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BLUE RUIN. Gin. Blue ribband; gin.

BLUFF. Fierce, surly. He looked as bluff as bull beef.
BLUFFER. An inn-keeper. Cant.

BLUNDERBUSS. A short gun, with a wide bore, for carrying slugs; also a stupid, blundering fellow.

BLUNT. Money. Cant.

TO BLUSTER. To talk big, to hector or bully.

BOARDING SCHOOL. Bridewell, Newgate, or any other prison, or house of correction.

ВоB. A shoplifter's assistant, or one that receives and carries off stolen goods. All is bob; all is safe. Cant. Вов. A shilling.

BOBBED. Cheated, tricked, disappointed.

BOBBISH. Smart, clever, spruce.

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BOB STAY. A rope which holds the bowsprit to the stem or cutwater. Figuratively, the frenum of a man's yard. BOB TAIL. A lewd woman, or one that plays with her tail; also an impotent man, or an eunuch. Tag, rag, and bob tail; a mob of all sorts of low people, To shift one's bob; to move off, or go away. To bear a bob; to join in chorus with any singers. Also a term used by the sellers of game, for a partridge.

BODY SNATCHERS. Bum bailiffs.

BODY OF DIVINITY BOUND IN BLACK CALF. A parson. BOG LANDER. An Irishman; Ireland being famous for its large bogs, which furnish the chief fuel in many parts of that kingdom.

BOG TROTTER. The same.

BOG HOUSE. The necessary house. To go to bog; to go to stool.

BOG LATIN. Barbarous Latin. Irish.-See DoG LATIN, and APOTHECARIES LATIN.

BOGY. Ask bogy, i. e. ask mine a-se. Sea wit.

Вон. Said to be the name of a Danish general, who so terrified his opponent Foh, that he caused him to bewray himself. Whence, when we smell a stink, it is custoto exclaim, Foh'! i. e. I smell general Foh. He cannot say Boh to a goose; i. e. he is a cowardly or sheepish fellow. There is a story related of the celebrated Ben Jonson, who always dressed very plain; that being introduced to the presence of a nobleman, the peer, struck by his homely appearance and awkward manner,exclaimed,as if in doubt, you Ben Johnson! why you look as if you could not say Boh to a goose!" "Boh!" replied the wit.

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BOLD. Bold as a miller's shirt, which every day takes a rogue by the collar.

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BOLT. A blunt arrow.

BOLT UPRIGHT. As erect, or straight up, as an arrow set on its end.

TO BOLT. To run suddenly out of one's house, or hiding place, through fear; a term borrowed from a rabbitwarren, where the rabbits are made to bolt, by sending ferrets into their burrows: we set the house on fire, and made him bolt. To bolt, also means to swallow meat without chewing: the farmer's servants in Kent are famous for bolting large quantities of pickled pork.

BONES. Dice.

BONE BOX. The mouth. Shut your bone box; shut your mouth.

BONE PICKER. A footman.

BONED. Seized,apprehended, taken up by a constable. Cant. BOLUS. A nick name for an apothecary.

BONE SETTER, A hard-trotting horse,

BOOBY, OF DOG BOOBY. An awkward lout, clodhopper, or country fellow. See CLODHOPPER and LOUT. A bitch booby; a country wench.

BOOBY HUTCH. A one-horse chaise, noddy, buggy, or leathern bottle.

Books, Cards to play with. To plant the books; to place the cards in the pack in an unfair manner.

BOOK-KEEPER. One who never returns borrowed books. Out of one's books; out of one's favor. Out of his books out of debt.

BOOT CATCHER. The servant at an inn whose business it is to clean the boots of the guest.

BOOTS, The youngest officer in a regimental mess, whose duty it is to skink, that is,to stir the fire, snuff the candles, and ring the bell. See SKINK.---To ride in any one's old boots; to marry or keep his cast-off mistress.

BOOTY. To play booty; cheating play, where the player purposely avoids winning,

BO-PEEP. One who sometimes hides himself, and sometimes appears publicly abroad, is said to play at bo-peep, Also one who lies perdue, or on the watch.

BORACHIO. A skin for holding wine, commonly a goat's; also a nick name for a drunkard.

BORDE. A shilling. A half borde; a sixpence,
BORDELLO. A bawdy house.

BORE. A tedious, troublesome man or woman, one who bores the ears of his hearers with an uninteresting tale; a term much in fashion about the years 1780 and 1781. BORN UNDER A THREEPENNY HALFPENNY PLANET,



Said of any person

remarkably unsuccessful in his attempts or profession. BOTCH. A nick name for a taylor.

BOTHERED or BOTH-EARED. Talked to at both ears by different persons at the same time, confounded, confused. Irish phrase.

BOTHERAMS. A convivial society.

BOTTLE-HEADED. Void of wit.

BOTTOM. A polite term for the posteriors. Also, in the sporting sense, strength and spirits to support fatigue; as a bottomed horse. Among bruisers it is used to express a hardy fellow, who will bear a good beating. BOTTOMLESS PIT. The monosyllable.

BOUGHS.Wide in the boughs.with large hips and posteriors. BOUGHS. He is up in the boughs; he is in a passion.

To BOUNCE. To brag or hector; also to tell an improbable story. To bully a man out of any thing. The kiddey bounced the swell of the blowen; the lad bullied the gentleman out of the girl.

