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Statilius, -i, m., name of a Roman gens; L. Statilius, of the equestrian order, was one of the most active of Catiline's followers; being arrested and tried, he was executed by order of the senate.

titution; stuprī cōnsuētūdō, illicit intimacy.

sub, prep. with acc. and abl.: (1) With acc., under, close to, toward.

(2) With abl., under, below, at the foot of, at.

statim, [STA, stand], adv., at sub- in composition, (often as

once, immediately.

Stator, -ōris, [STA, stand], m., Stator, the Stayer, epithet of Jupiter, who stayed the flight of the Romans in their battle with the Sabines. statuō, -ere, -ui, -ūtus, [status], set, fix, place, put; establish; resolve, determine, decide; decree, pass sentence, determine punishment.

status, -ūs, [STA, stand], m., position, rank; condition. stimulō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [stimu

lus, goad], spur, impel. stīpātor, -ōris, [stipō, surround], m., attendant; pl., body-guard. stipendium, -1, [stips, contribution + PAND, pull], n., tribute. stirps, stirpis, f., stock, root; ab stirpe, root and branch. stō, stāre, stetī, status, [STA, stand], stand. strēnuus, -a, -um, [STAR, stiff], adj., active, energetic, forceful, resolute.

studeō, -ēre, -ui, - be eager for, desire, be anxious; be friendly, favor. studium, -ī, n., zeal, eagerness, inclination, desire, longing, passion, pursuit.

stultus, -a, -um, [STOL, hard],

adj., foolish, silly. stuprum, -ī, n., debauchery, act

of debauchery; intrigue; pros

similated before m, r, and usually before c, f, g, p), under, beneath, up, away; somewhat, slightly; secretly, by stealth. sub-dolus, -a, -um, adj., crafty, deceitful, sly.

sub-dūcō, -ere, -dūxi, -ductus,

draw away, withdraw. sub-eō, -īre, -ii or -īvi, -itus, undergo, submit to, endure. subiector, -ōris, [subició, forge], m., forger. subigō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctus, [sub +agō], bring under, subdue, conquer, compel, impel. subitō, [subitus, sudden], adv., suddenly, unexpectedly. sublatus, see tollō. sub-levō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, raise up, assist, help, encourage. subsellium, -ī, [sub+sella, seat], n., (low) bench, seat, form. subsidium, -ī, [sub + SED, sit], n., reserve, reinforcement. sub-vortō, -ere, -vorti, -vorsus, overturn, destroy, level; overthrow, subvert.

succedo, -ere, -cessī, -cessus, [sub+cēdō], with dat., take the place of, succeed. succurrō, -ere, -currī, -cursus, [sub + currō], with dat., run to help, hasten to the aid of. sudis, -is, f., stake. sui, (gen.), reflex. pron., of him

self, herself, itself, themselves;

of him, her, it; inter se, with, from, to, etc., each other, mutually; per sē, of one's self, personally; of itself. Sulla, -ae, m., name of a Roman family in the Cornelian gens: (1) L. Cornelius Sulla, born B.C. 138, became the leader of the aristocratic party. After conquering Mithridates in the East, he returned to Rome in B.C. 83 and utterly defeated the adherents of the Marian party. As dictator (82-79), he made himself as famous for revengeful proscriptions of his political opponents as for sweeping reforms in the Roman constitution. He then resigned and retired to his estate at Puteoli, where he died in B.C. 78. (2) Ser. Cornelius Sulla was brother of the Dictator. (3) P. and Ser. Cornelius Sulla, sons of Ser. Cornelius Sulla, were concerned in Catiline's conspiracy. (4) P. Cornelius Sulla, a rela

tive of the Dictator, when consul elect in B.C. 66, was convicted of bribery, and compelled to forfeit the consulship. Sullānus, -a, -um, [Sulla], adj., of Sulla.

sum, esse, fui, futūrus, imp. subj. forem or essem, future inf. fore or futurus esse, [ES, be], be, exist; constitute; with gen., be of, consist of, belong to, be the means of; with dat. of possessor, belong to, possess,

have; with dat. of service, serve for, be regarded as; alicui quicquam pēnsī esse, care a straw; in rem esse, be useful, serve one's purpose; cum tēlō esse, go armed, be under arms; post esse, be put behind one, be forgotten. summus, see superus. sūmō, -ere, sūmpsī, sūmptus, [sub + emō], take, assume, adopt; obtain, procure; sūmere supplicium dē, inflict punishment upon. sumptuōsē, [sumptuōsus, expensive], adv., expensively, extravagantly.

