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and Subdivisions that the whole plan of the arrangement vanishes from our eyes), comes a First Section on the Breccias of primary formation; a second on Poudingues of the same na ture, and a third on Grits;- which ends this strange eventful classification. Each of these contains, of course, the fa vourite twelve subdivisions already enumerated; although the author has been mightily puzzled to fit them, if we may judge by such ingredients as the following-a strontianic Leccia, a zirconic breccia, a metallic breccia, and so forth. To be sure, he has the candour to acknowledge that some of thesc, suh as a breccia composed of yttria cemented by yttria, or gadolinic yttria,' has never yet been found; and, we may add, never


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But it is fruitless to examine further into this scene of confusion, which, under all the parade of logical arrangement, describes imaginary substances, and omits existing ones; confusing pretty nearly all the rest in such a manner as almost to defy the powers of analysis. Pinkerton was at least amusing.

The arrangement of Signior Tondi being a geological one, it is necessary to give a somewhat fuller account of it than of the last; and to enumerate the geological distinctions on which he thinks proper to found it.

He divides his rocks into masses, beds, transition rocks, stratified rocks (floetz), alluvial, and volcanic, substances. This distinction is Wernerian, and to a certain degree theoretical; and, as will be seen, it is productive of no small confusion.

The first class, that of the massive rocks, consists only of granite (that containing mica), which is exclusively called primary.

The next, consisting of bedded rocks, contains secondary granite (how is this ascertained?) as the first species. Subordinate to this are, quartz rock,-graphic granite,-mica,-compact felspar,—and speckstein. Now, quartz rock is found in enormous strata, and is assuredly not subordinate to any granite; graphic granite again is always found in veins; compact felspar occurs either in veins or large nodular masses; and mica is not a rock at all. Here therefore is a geological arrangement, if it can be called such, deficient in the first and essential principle of geological knowledge.

The second species in this class is weiss-stein, which might with more propriety have been placed under the versatile term subordinate; like many others which, with less propriety, have found their way into this convenient repository of ignorance. Gneiss and Syenite are made subordinate to this species; but, immediately after, gneiss constitutes a species of itself; having,

as subordinate to it, hornblende schist, which is very often unconnected with it in any way, and lepidolite, which is not a rock, but a rare and accidental mineral.

Mica schist forms the fourth species, with fluor spar (which also is not a rock) subordinate; and then follows a long list of rocks and minerals subordinate both to gneiss and mica schist, such as, porphyry, garnet, micaceous greenstone, anthracite oxidulous iron, &c.; and this again is followed by substances subordinate to mica schist only; comprising gypsum, disthene, oxidulous iron, and several other metallic minerals. Argillaceous schist (Thoreschiefer) then comes in, we know not well in what capacity, and that is followed by another list of rocks subordinate to granite, gneiss, and clayslate. These are, greenstone, greenstone porphyry, variolites, the orbicular Corsican granite, and green porphyry. This is again followed by another list subordinate to gneiss, mica schist, and clayslate, including magnesian limestone, dolomite, compact talc, tale schist, and pyrites. Many other subordinations follow, such as those which rank under gneiss and clayslate, granite and clayslate, mica slate and clayslate, and clayslate alone.

This system of perpetual subordination in all the modes of refinement, seems indeed a favourite part of the author's plan. The very geological knowledge which it pretends to impart, is more than questionable; but it is, independently of this, evident, that, in thus constructing his classification, he has introduced inextricable confusion, and entirely mistaken the object of a geological arrangement. His method is moreover operose, as well as obscure; since a brief tabular and subsidiary view of the various alternations of his rocks would have conveyed all this knowledge in a far more intelligible form.

The species which follow mica schist, as far as we can make them out in this confused system of tabulation, are, topaz rock, primary limestone, magnesian limestone, siliceous schist, serpentine (which, by the by, is a massive and not a bedded rock), greenstone, oxidulous iron of two kinds, magnetic and micaceous (eisenglunz), disthene, porphyry, oxidulous iron (again), and amygdaloidal greenstone. Some of these have also their satellites or subordinate rocks; and the species porphyry contains further 16 varieties, besides subvarieties; among which are such substances as pearlstone, obsidian, semiopal, breccia and tufo (apparently both of the trap formation), and lastly syenite. This is an arrangement, we will venture to say, which is neither mineralogical nor geological, nor even commonly logical.

The transition class contains, as might be expected, argillaceous schist, greenstone, porphyries, amygdaloids, siliceous schist,

and limestone; besides granite, sandstone, syenite, ironstone and jasper: the usual system of subordinate arrangements being further pursued. But we will not dwell on this class, as it adds to the confusion of its arrangement the additional obscurity arising from the theoretical assumption on which it is founded.

The fourth class comprises the floetz strata of the Wernerian school; and the arrangement, which appears to contain nothing very new, is as follows. Conglomerate, old red sandstone, bituminous marl slate, marl, mountain limestone, Jura limestone (lias), amygdaloidal limestone, gypsum, salt, variegated sandstone, 2d gypsum, shell limestone, calamine! 4th limestone, 3d gypsum, sandstone, chalk. We will not enter into the details of the subordinate substances. As to the geological arrangement, it would not be within the limits of our plan to show its incorrectness; and it has moreover been often before the public in the hands of the servum pecus' who are content to live in a damnable adherence unto authority.

