family; M. Porcius Laeca, a latrocinium, senator, was an active follower of Catiline. laetitia, -ae, [laetus], f., joy, rejoicing, gladness, gayety. laetor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [laetus], rejoice, be glad. laetus, -a, -um, adj., joyful, glad, joyous. laeva, -ae, [laevus, left], (sc. manus), f., left hand, left. lancea, -ae, f., a Spanish lance hung with a leather thong, lance, spear. -1, [latrocinor, plunder], n., highway-robbery, brigandage. latus, -eris, [PLAT, flat], n., side, flank. lātus, -a, -um, [STLA, spread], lātus, see ferō. praise, commend, applaud. laus, laudis, [CLV, hear], f., praise, commendation, glory. lectulus, -i, [dim. of lectus, bed], m., couch, bed. langueō, -ēre, -, -, [LAG, lectus, -a, -um, [part. of legō], lēgātus, -1, [part. of lēgō, comlapideus, -a, -um, [lapis, stone], mission], m., ambassador, adj., of stone, stone. laqueus, -1, [LAC, entangle], m., noose, halter; laqueō gulam frangere, strangle. lār, laris, m., household god, guardian of the house; by metonymy, lar familiaris, hearth, home. large, [largus, plentiful], adv., bountifully, liberally, lavishly. largior, -īrī, -ītus sum, [largus, plentiful], lavish, be lavish with; givé largesses, offer bribes, bribe. largītiō, -ōnis, [largior], f., largess, bounty; bribery, corruption. lascivia, -ae, [lascīvus, wanton], f., frivolity, dissipation, wan tonness. lassitūdō, -inis, [lassus, faint], Latīnus, -a, -um, [Latium], adj., latrō, -ōnis, m., robber, highway- envoy, deputy; lieutenant, lieutenant-general. legiō, -ōnis, [LEG, gather], f., legion, a Roman regiment varying from 3000 to 6000 men; army, host. lēgitumus, -a, -um, [lēx], lim- legō, ere, lēgī, lectus, [LEG, Lentulus, -1, [lentus], m., name (1) P. Cornēlius Lentulus Spinther, aedile in в.с. 63, was a firm friend of Cicero. (2) P. Cornēlius Lentulus Sūra, praetor in в.с. 63, the most active among the leaders of the conspiracy, was arrested and executed by order of the senate. lentus, -a, -um, adj., (pliant), slow, dilatory. Lepidus, -i, [lepidus, pleasant], m., name of a Roman family in the Aemilian gens; M. Aemilius Lepidus was consul in в.с. 66. lepōs, -ōris, [LAP, shine], m., agreeableness, charm, grace. levis, -e, [LEG, run], adj., light, mild. levitās, -ātis, [levis], f., lightness, fickleness, want of principle. levō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, [levis], lighten, lessen, mitigate. lēx, lēgis, [LEG, be fixed], f., law, statute. liber, -era, -erum, [LIB, desire], adj., free, independent, unbiassed; safe from harm; libera cūstōdia, see cūstōdia; as noun, liber, -erī, m., free man; see also liberi, below. liber, librī, m., book. līberālis, -e, [līber], adj., liberal, generous. liberālitās, -ātis, [liberalis], f., liberality, generosity. liberaliter, [liberalis], adv., lib erally, generously. liberi, -ōrum, [liber], m. pl., children. liberō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, [liber], with abl., free, liberate, release, deliver. lībertās, -ātis, [līber], f., freedom, liberty; political independence. libertinus, -a, -um, [lībertus], adj., of a freedman; lībertīnus homō, freedman. lībertus, -i, [līber], m., freedman. libīdō, see lubidō. licentia, -ae, [licēns, free], f., freedom of action, freedom from restraint, too little restraint, license, freedom, leave, power. licet, -ēre, licuit and licitum est, [LIC, let], impers., it is lawful, it is allowed, it is permitted, one may. Licinius, -i, m., name of a plebeian gens; M. Līcinius Crassus, see Crassus. lingua, -ae, f., tongue; language. littera, -ae, [LI, pour], f., letter of the alphabet; pl., letter (epistle); literature. loco, -are, -āvi, -ātus, [locus], place, post, station. locuplēs, -ētis, [locus + PLE, fill], adj., rich, wealthy, oриlent. locus, -1, [STLA, spread], m., (pl., locī, single