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University of the State of New York
Examinations Department

108th examination


Tuesday, March 14, 1893-9:15 a. m. to 12:15 p. m., only

100 credits, necessary to pass, 75

Credits allowed each answer depend on its completeness and accuracy

I Define and give an example of balanced sentence, loose sentence, periodic sentence.

I 2

2 State one way in which the unity of a sentence may be violated; one way in which the emphasis of a sentence may be violated.


3 How does a metaphor differ from (a) a simile? (b) an allegory? 4 4 Distinguish between metonymy and synecdoche. Write a sentence containing an example of synecdoche.


5 Name the figure used in each of the following sentences:


His steel gleamed on high;

The child is father to the man;

O wind,

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


6 Tell what quality of style is violated in each of the following sentences and correct each violation:

a I shall be glad to except your kind invitation ;

b He is a great talkist;

He received a contusion from contact with somebody's fist. 7 Define wit, humor. Give an example of each.



8 Define epic poetry, lyric poetry.

Mention two characteristics of an


epic poem.

9 Mark the scansion of the following lines and name the kind of


So nigh is grandeur to our dust,

So near is God to man,

When duty whispers low, "Thou must,”

The youth replies, “I can.”


10 Write an essay of not less than 200 words on Rasselas, covering the following points: Description of the happy valley; escape of Rasselas; adventures of Rasselas.


NOTE - Students not familiar with Rasselas may substitute one of the following topics: Work; World's Columbian exposition.

University of the State of New York
Examinations Department

111th examination


Tuesday, June 13, 1893-9: 15 a. m. to 12: 15 p. m., only

100 credits, necessary to pass, 75

Credits allowed each answer depend on its completeness and accuracy

I Define loose sentence.

Give an example of a loose sentence and

change this loose sentence to a periodic sentence.


2 Distinguish between unity, strength and clearness of sentences. Mention two ways in which the strength of a sentence may be increased.


3 Write a sentence containing an example of apostrophe; one containing an example of antithesis ; one containing an example of climax. 6 4 Tell what quality of style is violated in each of the following, sentences and correct each violation:

a He spoke most contemptibly of his assistant;

The scenery along the Hudson river is elegant ;
If he should leave his father he would die.


5 Name and define two figures based on resemblance; two based on


6 Define sarcasm, irony. Give an example of each.



7 Define didactic poetry, pastoral poetry, satire. Give an example of

a satire.


8 Scan the following lines and name the kinds of verse.·

And forth into the fields I went,

And nature's living motion lent
The pulse of hope to discontent;

Take her up tenderly,

Lift her with care;
Fashioned so slenderly,
Young and so fair.


9 Write an essay on Rasselas of not less than 200 words, covering the following points: Rasselas in the happy valley; wanderings of Rasselas; result of the journey.


NOTE- Students not familiar with Rasselas may substitute one of the following topics: The future of America; Lectures.

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60 credits, necessary to pass, 45

Credits allowed each answer depend on its completeness and accuracy

I Discuss briefly the early English dialects. Which of these dialects became the literary language of England? Why?


2 Compare the literature of Chaucer's time with that of the period immediately succeeding and state the causes for the difference.


3 Mention the periods into which English literature may be divided, fixing the limits and giving the characteristics of each period. Name one characteristic author and one work of that author for each period. 8 4 Mention in the order of development the different types of British fiction. Name one author and one work illustrating each type. 5 5 Mention the tests by which the excellence of a work of fiction may be determined, and illustrate the application of these tests by criticising briefly any one of the works of Charles Dickens. 5

6 What is the most characteristic feature of the literature of the Elizabethan age? State facts to prove the correctness of your answer. 3 7 In what respects does the romantic drama differ from the classic drama?


8 Mention the principal excellences and the principal defects of Browning's poetry.


9 Mention in the order of their production three plays of Shakspere in which he deals with the supernatural. What is indicated in these plays as to the development of Shakspere's genius? 6 10 Give a brief sketch of your favorite historic character in Shakspere's plays. Show to what extent Shakspere's portraiture of this character is correct.


II What was the occasion of Tennyson's In memoriam ? What is its real theme? What are the characteristics of the poem which will make it enduring?


University of the State of New York

Examinations Department

105th examination


Wednesday, November 23, 1892-1: 15 to 4: 15 p. m., only

48 credits, necessary to pass, 36

Credits allowed each answer depend on its completeness and accuracy

I Give an account of Bede and of his principal work. 2 Give an account of the Saxon chronicle.



3 Sketch the plan of the Faery queene. Mention two other works of the same author.


4 Write a sketch of your favorite historic character in Shakspere's



5 Give an account of the life of John Bunyan.


6 What were the characteristics of the drama in Dryden's time? Mention two other dramatists of that period.


7 Sketch the life and character of Robert Burns.

8 Describe the literary style of Samuel Johnson.

9 Give the name of a comedy written by Oliver Goldsmith.

10 Give an account of the writings of Macaulay.

II Fill the blanks in the following:

Essay on the human understanding by

by Alexander Pope

The last days of Pompeii by

by Izaak Walton.

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12 Give an outline of the first book.


13 Give an account of the council described in the second book. State its result.

14 Describe Satan's passage through the realms of chaos. 15 Mention some of the marks of greatness in this poem.




University of the State of New York

Examinations Department

107th examination


Wednesday, January 25, 1893-1: 15 to 4:15 p. m., only

100 credits, necessary to pass, 75

Credits allowed each answer depend on its completeness and accuracy.

I Mention some effects of the Norman conquest on the English language and literature.

2 Give a brief account of the Venerable Bede.


3 Sketch the plan of the Canterbury tales.


Name his principal



4 Name two early English translators of the Bible and state the influence of each on the English language.

5 Give an outline of one of Milton's poetic works.



6 Give a sketch of the life of Alexander Pope and a brief account of his translations of the classics.

I 2

7 Who composed the Lake school of poets? Sketch the character of one of its members. Name one of his principal works.


8 Name (a) a famous English historian; (b) a famous English. philosopher; (c) a famous English poet; (d) a famous English novelist.


9 Name the authors of four of the following works: (a) Robinson Crusoe; (b) Vicar of Wakefield; (c) Rasselas; (d) Kenilworth; (e) Adam Bede; (f) Endymion; (g) Alastor; (h) In memoriam.


10 Describe the scene of the murder of Duncan.



II Contrast the character of Lady Macbeth with that of her husband.


12 Give the prophecy of the witches regarding Macbeth's overthrow and explain how this prophecy came to pass.


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