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rent, deque eeis rebus, ubei eorum utra* audita esent, utei senatus noster decerneret, dum ne minus Senatoribus C. adesent, (quom e) a res consoleretur. Bacas vir nequis adiese velet ceivis Romanus, neve nominis Latini, neve socium quisquam, nisi Pr. urbanum adiesent, isque de Senatus sententiad dum ne minus Senatoribus C. adesent, quom ea res consoleretur, jousisent, censuere. Sacerdos ne quis vir eset, magister neque vir neque mulier quisquam eset, neve pecuniam quisquam eorum comoinem (h) abuisse velet, &c.

✦ We should read probably verba.

[blocks in formation]

multum abest quin, 540. Tan-
tum abest ut-ut, 779.
abhinc, 478, and note.
abhorrere, construction of, 468.
abbreviation, in case of several
persons having the same prae-
nomen and cognomen, 785.
ablative, with passive verbs, 451.
Ablativus instrumenti, 455. Ab-
lativus causalis, 452. Paraphra-
sed by the partic. perf. passive,
454, 719. Ablative denoting
price or value, 456. Ablat. de-
noting in regard to, 457. Ablat.
with verbs denoting abundance
or want, 460. Ablat. with the
adject. full and empty, 462.
Ablat. of quality, 471. Ablati-
vus modi, 472. Ablat. denoting
the time when? 475. Ablat.
denoting how long before or
after? 476, foll. Ablat. in an-
swer to the question, "how
long before the present time?"
478. To the question,
66 in
what time?" 479. Ablat. de-
noting duration of time, 396.
Ablat. of place, 481. Ablat. in
poetry and prose, instead of ex
or a with the ablat., 481, 482.
Ablat. with comparatives, 483.
Ablat. of measure, 488. Ablat.


absolute, 640, foll.; formed
with the partic. fut., 643.
lat. absolute in passive con-
structions has no reference to
the subject, 640. Ablatives
absolute, of which the subject
occurs in the leading proposi-
tion, are rare, 641. Ablat. of
the partic. perf. pass. as ablat.
absolute, 647. Ablat. absolute
as an adverb, 648. Ablat. of
the gerund denoting instru-
mentality, 667. Ablat. of the
gerund with ab, de, ex, in, pro,

[blocks in formation]

a preposition in poetry, 401.
Accus. in exclamations, 402.
Accus. with prepositions, 404;
with the verbs of remembering
and reminding, &c., 439, 440.
Accus. of the subject in the
construction of the accus. with
the infinit., 605. Accus. with
neuter verbs indicating a par-
ticular part, 458. Accus. to
denote dress, 458. Accus. in

relative clauses with the accus.
with the infinit., 774. Accus.

of the gerund, 666.
accusative with the infinit. as sub-
ject or object, 600; as nomi-
nat. of the predicate, 600, note;
with the verbs of saying, decla-
ring, &c., 602; after relative
pronouns and conjunctions, in-
stead of the subjunctive, 603;
used as an exclamation or a
question expressed with indig-
nation, 609; alternates with
ut, 620.
Difference between
the accus. with the infinit. and
the accus. of the gerund, 655.
acquiescere, construction of, 415,


ac non, 334, 781.

ac si, with the subjunctive, 572.
active verbs used as deponents,
207, note.

ad, meaning of, 296; with the
gerund, 666.

ad id locorum, 434.

ad tempus, meaning of, 296.
ad unum omnes, phrase, 296.
adde quod, 628.

adeo, meaning of, 281.
adesse, construction of, 415.
adhibere, construction of, 416.
adhuc, meaning of, 292; adhuc
locorum, 434.

adjectives, used as adverbs, 266,
383, in fin., 682; used substan-
tively, 363; their neuter gen-
der with substantives of other
genders, 368; used for adverbs
of place, 685; used for ordinal
adverbs, 686. Adject. deno-
ting origin, 683. Adject. with-
out a substantive in the con-

struction of the ablat. absolute,
645, 646, 648. Adjective, po-
sition of, 683, 793, 796. Ad-
jectives derived from proper
names, and used instead of the
genitive of the latter, 684. The
same is not frequent in the
case of adjectives derived from
appellative nouns, 684, note.
Construction of two adjectives
being compared with each oth-
er, 690. Adjectives from which
no adverbs are formed, 267.
Adjectives in arius, 684, note.
Adjectives formed from names
of towns, 255, 256. Relative
adjectives, their construction
with the infinit. is poetical,
598, 659, in fin.
adipisci, 466.

adire, construction of, 387.
adjutare, construction of, 388,


adjuvare, with the accusat., 388.
admonere, construction of, 439;
with ut or the accusat. with
the infinit., 615.
adolescentia, 675.

adscribo, orthography of, 325.
adspergere, construction of, 418.
adulari, construction of, 389, 413.
advenire and adventare, construc-
tion of, 489.

adverbs in e, 263; in o, 264; in
ter, 265; in im, 268; in itus,
269; with double terminations,
265, note. Adverbs in the form
of neuters, 266. Adverbs in
the form of a particular case,
and in composition, 270. Ad-
verbs of place with a genitive,
434. Adverbs joined to sub-
stantives, 262, note; used as
prepositions, 276; with parti-
ciples, 722. Ordinal adverbs
instead of numeral adverbs,

adversus, meaning of, 299.
ae, diphthong, 2.
aedes, ellipsis of, 762.
aemulari, construction of, 389,
note 3, 413.
aequalis, construction of, 411

aequare and aequiparare, construc- | amb (¿μpí), inseparable preposi-

tion of, 389, note 2.