BOUNCER. A large man or woman; also a great lie. BOUNCING CHEAT. A bottle; from the explosion in drawing the cork. Cant.

BOUNG. A purse. Cant.

BOUNG NIPPER. A cut purse.

Cant.-Formerly purses

were worn at the girdle, from whence they were cut.

Boose, or BOUSE. Drink.

BOOSEY. Drunk.

BOWSING KEN. An ale-house or gin-shop.

BOWSPRIT. The nose, from its being the most projecting part of the human face, as the bowsprit is of a ship. Bow-wow. The childish name for a dog; also a jeering appellation for a man born at Boston in America. Bow-wow MUTTON. Dog's flesh.

Bow-WOW SHOP. A salesman's shop in Monmouth-street; so called because the servant barks, and the master bites. See BARKER.


BOWYER. One that draws a long bow, a dealer in the marvellous, a teller of improbable stories,a liar perhaps from the wonderful shots frequently boasted of by archers. TO BOX THE COMPASS. To say or repeat the mariner's compass, not only backwards or forwards, but also to be able to answer any and all questions respecting its divisions. Sea term.

To Box THE JESUIT, AND GET COCK ROACHES. A sea term for masturbation; a crime, it is said, much practised by the reverend fathers of that society.

BRACE. The Brace tavern; a room in the S. E. corner of the


King's Bench, where, for the convenience of prisoners residing thereabouts, beer purchased at the tap-house was retailed at a halfpenny per pot advance. It was kept by two brothers of the name of Partridge, and thence called the Brace.

BRACKET-FACED. Ugly, hard-featured.

BRAGGET. Mead and ale sweetened with honey. BRAGGADOCIA. A vain-glorious fellow, a boaster. BRAINS. If you had as much brains as guts, what a clever fellow you would be! a saying to a stupid fat fellow. To have some guts in his brains; to know something. BRAN-FACED. Freckled. He was christened by a baker, he carries the bran in his face. f

BRANDY-FACED. Red-faced, as if from drinking brandy. BRANDY. Brandy is Latin for a goose; a memento to prevent the animal from rising in the stomach by a glass of the good creature.

BRAT. A child or infant.

BRAY. A vicar of Bray; one who frequently changes his principles, always siding with the strongest party an allusion to a vicar of Bray, in Berkshire, commemorated in a well-known ballad for the pliability of his conscience. BRAZEN-FACED. Bold-faced, shameless, impudent. BREAD AND BUTTER FASHION. One slice upon the other. John and his maid were caught lying bread and butter fashion.-To quarrel with one's bread and butter; to act contrary to one's interest. To know on which side one's bread is buttered; to know one's interest, or what is best for one. It is no bread and butter of mine; I have no business with it; or rather, I won't intermeddle, because I shall get nothing by it.

BREAK-TEETH WORDS. Hard words, difficult to pronounce. BREAKING SHINS. Borrowing money; perhaps from the figurative operation being, like the real one, extremely disagreeable to the patient.

BREAD. Employment. Out of bread; out of employment.
In bad bread; in a disagreeable scrape, or situation.
BREAD BASKET. The stomach; a term used by boxers.
I took him a punch in his bread basket; i. e. I gave him
a blow in the stomach.
BREAST FLEET. He or she belongs to the breast fleet; i.e. is

a Roman catholic; an appellation derived from their cus tom of beating their breasts in the confession of their sins. BREECHED. Money in the pocket: the swell is well breeched, let's draw him; the gentleman has plenty of money in his pocket, let us rob him.


BREECHES. To wear the breeches; a woman who governs her husband is said to wear the breeches.


An edition of the Bible printed in 1598, wherein it is said that Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves breeches.

BREEZE. To raise a breeze; to kick up a dust or breed a disturbance.

BRIDGE. To make a bridge of any one's nose; to push the bottle past him, so as to deprive him of his turn of filling his glass; to pass one over. Also to play booty, or purposely to avoid winning. BRIM (Abbreviation of Brimstone.) An abandoned wo man; perhaps originally only a passionate or irascible wo man, compared to brimstone for its inflammability. BRISKET BEATER. A Roman catholic. See BREAST FLEET, and CRAW THUMPER.

BRISTOL MILK. A Spanish wine called sherry, much drunk at that place, particularly in the morning.



The son of an Irish thief and a Welch.

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BROGANIER. One who has a strong Irish pronunciation or


BROGUE. A particular kind of shoe without a heel, worn in Ireland, and figuratively used to signify the Irish accent.


BLADE. A soldier.
BUSKIN. A player.
BUNG. A brewer.

CoIF. A serjeant at law.
GUSSET. A pimp.

QUILL. An author.


A fiddler.

WHIP. A coachman.

BROTHER STARLING. One who lies with the same woman, that is, builds in the same nest.

BROUGHTONIAN. A boxer: a disciple of Broughton, who was a beef-eater, and once the best boxer of his day. BROWN BESS. A soldier's firelock. To hug brown Bess; to carry a firelock, or serve as a private soldier.

BROWN GEORGE. An ammunition loaf. A wig without powder; similar to the undress wig worn by his majesty. BROWN MADAM, or Miss BROWN. The monosyllable. BROWN STUDY. Said of one absent, in a reverie, or thoughtful.

BRUISER. A boxer; one skilled in the art of boxing; also an inferior workman among chasers.


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