places, loca, connected places, region), place, spot, locality, location, region, district, country; quarters; station, rank, family; position, condition, state; room, opportunity; ad id loci, to this very place. longe, [longus], adv., at a distance, far off, far; very; for a long time, long. Longinus, -ī, m., name of a Roman family; L. Cassius Longinus, a senator, was one of Catiline's chief conspirators. longus, -a, -um, adj., long. loquor, -i, locutus sum, speak, say, utter. lõrīca, -ae, [lorum, thong], f., cuirass, coat of mail (orig. of leather thongs). lubet, -ēre, lubuit and lubitum est, impers., it pleases, one pleases, one desires. lubīdinōsē, [lubīdinōsus, arbitrary], adv., at one's pleasure, according to one's whim or caprice. lubīdō, -inis, [LvB, desire], f., pleasure, desire, passion, caprice, whim; wantonness, lust, dissipation. Lūcius, -i, m., Lūcius, a Roman forename. lūctuōsus, -a, -um, [lūctus], adj., sorrowful, mournful. lūctus, -ūs, [LvG, distress], m., grief, mourning, sorrow. vise, scheme, plot; machinatum, in a passive sense, 38, 28. maeror, -ōris, [MIs, wretched], m., sadness, sorrow, mourning. magis, [MAG, big], comp. adv., more, rather; superl., māxumē, especially, particularly ; exceedingly, very, most, best; quam maxumē, as ... as possible. magistrātus, -ūs, [magister, master], m., magistracy; magistrate, officer. māgnificē, [māgnificus], adv., lūculentus, -a, -um, [lux], adj., magnificently, sumptuously, in bright, brilliant. lūdibrium, -1, [unused lūdiber from lūdus, play], n., mockery, derision, butt, sport. lūx, lūcis, [LVC, shine], f., light, daylight, daybreak. lūxuria, -ae, [lūxus], f., extravagance, luxury, luxuriousness, wantonness, riotous living. lūxuriōsē, [lūxuriōsus, luxurious], adv., luxuriously, wantonly. lūxus, -ūs, m., excess, indulgence, luxury, debauchery. Μ. M., abbreviation for Marcus, a Roman forename. M'., abbreviation for Manius, a Roman forename. Macedonicus, -a, -um, [Μακεδονικός], adj., Macedonian. māchinātor, -ōris, [māchinor], m., contriver, deviser. māchinor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [māchina, machine], contrive, de grandeur; grandiloquently, in lofty style. māgnificus, -a, -um, [māgnus + FAC, make], adj., splendid, rich, magnificent; glorious, grand. māgnitūdō, -inis, [māgnus], f., greatness, magnitude, vastness, extent; enormity; importance; aggrandizement. māgnō opere, adv., greatly, heartily. māgnus, -a, -um, [MAG, big], adj., great, large, important; abundant; māgnīs itineribus, by forced marches; comp., maior, greater, stronger; pl., as noun, māiōrēs, -um, m., fathers, ancestors; superl., maxumus (maximus), greatest, largest, very large, vast, enormous; very loud; magnificent; most remarkable; highest, best, utmost, supreme, most pressing, most urgent. maior, see magnus. male, [malus], adv., badly, ill, mis-, unsuccessfully, unfortu- (1) A. Manlius Torquatus, nately. male dictum, -ī, n., foul charge, slander, invective, abuse. male factum, -ī, n., misdeed. maleficium, -1, [maleficus, evildoing], n., evil deed, crime. malivolentia, -ae, [male + volēns], f., ill will, malice, таlevolence. mālō, malle, malui, -, [magis + volō], choose rather, prefer. malum, -1, [malus], n., evil, misfortune, calamity, ill, woe, trouble, disorder, danger. malus, -a, -um, comp. pēior, superl. pessumus, adj., bad, evil, wicked, criminal, depraved, dissolute; pernicious, dangerous, destructive, deadly, disaffected, disloyal. mandātum, -ī, [part. of mandō], n., commission, message, instructions, directions. mandō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [manus + DA, put], intrust, direct, instruct; confer. māne, [māne, morning], adv., in the morning, early in the morning. maneō, -ēre, mānsī, mānsus, [MAN, stay], remain. manicātus, -a, -um, [manicae, tunic sleeve, from manus], adj., long-sleeved. manifestō, [manifestus, clear], adv., clearly, openly, obviously; in the act. Mānius, -1, [māne], m., Mānius, a Roman forename. Mānliānus, -a, -um, [Manlius], adj., of Manlius, Mānlian. Manlius, -a, name of a patrician gens: dictator and consul, was famous for causing his son to be executed for disobeying orders in the Latin war, в.