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A man or woman walking; 1.

TRAY TRIP. An ancient game like Scotch hop, played on

a pavement marked out with chalk into different compartments.

TRENCHER CAP. The square cap worn by the collegians. at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

TRENCHER MAN. A stout trencher man; one who has a good appetite, or, as the term is, plays a good knife and fork.

TRESWINS. Threepence.

TRIB. A prison: perhaps from tribulation.

A quirk or quibble in the law. TRIG. The point at which schoolboys stand to shoot their marbles at taw; also the spot whence bowlers deliver the bowl.

TO TRIG IT. To play truant. To lay a man trigging; to knock him down.

TRIGRYMATE. An idle female companion..

TRIM. State, dress. In a sad trim; dirty.-Also spruce or fine: a trim fellow.

TRIM TRAM. Like master, like man.

TRIMMING. Cheating, changing side, or beating. I'll trim his jacket; I'il thresh him. To be trimmed; to be shaved; I'll just step and get trimmed.

TRINE. To hang; also Tyburn.

TRINING. Hanging.

A whim, or maggot.

TRINKETS. Toys, bawbles, or nicknacks.

TRIP. A short voyage or journey, a false step or stumble, an error in the tongue, a bastard. She has made a trip ; she has had a bastard.

TRIPE. The belly, or guts. Mr. Double Tripe; a fat man. Tripes and trullibubs; the entrails: also a jeering appellation for a fat man.

TO TROLL. To loiter or saunter about.

TROLLY LOLLY. Coarse lace once much in fashion.
TROLLOP. A lusty coarse sluttish woman.

TROOPER. You will die the death of a trooper's horse, that is, with your shoes on; a jocular method of telling any one he will be hanged.

TROT. An old trot; a decrepit old woman. A dog trot; a gentle pace.


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TROTTERS. Feet. To shake one's trotters at Bilby's ball, where the sheriff pays the fiddlers; perhaps the Bilboesball, i. e. the ball of fetters: fetters and stocks were anciently called the bilboes.

TO TROUNCE. To punish by course of law.

TRUCK. To exchange, swop, or barter; also a wheel such as ship's guns are placed upon.

TRULL. A soldier or a tinker's trull; a soldier or tinker's female companion.-Guteli, or trulli, are spirits like women, which shew great kindness to men, and hereof it is that we call light women trulls. Randle Holms's Academy of Armory. TRUMPERY. bish. TRUMPET. To sound one's own trumpet; to praise one's self.

An old whore, or goods of no value; rub

TRUMPETER. The king of Spain's trumpeter; a braying ass. His trumpeter is dead, he is therefore forced to sound his own trumpet. He would make an excellent trumpeter, for he has a strong breath; said of one having a fætid breath.

TRUMPS. To be put to one's trumps: to be in difficulties, or put to one's shifts. Something may turn up trumps; something lucky may happen. All his cards are trumps: he is extremely fortunate.


TRUNK. A nose. How fares your old trunk? does your nose still stand fast? an allusion to the proboscis or trunk of an elephant. To shove a trunk: to introduce one's self unasked into any place or company. Trunk-maker like; more noise than work.


To endeavour. To live by thieving. Coves who try it on; professed thieves.


TU QUOQUE. The mother of all saints.
TUB THUMPER. A presbyterian parson.

TUCKED UP. Hanged. A tucker up to an old bachelor or widower; a supposed mistress.

TUFT HUNTER. An anniversary parasite, one who courts the acquaintance of nobility, whose caps are adorned with a gold tuft. TUMBLER. A cart; also a sharper employed to draw in pigeons to game; likewise a posture-master, or rope-danTo shove the tumbler, or perhaps tumbril; to be whipt at the cart's tail.




TO TUNE. To beat: his father tuned him delightfully: perhaps from fetching a tune out of the person beaten, or from a comparison with the disagreeable sounds of instruments when tuning.

To TUP. To have carnal knowledge of a woman.
TUP. A ram: figuratively, a cuckold.