aeque ac, 340.

aequi boni facio, &c., 444, note.
aequius and aequum erat, the in-
dicative instead of the sub-
junctive, 518.

aestimare, with the genitive, 444.
affatim, with the genitive, 432.
afficere, construction of, 461.
affinis, construction of, 411, 436.
affluere, construction of, 460.
agere cum aliquo, with the geni-
tive of the crime, 446; id agere
ut, 614.

aggredior, construction of, 387.
ain' for aisne, 218.

ait, ellipsis of, 772; its position,

Alcaic strophe, 866.
ali, dropped, 136, 708.

alias and alioqui, difference be-
tween, 275.

alienare, construction of, 468.
alienus, construction of, 468, 470.
aliquanto and paulo, difference

tion, 330.

ambire, conjugation of, 215, in fin.
amicior, with the accusative, 458.
amicus, construction of, 410.
amplius, with the omission of
quam, 485.

an, use of, 353, 354; in indirect
questions, 353, and note at the
foot of the page. An-an, a
poetical and unclassical form
of a question, 554, in fin.
anacoluthon, 757, 815.
anacrusis, 835.

anapaestic verse, 848.

angor, construction of, 627.
animans, gender of, 78, in fin.
animi, in some expressions used
for animo, 437.
animo, 472, note 1.

animus, used as a circumlocution,

an minus, 554, in fin.

anne, in double questions, 554.
an non, use of, 454, in fin.
be-annus, compounded with numer-
als, 124.

tween, 108, in fin., 488.
aliquantum, with the genitive,

aliquis and aliqui, meaning of,
129; declension, 135. Aliquid
joined with an adjective, 433;
aliquid as an adverb, 385, 677.
Aliquis and quis, difference in
the use of, 708.
aliquispiam, 129.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

arcere, construction of, 468; with | aut and vel, 336; aut in a nega.

quominus, ne, or quin, 543.
arcessere or accersere, 202; con-
struction, 446.

ardeo, construction of, 452.
Argos and Argi, 89.

arguere, with the genitive, 446.
-arium, the termination, 242.
-arius, the termination, 252.
arsis, 827; lengthened, 828.
as, and its division, 871.

-as, the ancient form of the

itive singular, 45.


tive sense, 337. Aut―aut, 338,
809; with the singular, 374.
autem, its position, 355; ellipsis
of autem, 781.

avarus, with the genitive, 436.
avidus, with the genitive, 436.
-ax, the termination, 249, 4.

Bacchic verse, 851.

base, of a verse, 858.

gen-belle, 294, note.

bello, 475, note, in fin.

the termination of the Greek bellum, construed like the names

accus. plural, 74.

-as, the derivative termination,
255, c.

Asclepiadean verse, 861.

assentio and assentior, 206.

assequi ut, 618.

of towns, 400.
bene te! 759.

benedicere, construction of, 413.
biduum, triduum, 124.

-bilis, the termination, 249, 3.
boni consulo, 444, note.

assimilation in verbs compound- bos, declension of, 69.
ed with prepositions, 225, foll. | brevi, scil. tempore, 763.
assis non habere, 444, note.

-bulum, the termination, 239.

-asso, the termination, instead-bundus, the adjective termina

of avero, 161, e.

assuescere, construction of, 416.
assuetus, meaning of, 633.
asynartetus versus, 859, note.
at, use of, 349; is superfluous,
756; at vero, use of, 349.
Athos, Mount, declension of, 52, 3.
atque, use of, 332, note; meaning,
333; used for quam, 340. Atque
adeo, 737.
atqui, use of, 349.

attendere, construction of, 417.
-atus, the termination, 253.
attraction, with the dative with
licet esse, 601; with mihi nomen
est, 421.
Attraction to the
case of the leading proposition
with the particle quam, in the
case of the accusative with the
infinitive, 603; sometimes,
also, in the case of a partici-
ple, 774.

audio te canentem and te canere,

difference of, 636.

auditur, construed like dicitur,

with the nominative and infin-
itive, 607, note.
auscultare, construction of, 413.
ausim, 161, 181.

tion, 248.

C. for Gaius, 4; its pronuncia-
tion, 6.

caesura (Toμn), 830; in the sena-

rius, 837; in the hexameter,
842, foll.; caesura bucolica,
844; caesura in the Sapphic
verse, 865; in Asclepiadean
verse, 861; in Alcaic verse,
862; in the Saturnian verse,

calendar, calculation of, 867, foll.
canere receptui, to sound a retreat,
422, note.

capax, with the genitive, 436.
capitis and capite damnare, accu
sare, 447.

caro, ellipsis of, 763.
causa and gratia, joined with mea,
tua, sua, &c., 424, 659, 679; its
position, 792; is omitted, 663,

cave, used as a circumlocution for

the imperative, 586; with the
subjunctive, without ne, 624.
cavere, construction of, 414, 534
cedere, construction of, 413.
cedo, the imperative, 223.

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