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TABBY. An old maid; either from Tabitha, a formal antiquated name; or else from a tabby cat, old maids being often compared to cats. To drive Tab; to go out on a party of pleasure with a wife and family.

TACE. Silence, hold your tongue. Tace is Latin for a candle; a jocular admonition to be silent on any subject. TACKLE. A mistress; also good clothes.

The cull has tipt his tackle rum gigging; the fellow has given his mistress good clothes. A man's tackle: the genitals.

TAFFY, i. e. Davy. A general name for a Welchman, St. David being the tutelar saint of Wales. Taffy's day; the first of March, St. David's day.

TAG-RAG AND BOBTAIL. An expression meaning an assemblage of low people, the mobility of all sorts. To tag after one like a tantony pig: to follow one wherever one goes, just as St. Anthony is followed by his pig. TAIL. A prostitute. Also, a sword.

TAKEN IN. Imposed on, cheated.

TALE TELLERS. Persons said to have been formerly hired to tell wonderful stories of giants and fairies, to lull their hearers to sleep. Talesman; the author of a story or report: I'll tell you my tale, and my talesman. Tale bearers; mischief makers, incendiaries in families.

TALL BOY. A bottle, or two-quart pot.

TALLY MEN. Brokers that let out clothes to the women of the town. See RABBIT SUCKERS.

TALLYWAGS, or TARRYWAGS. A man's testicles.

TAME. To run tame about a house; to live familiarly in a family with which one is upon a visit. Tame army; the city trained bands.

TANDEM. A two-wheeled chaise, buggy, or noddy, drawn by two horses, one before the other: that is, at length. TANGIER. A room in Newgate, where debtors were confined, hence called Tangerines.

TANNER. A sixpence. The kiddey tipped the rattling cove a tanner for luck; the lad gave the coachman sixpence for drink.

TANTADLIN TART. A sirreverence, human excrement. TANTRUMS. Pet, or passion: madam was in her tantrums. TANTWIVY. Away they went tantwivy; away they went full speed. Tantwivy was the sound of the hunting horn in full cry, or that of a post horn.


TAP. A gentle blow. A tap on the shoulder; an arrest.
To tap a girl; to be the first seducer: in allusion to a beer
barrel. To tap a guinea; to get it changed.
TAPPERS. Shoulder tappers: bailiffs.

TAPE. Red tape; brandy. Blue or white tape; gin.
TAPLASH. Thick and bad beer.

TAR. Don't lose a sheep for a halfpennyworth of tar: tar is
used to mark sheep. A jack tar; a sailor.
TARADIDDLE. A fib, or falsity.

TARPAWLIN. A coarse cloth tarred over: also, figuratively, a sailor.

TARRING AND FEATHERING. A punishment lately inflicted by the good people of Boston on any person convicted, or suspected, of loyalty: such delinquents being stripped naked, were daubed all over with tar, and afterwards put into a hogshead of feathers.

TART. Sour, sharp, quick, pert.

TARTAR. To catch a Tartar; to attack one of superior strength or abilities. This saying originated from a story of an Irish soldier in the Imperial service, who, in a battle against the Turks, called out to his comrade that he had caught a Tartar. Bring him along then,' said he.

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He won't come,' answered Paddy. Then come along yourself,' replied his comrade. Arrah,' cried be,


but he won't let me.'--A Tartar is also an adept at any feat, or game: he is quite a Tartar at cricket, or billiards. TAT. Tit for tat; an equivalent.

TATS. False dice.

TATLER. A watch. To flash a tatler: to wear a watch. TATMONGER. One that uses false dice.

TATTER DEMALLION. A ragged fellow, whose clothes hang all in tatters.

TATTOO. A beat of the drum, or signal for soldiers to go to their quarters, and a direction to the sutlers to close the tap, and draw no more liquor for them; it is generally beat at nine in summer and eight in winter. The devil's tattoo; beating with one's foot against the ground, as done by persons in low spirits.

TAW. A schoolboy's game, played with small round balls made of stone dust, called marbles. I'll be one upon your taw presently; a species of threat.

TAWDRY. Garish, gawdy, with lace or staring and discordant colours: a term said to be derived from the shrine and altar of St. Audrey (an Isle of Ely saintess), which for finery exceeded all others thereabouts, so as to become proverbial; whence any fine dressed man or wo



man was said to be all St. Audrey, and by contraction all tawdry.




TAYLE DRAWERS. Thieves who snatch gentlemen's swords from their sides. He drew the cull's tayle rumly; he snatched away the gentleman's sword cleverly. TAYLOR. Nine taylors make a man; an ancient and common saying, originating from the effeminacy of their employment; or, as some have it, from nine taylors having been robbed by one man; according to others, from the speech of a woollend raper, meaning that the custom of nine taylors would make or enrich one man.-A. London taylor, rated to furnish half a man to the Trained Bands, asking how that could possibly be done? was answered, By sending four journeymen and an apprentice.—Put a taylor, a weaver, and a miller into a sack, shake them well, and the first that puts out his head is certainly a thief.---A taylor is frequently styled pricklouse, from their assaults on those vermin with their needles.

TAYLOR'S GOOSE. An iron with which, when heated, they press down the seams of clothes.

TEA VOIDER. A chamber pot.

TEAGUELAND. Ireland. Teaguelanders; Irishmen.

