrating the use of: (a) a with the infinitive, (b) de with the infinitive, (c) the infinitive not preceded by a preposition. Translate each sentence into English.

Translate into English:


El famoso Aviraneta, el célebre Aviraneta, así le llaman los papeles de su tiempo, era un infame, un bandido, un miserable. ¿Por qué? Aviraneta era uno de esos hombres íntegros personalmente, que buscan los resultados sin preocuparse de los medios; Aviraneta era un político que creía que cada cosa tiene su nombre, y que no hay que ocultar la verdad, ni siquiera aderezarla.

En las sociedades anémicas, débiles, no se vive con la realidad; se puede poner la mano en todo, menos en los símbolos y en las formas. Así, los reyes y los conquistadores se han llegado a reír de lo humano y de lo divino; pero han tenido que respetar las ceremonias y los ritos. El cinismo contra el ceremonial es el que menos se perdona.

Aviraneta quiso ser un político realista en un país donde no se aceptaba más que al retórico y al orador. Quiso construir con hechos donde no se construía más que con tropos. Y fracasó.

Entre tanto charlatán hueco y sonoro como ha sido exaltado en la España del siglo XIX, a Eugenio de Aviraneta, hombre valiente, patriota atrevido, liberal entusiasta, le tocó en suerte en su tiempo el desprecio, y después de su muerte, el olvido.

Si hoy pudiera enterarse de ello, probablemente no le preocuparía gran cosa. El vivió su época, con sus odios y sus cariños, con sus grandezas y sus ñoñerías, y vivió con intensidad. No debió dar gran importancia al mundo del pasado ni al mundo del porvenir. . . .

Después de leer los cuadernos de Leguía y de orientarme un poco en la historia contemporánea española, ya algo encariñado con el tipo de Aviraneta, no sé si por razón de parentesco familiar y espiritual, o por verlo tan maltratado en algunos libros viejos, me determiné a publicar estas Memorias.

PIO BAROJA, Aprendiz de conspirador.


Translate (a) or write in Spanish a letter according to indications under (b). a) DEAR BROTHER:

Yesterday father told me that he would have to make a business trip to Spain this summer and that I might go with him. As neither one of us speaks Spanish you are to serve as guide and interpreter. Father says that in this way he will find out whether you have really done any work during the past year at the University of Madrid.

We shall sail the first of July from New York for Barcelona. Please plan to be there when we arrive so as to help father with his business. He expects to be able to finish it in about two weeks. Then he wants to travel in Spain for a few weeks and sail from Gibraltar about August 15. He just now handed me the enclosed draft (giro) telling me to send it at once so that you would be sure to have money enough to get to Barcelona.

If I had known six months ago that I should have a chance to go to Spain, I should have been studying Spanish at school instead of French. But I am taking private lessons now and am making good progress.

(Include in the above letter the address, date, and signature.)

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