с. 340. (2) L. Manlius Torquatus was consul в.с. 65. (3) C. Manlius, Catiline's trusted lieutenant, was killed in the battle of Pistoria. mānsuētūdō, -inis, [mānsuētus, mild], f., gentleness, mildness, clemency. manufēstus, -a, -um, [manus + FEND, strike], adj., caught in the act, convicted; clear, manifest, exposed. manus, -ūs, f., hand; in manu, at his command; promptus manū, prompt in action; aequā manū discēdere, come off with a drawn battle, result indecisively; band, force. Mārcius, -a, name of a Roman gens; Q. Mārcius Rex, being refused a triumph after his proconsulship in Cilicia in в.с. 67, remained outside of Rome till the conspiracy broke out in B.c. 63, when he was sent to the neighborhood of Faesulae to watch the movements of Catiline's army. Marcus, -ī, m., Mārcus, a Roman forename. mare, -is, n., sea. maritumus, -a, -um, [mare], adj., maritime, naval. Marius, -a, name of a plebeian gens: C. Marius, born в.с. 157, conquered Jugurtha in 106, saved Rome from an invasion of the Cimbri and Teutones by utterly defeating them in 102 and 101, engaged in a frightful civil war with Sulla, and died in his seventh consulship, в.с. 86. Massilia, -ae, f., Massilia, now Marseilles. māter, -tris, [mā, produce], f., mother, matron; see familia. māteriēs, -ēī, [māter], f., mate rial, substance, source. mātūrē, [mātūrus, ripe], adv., seasonably, opportunely, at the proper time. mātūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [māturus, ripe], make haste, hasten, hurry forward; mātūrāre signum dare, give the signal prematurely. Maurētānia, -ae, f., Mauretania, the westernmost country of northern Africa, now Mo rocco. maxumē or maximē, see magis. maxumus or maximus, see mag nus. medius, -a, -um, [MED, middle], adj., middle of, midst of, centre of; in medio relinquere, leave undecided. mehercule, [mē Hercules (iuvet)], So help me Hercules ! By Hercules! Upon my word! Assuredly! melior, see bonus. memini, -isse, -, [MEN, mind], def., with acc. and inf. pres., remember, recollect, bear in mind. memor, -oris, [MAR, think], adj., with gen., mindful of, remembering, recollecting, recalling. memorabilis, -e, [memorō], adj., memorable, noteworthy. memoria, -ae, [memor], f., memory, recollection, remembrance; record. memorō, -are, -āvi, -ātus, [memor], mention, make mention of, recount, relate, say, tell, call to mind, remind. mēns, mentis, [MEN, mind], f., mind, feeling, sentiment; change of mind. mentior, -īrī, -ītus sum, [MEN, mind], lie; fabricate. merces, -ēdis, f., wages, reward, remuneration, prize. mercor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [merx, merchandise], deal in, buy. meritō, [abl. of meritum, service], adv., deservedly, justly. -met, enclitic suffix with intensive force added to pro nouns. Metellus, -i, m., name of a plebeian family in the Caecilian gens: (1) Q. Caecilius Metellus, surnamed Crēticus for conquering Crete in B.c. 67, being refused a triumph, remained outside of Rome until the Catilinarian conspiracybroke out in в.с. 63, when he was sent to Apulia by order of the Senate. (2) Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer, praetor in B.c. 63, was sent into Picenum, where he raised three legions, and successfully blocked Catiline's attempt to march into Gaul. mētior, -īrī, mensus sum, [MA, measure], measure, estimate. metuō, -ere, -ui, [metus], 一, fear, dread, apprehend. metus, -ūs, m., fear, dread, ap |