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Plūrumum facere, minumum ipse de se loqui.

He did the most, but talked about himself the least. - JUGURTHA, 6.

Prius quam incipias consultō et ubi consulueris mātūrē

facto opus est.

Think before you begin; but after you have thought, act in the nick of time. - CATILINE, 1.

Prō āris atque focis.

For our altars and our hearths. — CATILINE, 59.

Pulchrum est bene facere rei publicae; etiam bene dicere haud absurdum est.

'Tis most honorable to serve the state well; 'tis by no means discreditable to speak well in its behalf. - CATILINe, 3.

Pūnică fidē.

With Punic faith. — JUGURTHa, 108.

Quanta cuiusque animō audacia nātūrā aut mōribus inest, tanta in bello patere solet. Quem neque gloria neque pericula excitant, nequiquam hortere; timor animī auribus officit.

A man displays no more daring in war than he possesses through his disposition or character. Vain is any appeal to one who is not roused by glory or by a sense of danger; fear stops his ears. - CATILINE, 58.

Qui magnō imperio praeditī in excelsō aetatem agunt, eōrum facta cuncti mortālēs nōvēre.

The doings of those who are invested with great power and live in exalted station are known to the whole world.

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Quippe res humānae ita sēsē habent; in victoria vel īgnāvīs

glōriārī licet, advorsae rēs etiam bonōs dētrectant.

Thus it is in the affairs of men; in victory even cowards may boast, while defeat casts discredit even upon the brave. -JUGURTHA, 53.

Quocumque ire placet, ferro iter aperiundum est.

Wherever we decide to go, the way must be opened with the

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Quo minus petebat glōriam eō magis illum sequēbātur.
The less he sought fame, the more it pursued him.


Regibus boni quam mali suspectiōrēs sunt, semperque iis

aliēna virtus formīdulōsa est.

Kings are prone to suspect the good rather than the bad, and they always view another's virtues with alarm.

- CATILINE, 7. Semper in proeliō iīs māxumum est periculum, quî māxumē timent; audacia prō mūrō habētur.

In battle it is always the greatest coward that runs the greatest risk; courage is as good as a wall around one.

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Ubi intenderis ingenium, valet; si lubīdō possidet, ea dominätur, animus nihil valet.

Exert the mind and it is strong; but if passion gets hold, it masters one, and the reason is powerless. — CATILINE, 51.

Vigilandō, agundō, bene consulundō prospera omnia cedunt. Vigilance, action, wise counsels, these insure success.

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[blocks in formation]

inter., interrogative. locat., locative.



n., neuter.

nom., nominative.

num., numeral.

obs., obsolete.

orig., originally.

part., participle.

pass., passive.

perf., perfect.

pers., personal. pl., plural.

poss., possessive.

prep., preposition.

pres., present.

pron., pronoun, pronominal.

ques., question.

reflex., reflexive.

rel., relative.

sc. (= scilicet), supply.

semi-dep., semi-deponent.

sing., singular.

subj., subjunctive.

sup. or superl., superlative.

Roots are printed in small capitals, as AC, Cad.



A., abbreviation for Aulus, a | absolūtiō, -ōnis, [absolvō], f.,

Roman forename.

ā, ab, [cf. ảπó, Eng. off, of], prep. with abl., from, away from; of separation, direction, from; of asking, from, of; of freedom, protection, from, against; of place, on the side of, in the direction of, on, at; of time, from, since; of agency, by.

ab- in composition, away, off, apart; not, un-. ab-dicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [dicō, announce], resign; in Cic. with reflex., sẽ praetūrā abdicāre, resign the praetorship.

abditus, -a, -um, [part. of abdō,

hide], adj., remote, secluded. ab-dūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus,

lead away, withdraw. ab-eō, -īre, -īvī or -iī, -itūrus, go away; praeceps abire, rush headlong to one's ruin. abiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus, [ab +iació, throw], throw away, cast aside.

ab-iūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, deny

on oath, forswear. Ab-orīginēs, -um, [orīgō, ori

gin], m. pl., the Aborigines, the first ancestors of the Romans.


ab-solvō, -ere, -solvī, -solūtus, complete, sum up, set forth, relate.

abstinentia, -ae, [abstineō, hold of], f., self-restraint, disinterestedness.

ab-sum, -esse, āfuī, āfutūrus,

with ab, be away from, be distant, hold aloof from, be wanting, fail.

ab-surdus, -a, -um, [surdus,

deaf], adj., without merit, worthless, contemptible. abundē, [abundus, copious], adv., in profusion, abundantly. ab-ūtor, -ūtī, -ūsus sum, abuse, misuse. ac, see atque.

accēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessūrus, [ad + cēdō], with ad, approach, advance on; with huc, be added. accelerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [ad +celerō, from celer, swift], make haste.

accendo, -ere, -cendi, -cēnsus, [ad unused cando, glow], kindle, rouse; pass., burn within one, be on fire. accidō, -ere, -cidī, [ad + cado], with dat., befall, hap

pen, occur.

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