We are somewhat puzzled about the coal formation, as the author no doubt has himself been. It appears to form a kind of supplement in this class, and contains, if we understand the arrangement aright, three principal species of coal, with varieties, but without subordinate earthy strata, and followed by fifteen more species of rock, including, among various shales and sandstones, cinnabar, hornstone, clay ironstone, lithomaya, marl, porphyry, and Tripole. Surely this is not the arrangement of any series in nature.


The floetz trap' rocks are called independent stratified; so that it is pretty plain that our author's acquaintance with them is not of a personal nature. They appear also to have been of a very rebellious disposition, since they form another supplement in this class; and, as might be expected, they comprise basalt, greenstone, clinkstone, porphyry, wacké, amygdaloid, and some other matters. They are further followed by another division of rocks which, though they belong to this, occur also in other formations. These are pitchstone, obsidian, semiopal, sandstone, sand, shale, clay, compact limestone, marl, clay ironstone, chromat of iron, anthracite, wood coal, and jet. This is at least sufficiently confused; nor, as it appears to us, does the author appear to have meditated his subject, or to have formed for himself any definite idea of his own views in the promulgation of the arrangement. He has a rival, to be sure, in our own language, who, in this respect, will compete with him. for the leaden crown.

This arrangement of Signior Tondi is terminated by the alluvial, volcanic, and pseudo-volcanic, rocks. We might here

make further remarks on some of this author's peculiarities, such as that of placing acque termali' among the pseudo-volcanic rocks, in company with porcelain jasper; but it is unnecessary, for the object which we had in view, to indulge in minute criticism. We have fulfilled a duty in thus far analyzing the only literally complete classification of rocks on a geological system which has come before us; and, in so doing, are sensible that we may be supposed to have put arms into the hands of those who may differ with us on the expediency of this method of arrangement. But an example of bad execution is no proof that the method is erroneous; and it must be very evident, that the execution of any such arrangement must be materially modified by the different views which, in the present unsettled state of geological theory, may be entertained by different persons. But whatever system a writer may be induced to adopt, he should at any rate come to this task with all the geological information of his day; and, whatever plan he may chuse, he is bound to be consistent and clear in its execution, and moreover to put his readers in possession of the theoretical and general base on which his classification is founded. Otherwise he does not present in his failure an argument against the utility of the system; but against his own knowledge, or industry, or habits of clear thinking and accurate arrangement.

Of the arrangement of Brochant it is unnecessary to say much, as it is merely a sketch of the well known Wernerian Geognosy, and is not accompanied, like the former Essays, by any details of the species or varieties. We have not here room to investigate the principles of this system, even if we were so inclined. It is unnecessary in fact to take any further notice of an author who, like some of our own, seems merely the gutterpipe through which the Geognosy of Freyberg has flowed into the mouths of those who have had no access to the divine spring itself.

But we must draw this article to a conclusion, and must therefore omit all mention of the systems of Volcanic rocks, with which this little compilation is terminated: being the more inclined so to do, inasmuch as we are but too sensible that we could throw no useful light on a subject which requires a thorough review by some one intimately acquainted, not with a volcano alone, but with all the volcanoes of the globe.

ART. III. Plan for a Commutation of Tithes. pp. 37.

London, 1819.

OU UR readers must not expect too much from the title of this article. We have no intention of entering on the vexata questio of the expediency or inexpediency of making a public provision for the support of the Church. We are quite satisfied with the manner in which the principle of this question has been decided in England; but our approbation extends no farther. Instead of agreeing with those who consider tithes as the best means by which such a provision may be made, we consider them as the very worst that could have been devised: And it appears to us, that the adoption of any measure which, at the same time that it secured the just rights of the clergy, should put an end to the levying of tithes, would be productive of the greatest national benefit. The subject of commutation is confessedly one of no common importance, both as it affects the interests of the Establishment and the country. At the present period, too, it has a peculiar claim on the public attention. Tithes have hitherto been considered as falling exclusively on the landlords and occupiers of the soil; and the existence of this burden is now urged as a valid reason why they should be protected from foreign competition. We believe we shall be able to show, that this opinion is entirely erroneous; and that tithes, however objectionable in other respects, are an equal, not a partial tax. But, we must bespeak the indulgence of our readers while we state the grounds on which this conclusion rests. So much, and to so very Little purpose, has been written on the subject of tithes, that it may be safely affirmed there is no part of political science so incumbered with error and misapprehension, or where it is more necessary to recur to first principles.

If land yielded no surplus to its possessors above the common and ordinary profit of the capital employed in its cultivation, it is plain, that were a tenth of the produce set apart for the use of the clergy, the cultivators would be indemnified for this sacrifice by an equivalent increase on the price of the remaining nine-tenths. The level of profit may be temporarily, but it cannot be permanently elevated or depressed in any particular branch of industry: And as there can be no reason why the agriculturists should content themselves with a reduced rate of profit, when all other employments are yielding a higher rate, as soon as tithes were imposed they would set about transferring a portion of their stock to some more lucrative business; and this transference would be continued until the diminution of supply

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