sumptus, -ūs, [sūmō], m., expense; extravagance. superbia, -ae, [superbus], f., arrogance, pride, haughtiness, insolence.

superbus, -a, -um, [super, over], adj., arrogant, proud, haughty, insolent.

superior, see superus. superō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [supe

rus], go over; be left, be remaining; abound; overcome, conquer.

superus, -a, -um, [super, over], adj., higher; comp., superior, former, past; victorious; superl., suprēmus or summus, highest; greatest, most eminent; supreme, absolute; utmost; deepest, depths of; summā ope, with all one's might; summum supplicium, capital punishment. supervacaneus, -a, -um, [super, over + vacuus], adj., needless, unnecessary, superfluous. suppetō, -ere, -īvi, -ītus, [sub +

petō], be at hand, be occasion for. supplex, -icis, [sub+PLEC, fold], adj., entreating, beseeching, suppliant; as noun, supplex, -icis, m. and f., a suppliant. supplicium, -ī, [supplex], n., supplication; sacrifice, public worship, religious services; punishment, penalty.

supra, [for superā (sc. parte)], adv. and prep. :

(1) As adv., above, before,

farther back; more, beyond. (2) As prep. with acc., above,

beyond; supra caput esse,
descend upon, be close at

Sūra, -ae, m., a cōgnōmen of the
family of the Lentuli; see

suscipio, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus, [subs subcapiō], under


associates, followers, men, suum, -ī, n., and sua, -ōrum, n. pl., one's property or possessions.


T., abbreviation for Titus, a
Roman forename.

tābēs, -is, f., plague, pestilence,

tabula, -ae, [TA, stretch], f., board, writing-tablet; record; novae tabulae, cancellation of debts; tabula picta or tabula, painting, picture.

taceō, -ēre, -uī, -itus, [TAC, si

lent], be silent, keep silence. taeter, -tra, -trum, adj., foul,

noisome, loathsome. tālāris, -e, [tālus, ankle], adj., reaching to the ankles. tālis, -e, [TA, this], adj., such, of this kind; so great.

take, take upon one's self, en-tam, [TA, this], adv., so. gage in.

suspectus, -a, -um, [part. of suspicio, suspect], adj., object of suspicion, suspected, mistrusted.

tamen, [TA, this], adv., notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still; however, for all that.

tametsī, [for tamen etsi], conj., although, though. sus-tam-quam, adv., as, like; as if, as it were.

suspīciō, -ōnis, [suspiciō,
pect], f., suspicion.
suspicor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [sub+

SPEC, see], mistrust, suspect. sustentō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [freq. from sustineō], endure, hold one's own against.

sustineō, -ēre, -tinui, -tentus, [subs = sub + teneō], sustain, support.

suus, -a, -um, poss. pron. reflex. adj., his own, her own, etc. ; his, her, etc.; own, peculiar, special, personal; as noun, sui, -ōrum, m. pl., one's friends,

tandem, [tam+dem.suffix-dem],
adv., at length, at last, finally;
in questions, pray.
tantum modo, adv., only, merely.
tantus, -a, -um, [TA, this], adj.,
so great, such; so large, so
vast; so strong, so powerful,
so influential; so important;
so atrocious; quantus
tantus, as great as; tantō, by
so much; quanto . . . tanto
(with comparatives), the .
the; tanti, gen. of price, of

such value; est tanti, it is tempus, -oris, [TEM, cut], n.,

worth while.

tarde, [tardus], adv., slowly, tardily, late.

tardō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [tardus], retard, delay.

tardus, -a, -um, adj., slow. Tarquinius, -i, [Tarquinii, a city of Etruria], m., a Roman name; L. Tarquinius, being arrested and brought before the senate as one of Catiline's accomplices, turned state's evidence and charged Crassus with being concerned in the conspiracy. Tarracīnēnsis, -e, [Tarracina], adj., of Tarracina; as noun, Tarracīnēnsis, -is, m. and f., Tarracinian, a citizen of Tarracina, a town in Latium. tēctum, -1, [part. of tegō], n., house, dwelling. tegō, -ere, tēxi, tēctus, [TEG,

cover], cover; protect, defend. tēlum, -ī, n., (missile), weapon; cum tēlō esse, go armed. temerē, adv., hastily, without

due consideration. temeritās, -ātis, [temerē], f., recklessness, foolhardiness. temperō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, [tempus], with dat., use with moderation, restrain one's self


tempestas, -ātis, [tempus], f., time, period; storm, tempest; pl., emergency, crisis. templum, -ī, [TEM, cut], n., (place marked off by the augur's staff), temple. temptō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [intensive from tendō], handle; try, attempt; attack, assail; tempt, sound, tamper with.