TEARS OF THE TANKARD. The drippings of liquor on a man's waistcoat.

TEDDY MY GODSON. An address to a supposed simple fellow, or nysey.

TEIZE. To nap the teize; to receive a whipping. Cant. TEMPLE PICKLING. Pumping a bailiff: a punishment formerly administered to any of that fraternity_caught exercising their functions within the limits of the Temple. TEN TOES. See BAYARD OF TEN TOES.

TEN IN THE HUNDRED. An usurer: more than five in the hundred being deemed usurious interest.

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TENANT AT WILL. One whose wife usually fetches him from the alehouse.

TENANT FOR LIFE. A married man; i. e. possessed of a woman for life.

TENDER PARNELL. A tender creature, fearful of the least puff of wind or drop of rain. As tender as Parnell, who

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broke her finger in a posset drink. TERMAGANT. An outrageous scold from Termagantes, a cruel Pagan, formerly represented in divers shows and entertainments, where being dressed á la Turque, in long clothes, he was mistaken for a furious woman. TERRA FIRMA... A estate in land.


TESTER. A Sixpence : from teston, a coin with a head on it TETBURY PORTION. A**** and a clap.

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THAMES. He will not find out a way to set the Thames on fire; he will not make any wonderful discoveries, he is no conjuror.

THATCH-GALLOWS. A rogue, or man of bad character. THICK. Intimate. They are as thick as two inkle-weavers. THIEF. You are a thief and a murderer, you have killed a baboon and stole his face; vulgar abuse.

THIEF IN A CANDLE. Part of the wiek or snuff, which falling on the tallow, burns and melts it, and causing it to gutter, thus steals it away.

THIEF TAKERS. Fellows who associate with all kinds of villains, in order to betray them, when they have committed any of those crimes which entitle the persons taking them to a handsome reward, called blood money. It is the business of these thief takers to furnish subjects for a handsome execution, at the end of every sessions. THIMBLE. A watch. The swell flashes a rum thimble; the gentleman sports a fine watch.

THINGSTABLE. Mr. Thingstable; Mr. Constable: a ludicrous affectation of delicacy in avoiding the pronunciation of the first syllable in the title of that officer, which in sound has some similarity to an indecent monosyllable. THINGUMBOB. Mr. Thingumbob; a vulgar address or nomination to any person whose name is unknown, the same' as Mr. What-d'ye-call'em. Thingumbobs; testicles. THIRDING. A custom practised at the universities, where two thirds of the original price is allowed by the upholsterers to the students for household goods returned to then within the year.

THIRTEENER. A shilling in Ireland, which there passes for thirteen pence.

THOMOND. Like Lord Thomond's cocks, all on one side. Lord Thomond's cock-feeder, an Irishman, being entrusted with some cocks which were matched for a considerable sum, the night before the battle shut them all together in one room, concluding that as they were all on the same side, they would not disagree: the consequence was, they were most of them either killed or lamed before the morning.

THOMAS, Man Thomas; a man's penis.

THORNS. To be or sit upon thorns; to be uneasy, impatient, anxious for an event.

THORNBACK. An old maid.

THOROUGH CHURCHMAN. A person who goes in at one door of a church, and out at the other, without stopping..


THOROUGH-GOOD-NATURED WENCH. One who being asked to sit down, will lie down. THOROUGH GO NIMBLE.

A looseness, a violent purging. THOROUGH COUGH. Coughing and breaking wind backwards at the same time.

THOROUGH STITCH. To go thorough stitch; to stick at nothing, over shoes, over boots.

THOUGHT. What did thought do? lay in bed and besh-t himself, and thought he was up; reproof to any one who excuses himself for any breach of positive orders, by pleading that he thought to the contrary.

THREE TO ONE. He is playing three to one, though sure to lose; said of one engaged in the amorous congress. THREE-PENNY UPRIGHT. A retailer of love, who, for the sum mentioned, dispenses her favours standing against a wall. THREE-LEGGED MARE, or STOOL. The gallows, formerly consisting of three posts, over which were laid three transverse beams. This clumsy machine has lately given place to an elegant contrivance, called the new drop, by which the use of that vulgar vehicle a cart, or mechanical instrument a ladder, is also avoided; the patients being left suspended by the dropping down of that part of the floor on which they stand. This invention was first made use of for a peer. See DROP.

THREE THREADS. Half common ale, mixed with stale and double beer.

THREPS. Threepence.

TO THROTTLE. To strangle.

THROTTLE. The throat, or gullet.

To THRUм. To play on any instrument stringed with wire. A thrummer of wire; a player on the spinet, harpsichord, or guitar.

THRUMS. Threepence.

THUMB. By rule of thumb: to do any thing by dint of prac tice. To kiss one's thumb instead of the book; a vulgar expedient to avoid perjury in taking a false oath. THUMMIKINS. An instrument formerly used in Scotland, like a vice, to pinch the thumbs of persons accused of different crimes, in order to extort confession.

THUMP. A blow. This is better than a thump on the back with a stone; said on giving any one a drink of good liquor on a cold morning. Thatch, thistle, thunder, and thump; words to the Irish, like the Shibboleth of the Hebrews. THUMPING. Great: a thumping boy.

THWACK. A great blow with a stick across the shoulders.
A young lass


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