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Introductory Grammatical Remarks on the Perfian Language; with a Vocabulary, English, and Perfian: the Spelling regulated by the Perfian Character, By George Hadley, Efq. formerly Captain on the Bengal Establishment, and Author of the Hindoftan Grammar and Vocabulary. 4to 7s. 6d. Cadell.

An useful practical work, that may greatly affift the learner of the Perfian language; in the place of whofe peculiar character the Roman is fubftituted: the plan of it is much the fame as that of the author's Hindoftan Grammar,

A Treatise on the forcing of early Fruits, and the Management of bot Walls. By Mr. Wilfon. 12mo. 28. Robinson.

A moft ingenious practical treatife, by a mafter in his profeffion.

Letters occafioned by Three Dialogues concerning Liberty, &c. By Jofeph Wimpey. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Johnson.

Dr. Price hath fet himself up fo high a mark, and laid himfelf fo very open, that it is no wonder if every petty markfman is fond of trying his fkill against fuch a target. Not but that Mr. Wimpey hath lodged a fhot or two in the doctor's laft performance, that disfigures the face of his argument, respecting a state of nature; of which neither Mr. Wimpey, nor the doctor, however, feem to have any precife wellfounded ideas,


Letters to the high and mighty united States of America. 8vo. Is. d. Law.

Irony and farcafin, not deftitute of foundation in argument.


The Nautical Almanack and Aftronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1779. Publifhed by Order of the Commiffioners of Longitude: 8vo. 3s. 6d. Nourfe

The nature of this work is too well known, by thofe for whofe ufe it is published, to require particular remark. It may not be improper, however, to obferve, that the prefent Ephemeris contains new tables of the motions of Jupiter's fecond fatellite; with obfervations on the fame fubject by different aftronomers, for feveral years paft.

A Treatise on the Nature and Quality of the Difeafes of the Liver and Biliary Dutts, &c. By R. Bath, Surgeon. 8vo. 2s. Newberry.

An empirical puff for a noftrum.

modern Syftem of Natural Hiftory. Containing accurate Defcriptions, and faithful Hiftories of Animals Vegetables and Minerals. Illuftrated with Copper-Plates accurately drawn from Nature. By the Rev. Samuel IVard. 12 vol. fmall 12mo. il. 45. Newberry, the corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard.

The first four volumes of this work contain a defcriptive account of quadrupedes. The next four contain an histerical defcription of birds; the three next, the account of fishes; and the laft, an account of the nature and properties of foffils, vegetables, &c. The plates are well engraved, and the verbal defcriptions executed in a concile and feientific manner.

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Supplement to the Life of David Hume, Efq. Small 8vo. is.


Containing a copy of Mr. Hume's will, with a few anecdotes of no material confequence.


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An Inquiry into Facts, and Obfervations thereon. Humbly fubmitted to the candid Examiner into the Principles of a Bill intended to be offered to Parliament for the Prefervation of the great Level of the Fens, and the Navigation through the fame, by a Tax on the Lands, and a Toll on the Navigation. 8vo. 1s. Owen.

A local enquiry; the propriety of whose result is best known by perfons refiding on the fpot.

A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Rt. Hon. and Rev.
Richard Trevor, Lord Bishop of Durham. With a particular
Account of bis laft Illness. 4to. 25. Nicoll.

A panegyrical Effay (embellished with a portrait of his lordship) on the character of the late bishop of Durham; extracted partly from a fermon preached at Newcastle upon

Tyne, by the Rev. Mr. Rotherham, rector of Houghton le Spring, foon after his lordfhip's deceafe in the year 1771. This pamphlet is embellished with a print of that reverend prelate, of the Treyor coat of arms, and of Glynd place in Suffex.

A Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the Cottonian Library. To which are added many Emendations and Additions. With an Appendix, &c. 8vo. 4s. fewed. Hooper.


The utility of this publication is too obvious to need remark.