portion of time, time; occasion, opportunity; condition (of things), state, times, circumstances; need, emergency, exigency, crisis; id temporis, at just that time.

tendō, -ere, tetendi, tentus or tēnsus, [TEN, stretch], stretch, extend; lay, contrive; exert one's self, struggle, press on. tenebrae, -ārum, f. pl., darkness. teneō, -ēre, -ui, tentus, [TEN,

stretch], hold, hold fast, keep;

possess, control. tenuis, -e, [TEN, stretch], adj.,

(thin), poor, humble. Terentius, -a, name of a Roman gens; Cn. Terentius was a member of the senate in B.C. 63.

terra, -ae, [TERS, parch], f., (dry) land; carth; country, land; orbis terrarum, the whole world.

terreō, -ēre, -ui, -itus, frighten, alarm, terrify, terrorize, over


terribilis, -e, [terreō], adj., frightful, dreadful.

tertius, -a, -um, [ter, three], num. adj., third. testamentum, -1, [testor], n., will.

testis, -is, m. and f., witness. testor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [testis], call to witness. tetrarchēs, -ae, [TeTpápxNs, ruler of a fourth part of the land], m., tetrarch, prince. Ti., abbreviation for Tiberius. Tiberis, -is, m., the Tiber. Tiberius, -i, m., Tiberius, a Roman forename.

timeō, -ēre, -ui, —, [TIM, stun], | Trans-alpīnus, -a, -um, [Alpēs,

fear, be afraid, dread. timidus, -a, -um, [TIM, stun],

adj., timid, cowardly. timor, -ōris, [TIM, stun], m., fear, alarm.

toga, -ae, [TEG, cover], f., toga, a flowing robe of white woollen stuff worn only by Roman citizens in their civil life. tolerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [TOL, lift], bear, endure; stand, withstand.

tollō, -ere, sustuli, sublatus,

[TOL, lift], exalt; extol; re

move, suppress. toreuma, -atis, [тópevμa], n., embossed work, work in relief, carved vase.

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torpēsco, -ere, torpui, [inceptive from torpeō, be stiff ], grow dull, torpid, or sluggish. Torquatus, -i, [torquatus, wearing a collar], m., Torquātus, see Manlius.

tōtus, -a, -um, gen. tōtīus, dat.

tōtī, the whole of, entire, all. tracto, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, [freq. from trahō], manage, govern, carry on, administer; treat. trādō, -ere, -didī, -ditus, [trans

+ dō], give up, hand over; commit, commend, entrust; give over, surrender. trahō, -ere, trāxī, trāctus, [TRAG, drag], drag, drag off, plunder, waste, squander; lead away, carry away, divert.

trames, -itis, [TRA, cross], m.,

by-path, cross-road. tranquillus, -a, -um, adj., tran

quil, peaceable, undisturbed. trans- in composition, over, across, through; beyond.

the Alps], adj., Transalpine, beyond the Alps (from Rome). trans-eō, -īre, -i, -itus, pass through.

trans-ferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus,

transfer, postpone, defer. transigō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctus, [trāns + agō], pass through. Trans-padānus, -a, -um, [Padānus, of the Padus or Po], adj., Transpadane, beyond the Po; as noun, Trans-padānus, -ī, m., Transpadanian, one living in Northern Italy beyond the Po.

trepidō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [tre

pidus, agitated], be agitated, be disturbed, be alarmed. trēs, tria, gen. trium, num. adj., three.

trēs-virī, -ōrum, m. pl., the trèsviri capitālēs, a board of three men, who were given charge of the prisons and executions. tribūnīcius, -a, -um, [tribūnus], adj., of the tribune or tribunes.

tribūnus, -ī, [tribus, tribe], m., tribune:

(1) tribūnus plēbis, tribune of the plebs, one of ten plebeian magistrates charged with the protection of the commons, in whose interest they could exercise an unlimited veto power upon the senate, the comitia, or upon any other Roman magistrate.

(2) tribūnus mīlitum, military tribune, one of six officers of the legion, each of whom commanded it in turn for

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