TUP RUNNING. A rural sport practised at wakes and fairs
in Derbyshire; a ram, whose tail is well soaped and
greased, is turned out to the multitude; any one that can
take him by the tail, and hold him fast, is to have him for
is own.allo

T-D. There were four t-ds for dinner: stir t-d, hold t-d, tread t-d, and mus-t-d: to wit, a hog's face, feet and chitterlings, with mustard. He will never sh-e a seaman's td; i. e. he will never make a good seaman. TURF. On the turf; persons who keep running horses, or attend and bet at horse-races, are said to be on the turf. TURK. A cruel, hard-hearted man. Turkish treatment; barbarous usage. Turkish shore; Lambeth, Southwark, and Rotherhithe side of the Thames. TURKEY MERCHANT. A poulterer.

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Twiss having in his Travels" given a very unfavourable description of the Irish character, the inhabitants of. Dublin, by way of revenge, thought proper to christen this utensil by his name-suffice it to say that the baptismal rites were not wanting at the ceremony. On a nephew of this gentleman the following epigram was made by a fr end of ours:

Perish the country, yet my name

Shall ne'er in story be forgot,
But still the more increase in fame,
The more the country goes to pot.

TWIST. A mixture of half tea and half coffee; likewise brandy, beer, and eggs. A good twist; a good appetite. To twist it down apace; to eat heartily.

TWISTED. Executed, hanged.

To TwIT. To reproach a person, or remind him of favours. conferred.

TWITTER. All in a twitter; in a fright. Twittering is : also the note of some small birds, such as the robin, &c. TWITTOC. Two Cant.

TWO HANDED PUT. The amorous congress.

Two THIEVES BEATING A ROGUE. A man beating his hands against his sides to warm himself in cold weather; valled also beating the booby, and cuffing Jonas.

Two TO ONE SHOP. A pawnbroker's: alluding to the three blue balls, the sign of that trade: or perhaps to its being two to one that the goods pledged are never redeemed..

TWO-HANDED. Great. A two-handed fellow or wench; a great strapping man or woman.


A neckcloth.

TYBURN BLOSSOM. A young thief or pickpocket, who in time will ripen into fruit borne by the deadly never-green. TYBURN TIPPET. A halter; see Latimer's sermon before Edward VI. A. D. 1549.

TYBURN TOP, or FORETOP. A wig with the foretop combed over the eyes in a knowing style; such being much worn by the gentlemen pads, scamps, divers, and other knowing hands.

TYKE. A dog, also a clown; a Yorkshire tyke.


VAGARIES. Frolics, wild rambles.



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boasts without reason, or, as the canters say, pisses more than he drinks.

VALENTINE. The first woman seen by a man, or man seen by a woman, on St. Valentine's day, the 14th of February, when it is said every bird chuses his mate for the ensuing year.

TO VAMP. To pawn any thing. I'll vamp it, and tip you the cole: I'll pawn it, and give you the money. Also to refit, new dress, or rub up old hats, shoes or other wearing apparel; likewise to put new feet to old boots. Applied more particularly to a quack bookseller. VAMPER. Stockings.

VAN. Madam Van; see MADAM.

VAN-NECK. Miss or Mrs. Van-Neck; a woman with large breasts; a bushel bubby.

VARDY. To give one's vardy; i. e. verdict or opinion. VARLETS. Now rogues and rascals, formerly yeoman's ser


VARMENT. (Whip and Cambridge.) Natty, dashing. He is

quite varment, he is quite the go. He sports a varment - hat, coat, &c.; he is dressed like a gentleman Jehu. VAULTING SCHOOL. A bawdy-house; also an academy where vaulting and other manly exercises are taught. VELVET. To tip the velvet; to put one's tongue into a woman's mouth. To be upon velvet; to have the best of a bet or match. To the little gentleman in velvet, i. e. the mole that threw up the hill that caused Crop (King William's horse) to stumble; a toast frequently drank by the tories and catholics in Ireland.

VENUS'S CURSE. The venereal disease.

VESSELS OF PAPER. Half a quarter of a sheet.

VICE ADMIRAL OF THE NARROW SEAS. A drunken man that pisses under the table into his companions' shoes... VICTUALLING OFFICE. The stomach.

VINCENT'S LAW. The art of cheating at cards, composed of the following associates: bankers, those who play booty; the gripe, he that betteth; and the person cheated, who~ is styled the vincent; the gains acquired, termage. VINEGAR. A name given to the person who with a whip in his hand, and a hat held before his eyes, keeps the ring clear, at boxing-matches and cudgel-playing; also, in cant terms, a cloak.

VIXEN. A termagant; also a she fox, who, when she has cubs, is remarkably fierce.

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