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up against the word of God. These are all placed on one scale; the Bible is now brought, and placed on the other, when, lo, "Creeds, Councils, Fathers, and 'isms are but as the dust of the balance. Lighter than vanity, they fly up, and kick the beam; one Bible outweighs them all.

This emblem is designed to show the authority of the Bible over the doctrines and commandments of men. When the lion roars, the beasts of the forest keep silence; when Jehovah speaks, the inhabitants of the world ought to stand in awe. During the space of fifteen years God uttered His voice in the ears of the children of He has declared His will, and sanctioned such revelation by the repeated manifestations of His almighty power. He employed holy men as the authorized recorders of His laws, and closed the whole with the denouncement of a curse against all who should add to or diminish therefrom.


Notwithstanding this, there have been men in all ages who have et up their will against that of the great Jehovah. They have ade a record of that same, forbidding what God has commanded, d ordaining what God has prohibited. Thus, by their traditions, ›y make void the laws of the Eternal. What folly is this! what sphemy! what rebellion! The words of the Lord are tried, pure, everlasting; those of man are short-weight, corrupt, and are ing away. By the laws of God, not by the opinions of men, hall be judged at the last day.

rribly has the curse fallen upon those who have established n opinions in opposition to the word of God; witness the who, since the fatal overthrow of their city, have been vagaover all the face of the earth. Witness the poverty, ignoand misery of those parts of the world where human creeds and where the Bible is rejected; yea, witness in the case man who substitutes his will for God's. To the law and estimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is there is no light in them.


ipture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for re-
correction, for instruction in righteousness."-
'-2 Tim. iii. 16.

nk God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of Go
ard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is oft
God."-1 Thess. ii. 13.

not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye d
--Deut. ii. 13.

an shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the
n in this book."-Rev. xxi. 8.

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Behold! the race-course here before us lies;
See! many running for the glorious prize;
Some sweat and toil, and, maugre all their pains,
Small is their progress, smaller still their gains.
With weight oppressed, of sordid gold and care,
They run a while, then give up in despair.
But one is seen, whose speed outstrips the wind-
The laggers all the quickly leaves behind;
Comformed to rule, he casts all burdens down,
And presses forward to receive the crown.

In his exhortations to Christians, the great apostle of the Gentiles very often alludes to the Olympic games. These games were celebrated in different parts of Greece; particularly on the isthmus which joined the Morea to the main-land; hence they were called the Isthmian exercises. They were held on the banks of the river Alpheus, near Olympia, a city of Elis. They were considered of so much importance that, from the period of their first regular establishment, a new era of reckoning time was constituted, just as we reckon from the birth of Jesus Christ. Each Olympiad consisted of four years; hence they dated events from the first, second, third, or fourth year of any particular Olympiad. The first Olympiad commenced 776 years before the Christian era. These exercises consisted of five different kinds, viz.: boxing, wrestling, leaping, throwing the quoit, and racing. We confine ourselves to the illustration of the latter. The celebration of the running match

excited great interest. Hence the preparations for these festivals was very great. No man could become a candidate for the prize unless he bore a good character, and regularly exercised himself ten months previously, according to the rules prescribed.

The rules were very severe. A strict regimen had to be observed, unpalatable food to be eaten, abstinence from all luxuries, exercises were to be continued through all weathers, and we know not what besides. And now the grand day has arrived; the judge is appointed, having been previously sworn to deal impartially; the racecourse is cleared; the place of starting fixed; the judge takes his seat at the goal, or end of the race-ground, and holds in his hand the crown of olive or of laurel, destined to grace the victor's brow; officers are appointed to keep order. The city is emptied of its inhabitants,—all the principal men are there. The candidates make their appearance; every eye is fixed upon them, every heart is in motion. Divested of all needless clothing, soinetimes naked, they await the signal-'tis given-off they start. Not a whisper is heard among all that multitude; with intense interest they watch the runners as they pass along. A shout is heard. The victor returns, like a triumphant conqueror, drawn in a chariot of four, wearing the crown of victory, and is everywhere greeted with the acclamations of the people.

Religion is compared to a race. The stadium, or race-ground, is the path of piety, leading through this world to the next; the runners are those who profess religion; the officers appointed to keep order; the ministers of the gospel; the spectators, men and angels; the judge, the Lord Jesus Christ; the reward, a crown of righteousness.

Let us imagine a company of young persons just commencing the Christian race. They set off together. The directions are given to all; they are four in number: 1. Be sure to lay aside every weight; 2. Relinquish the besetting sin; 3. Exercise patience; 4. Look to Jesus. They go along pretty well for a while. Soon one is seen lagging behind; what is the matter? he has too much weight about him. Another drops off; his besetting sin has prevailed. A third is missing; what ails him? oh, he is out of patience with God, himself, and everybody besides. Some follow the directions, persevere to the end, and obtain the prize. But mark, of those who ran in the Grecian games, one only could receive the prize; in the Christian race, all may run so as to obtain. The judge there was sometimes

partial; the Christian's umpire is the "Righteous Judge." The successful candidate, after all his labours, obtained only a garland of withering flowers; the Christian receives a glorious crown of righteousness, that fadeth not away."



"In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God."-Ps. lxii. 7.


Lo! where amid appalling dangers dread,
The rock undaunted lifts its welcome head,
The ship of commerce gaily sailed along,
All hands were merry with their evening song;
When lo! they scud before a sudden blast,
The sails are shivered, broken is the mast;
The ship is wrecked, the storm rolls wildly round,
The sinking sailors have no footing found.

In drowning plight, stunned by the wave's rude shock,
The lightning kindly points them to the rock;
The rock they grasp, and raise themselves on high,
In conscious safety bid the storm pass by.
So when mankind was wrecked on Eden's shore,
Loud was the tempest, loud the thunder's roar;
Earth, sea, and skies affrighted were, and tossed,
Tumultuous all. Shall man be saved, or lost?
In that wild ocean of despair and dread,
The ROCK OF AGES lifts His lofty head.
The sinner, sinking, stunned by Sinai's shock,
By Sinai's lightning now beholds the Rock;
With glad surprise, more clear his moral sight,
He seesbesides a cross of heavenly light:
The Rock he clambers, to the cross he clings,
And saved from danger, of Salvation sings.

A SHORT time since, and that vessel was sailing calmly and

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