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open the door I will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."

"Remember that everyone who meditates upon the Master makes a definite link with him which shows to clairvoyant vision as a kind of line of light. The Master always subconsciously feels the impinging of such a line, and sends out along it in response a steady stream of magnetism which continues to play long after the meditation is over. The regular practice of such meditation and concentration is of the utmost help to the aspirant, and the regularity is one of the most important factors in producing results." Vol. I, "Inner Life," by C. W. Leadbeater, page 34.

This experience is one that has often been found in Christian Mystics, it has not originated with the writer, but the influx of Oriental Information has rendered what has been received much more intelligible than it would otherwise have been.

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The writer makes no pretense of being able to read the akasic records, and in some instances may have taken what was meant for merely a type for a real incarnation of a Great One, but such matters will be straightened out by more expert investigators, and need not detract from the value of the truths revealed. Errors there must be, of course, in a work bringing out ideas, so new to the mind trained in the orthodox school, and dealing with things so far transcending what that mind is accustomed to handling; but to the spiritually minded these pages may open up an unexplored mine of riches, and they may get far more than the writer has, having better trained inner perceptions that will need but the hint to make them able to penetrate to the Inner Sanctuary, To the materialistic mind there will be nothing to appeal

in this book. Spiritual truths may be apprehended by Spirit alone.

The writer has found that of necessity there must be more repetitions in a work like this, than is considered permissible in good composition. The newness of the ideas makes it necessary to connect the mind with what has gone before to make each stage clear. So far as possible she has tried to avoid this. However, she realizes that there are still far too many such cases to suit good taste but can see no way to avoid it if the points are made clear without too great a demand upon the reader's memory.

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The Great V shows Spirit descending into matter until it becomes immeshed in bodies of each of the planes, then it turns its face toward the Father again, and by conquering the planes one by one mounts on its way back to the Father from whom it came.

The horizontal lines divide the planes but simply for the sake of clearness in study. The matter really interpenetrates and the matter of all planes is to be found in any given spot at any time. These planes simply refer to matter in different degrees of density.

On the highest plane we have the Three Great Outpourings of the Solar Logos (God) as they are directed toward the seven planes directly concerning us. There are still higher and higher Great Ones, but the Bible does not dwell upon that except to recognize the Hierarchies in a general way.

Yod, I, is a masculine potency and is the Will aspect of the Logos.

H, Hevah, translated Eve, is the Love Wisdom aspect of the creative form producing power of the Universe, spoken of by the Christian as the "Son."

V H, We He, is the great creative activity of the Logos spoken of by the Christian as the Holy Spirit. This outpouring brought into being the perfected atom of each plane making possible the form producing work.

The seven Sephiroth are the seven attributes of God, or the seven great creative Agents of the Logos

manifesting those attributes. Logoi.

The seven Planetary

The Archetypal Man lies upon the Buddhic or Christ Plane and the evolving man rises to that plane when he conquers matter and becomes the Master of Compassion.

On this Buddhic Plane the descending Ego lay till provided with a body by Lord Jehovah, who gave him a mental body.

The symbolism makes the Mental Plane the Dust Land, and Adam was given a body of dust, so he is the Dust Adam of H. P. B.

On the Astral, or Emotional and Desire Plane, the Sand Land of the allegory, we find H. P. B.'s "Shadow Adam." Matter has become so dense that it hampers the Spirit and its vibration begins to control. "The Woman" (body) "Thou gavest me she did it."

The Physical Plane is the Black Land, the Land of Cush, Egypt, the Wilderness of Ignorance. Here is fought the great battle of Spirit and matter. At last the day comes when the Spirit turns its face toward the Father who sent it out, and then begins to mount by conquering each plane.

Moses is symbol of the perfected Physical as well as the great Manu of the fifth root race. His number is 345, the number of God's back.

543 is the number of God's face.

543 plus 345 makes 888, the number of the Christ. Perfect Man and Perfect God make the Christ Man. The Soul or Causal Body is built by man's efforts to get back to God, and can be lost, but the Spirit must return to God who sent it out.

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