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vice of the state, had been above thirty years in the army, in the offices of tribune, master of horse, lieutenant general and prætor, and was very well acquainted with most of the men, and the actions by which they had diftinguished themselves, by commemorating which, he inspired them with new vigour.

63. AFTER Petreius had inspected the difpofition of his arms, he giving the fignal to charge the enemy, orders the battalions to advance flowly. The other army moved in the same manner: After they had advanced so near that the light-armed troops might engage them, they charged one another with loud shouts, lay aside their lances, and make their attack sword in hand. The veteran troops, flushed with their former resolution, engage vigorously in the close fight; meeting with a no less resolute oppofition from the enemy, which occafioned an obstinate engagement. During this attack, Catiline wheel'd about to the vanguard with his bravest men, to relieve his troops which were difordered, reinforced them with fresh men to supply the place of the wounded, provided for every thing necessary in such a disposition; oft attack'd the enemy in person, acting at the same time the part of a resolute soldier, and an experienced general. When Petreius perceived that Catiline opposed him, contrary to his expectation, with great resolution, he brings up the general's own battalion against the main body of the enemies, and destroys them difordered, and fometimes returning to their charge: Having broke this body, he attacks each wing, where Manlius and the Fæsulan fell, engaging in the front. Catiline being now sensible of the defeat of his troops, and how few men were left, considering his original, and his former dignity, hurried amidst the greatest throng of the enemies, and there fighting was flain.

64. At the conclusion of the battle, you might have seen sufficient instances of the resolution and intrepidity of Catiline's forces. The very place in which, when alive, they were pofted, was covered with their dead bodies. Few of the main body, whom the general's own battalions had broke, fell scattered in places, tho' all wounded in oppofing the enemy. As for Catiline, he was found far distant from his men, amidst heaps of enemies, just expiring, retaining the same haughtiness in his countenance which he had when alive. In fine, out of that Body, not one person above the character of a flave, was made prisoner, either in the battle or flight, regarding their

taris, quòd ampliùs annos triginta tribunus, aut præfectus, aut legatus, aut prætor, cum magnâ gloriâ in exercitu fuerat, plerosque ipsos, factáque eorum fortia noverat: ea commemorando, militum animos accendebat.

63. SED, ubi, omnibus rebus exploratis, Petreius tubâ fignum dat, cohortis paullatim incedere jubet. Idem fecit hoftium exercitus. Postquam eò ventum est, unde à ferentariis prælium committi posset ; maxumo clamore, infestis signis concurrunt; pila omittunt; gladiis res geritur. Veterani, pristinæ virtutis memores, cominus acriter instare; illi haud timidi resistunt: maxumâ vi certatur. Interea Catilina cum expeditis in primâ acie versari: laborantibus fuccurrere; integros pro fauciis accerfere: omnia providere: multùm ipse pugnare, sæpe hoftem ferire : ftrenui militis, & boni imperatoriis officia simul exsequebatur. Petreius, ubi videt Catilinam, contrà ac ratus erat, magnâ vi tendere; cohortem prætoriam in medios hoftis inducit; eósque perturbatos, atque alios alibi resistentis, interficit: deinde utrimque ex lateribus cæteros aggreditur. Manlius, & Fæsulanus in primis pugnantes cadunt. Poftquam fufas copias, séque cum paucis relictum videt Catilina; memor generis, atque pristinæ dignitatis fuæ, in confertissumos hoftis incurrit, ibique pugnans confoditur.

64. Sed, confecto prælio, tum verò cerneres quanta audacia, quantáque animi vis fuisset in exercitu Catilinæ. Nam ferè, quem quisque vivus pugnando locum ceperat, eum, amissâ animâ, corpore tegebat. Pauci autem, quos medios cohors prætoria disjecerat, paulò diversiùs, fed omnes tamen adverfis vulneribus, conciderant. Catilina verò longè à suis inter hoftium cadavera repertus eft, paululum etiam fpirans ; ferociámque animi, quam habuerat vivus, in vultu retinens. Poftremò, ex omni copiâ, neque in prælio, neque in fugâ quisquam civis ingenuus captus



own lives no more than those of the enemy. Neither would the victory admit of the army's rejoicing, since it was purchased at a dear rate. For every refolute perfon either perished in the engagement, or was dangerously wounded: Many of those who came from the camp upon account of visiting the field of battle, or of plundering it, in turning over the dead, found a friend, some an acquaintance, fome relations, others their enemies; fo that the army conceived pleasure, was distressed with forrow, nurtur'd mirth, and was affected with heaviness,

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est. Ita cuncti fuæ, hostiúmque vitæ juxtà pepercerant. Neque tamen exercitus populi R. lætam, aut incruentam victoriam adeptus erat. Nam ftrenuissumus quisque aut occiderat in prælio, aut graviter vulneratus discesserat. Multi autem, qui è caftris visundi, aut spoliandi gratiâ processerant, volventes hoftilia cadavera, amicum alii, pars hofpitem aut cognatum reperiebant. Fuere item, qui inimicos suos cognofcerent. Ita variè per omnem exercitum lætitia, mæror, luctus, atque gaudia agitabantur.



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