Anecdotes of the Emperor Jofeph II. during his Refidence in France, on a Vifit to his Sifter, the prefent Queen of France. Tranflates from the French of the Chevalier Coudray. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Murray.

Bombaftical panegyric on the Emperor of Germany, occafioned by his late vifit to France, the land of fulsome Battery.


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A Supplement to his Addrefs to the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Anne, Westminster, by the Rev. Thomas Martyn. Is. Corral.

A letter from Dr. Hind, fome months ago in the daily papers, in answer to Mr. Martyn's addrefs; with Mr. Martyn's reply to that letter, with fome farther animadverfions on the circumftances of the extraordinary difpute between them gentlemen; compofe the prefent fupplement.


A Key to the Lottery, 1777; containing a fet of Tables whereby any Perfon may fee by Inspection the Price of fair Infurance for every Day's Drawing, having the Price of Tickets given. Very ufeful to every Office-Keeper that infures; and to every Adventurer that defires to be infured. by a Calculator. 8vo. 1s. Millan, &c.

A fet of tables, fhewing what premium ought to be paid on the infurance of tickets, in proportion to the price of fuch tickets at the time of infuring, from thirteen to two and twenty pounds inclufive.

Difcours fur Shakespeare et fur Monfieur de Voltaire, par Jofeph Baretti, Secretaire pour la Correfpondence étrangère, de l'Academie Royale Brittanique. 8vo. 4s. fewed. Nourfe.-A Difcourfe on Shakespeare and on Mr. de Voltaire; by Mr. Jofeph Baretti, Secretary for foreign Correspondence to the Royal British Academy.

Impertinent effufions of the vanity of a felf-conceited foreigner; who would be thought to know every thing, and hardly knows any thing!We know of no Royal British Academy in England, unless the Royal Academy for painting may be fo called; and what ufe they have for a fecretary of foreign correfpondence we know not. Not but that Mr. Baretti is otherwife well known-too much fo, indeed, to be fafely trufted!

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A Bill on the Principles of Lieutenant Tomiinfon's Plan for the more eafy and effeaual manning of the Royal Navy, & Moved for in the House of Commons, March 11, 1777. By the Hon. Temple Luttrel, &c. 8vo. 15. Matthews.

This bill, not having met with the fuffrage of adminiftration, was thrown out of the Houfe of Commons, though powerfully fupported by many able fpeakers of the minority; whofe orations in its favour are here printed. From the fol lowing nota-bene prefixed, it feems as if it were intended to be again brought into the houfe.

"The provifions herein contained are calculated for the general be nefit of the state, the fpecial and immediate redrefs of feamen and their families, as well as many thoufands of other perfons unconflitutionally and dreadfully aggrieved by the prefent practice of impreffing into the naval fervice. They are therefore printed, and fubmitted to the public at large, in hopes of meeting that zealous encouragement which it is humbly prefumed the nature of the object will be found to deferve.

If the fenfe of the nation fhould clearly and implicitly prove favourable to the bill, it will again be moved in the Houfe of Com mons, when there can be but little doubt of its fuccefs under the national auspices, notwithstanding it unluckily tends to diminish the perquifites exacted by a very powerful minifterial board."

It is a great pity that public and private intereft cannot in this inftance be brought to coincide, that fo great an evil as preffing is to individuals might be laid afide.


ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΝΟΜΩΝ, κ. τ. λ. A Treatile of Laws, from the :: Greck of Sylburgius's Edition of Theodoret Bishop of Cyrus his Therapeutica, &c. done at the Prefs of Commeline, in the Year 1592; now published by Thomas Comber, LL. D. 8vo. 25.


This treatise contains a concife hiftory of the ancient pagan legiflators; whofe laws are reprefented as being greatly inferior to thofe of the Chriftian fyftem. The Greek text is printed together with the tranflation; to the latter of which are added explanatory and fentimental notes.


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