saint is commonly represented as trampling under his feet: being reproved for paying such honour to Satan, she answered, as it was uncertain which place she should go to, heaven or hell, she chose to secure a friend in both places. That will be when the Devil is blind, and he has not got sore eyes yet; said of any thing unlikely to happen. It rains whilst the sun shines, the Devil is beating his wife, with a shoulder of mutton: this phenomenon is also said to denote that cuckolds are going to heaven; on being informed of this, a loving wife cried out with great vehemence, Run, husband, run!' THE Devil was sick, the Devil a monk would be; a proverb signifying that we are apt to forget promises made in time of distress. To pull the Devil by the tail, to be reduced to one's shifts. The Devil go with you and sixpence, and then you will have both money and company. DEVIL. The gizzard of a turkey or fowl, scored, peppered, salted and broiled: it derives its appellation from being hot in the mouth. DEVIL CATCHER, or DEVIL DRIVER. A parson. See SNUB DEVIL. DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. It is said of one who has a termagant for his wife, that he has married the Devil's daughter, and lives with the old folks. DEVIL'S DAUGHTER'S PORTION: Deal, Dover, and Harwich, The Devil gave with his daughter in marriage; And, by a codicil to his will, He added Helvoet and the Brill; a saying occasioned by the shameful impositions practised by the inhabitants of those places, on sailors and travellers. DEVIL DRAWER. A miserable painter. DEVIL'S DUNG. Assafoetida. DEVIL'S GUTS, A surveyor's chain: so called by farmers, who do not like their land should be measured by their landlords. DEVILISH. Very: an epithet which in the English vulgar language is made to agree with every quality or thing; as, devilish bad, devilish good; devilish sick, devilish well; devilish sweet, devilish sour; devilish hot, devilish cold, &c. &c. DEUSEA DEUSEA VILLE. The country. DEUSEA VILLE STAMPERS. Country carriers. DEW BEATERS. Feet, Cant. Cant. DEWS WINS, or DEUX WINS. Two-pence. Cant. DEWITTED. Torn to pieces by a mob, as that great statesman John de Wit was in Holland, anno 1672. DIAL PLATE. The face. To alter his dial plate; to disfigure his face. DICE. The names of false dice: A bale of bard cinque deuces A bale of light graniers A bale of langrets contrary to the ventage A bale of gordes, with as many highmen as lowmen, for passage A bale of demies A bale of long dice for even and odd A bale of bristles A bale of direct contraries. DICK. That happened in the reign of queen Dick, i. e. never said of any absurd old story. I am as queer as Dick's hatband; that is, out of spirits, or don't know what ails me. DICKY. A woman's under-petticoat. It's all Dicky with him; i. e. it's all over with him. DICKED IN THE NOB, Silly. Crazed, DICKEY. A sham shirt. DICKEY. An ass. Roll your dickey; drive your ass. Also a seat for servants to sit behind a carriage, when their master drives. To DIDDLE. To cheat. To defraud. The cull diddled me out of my dearee; the fellow robbed me of my sweetheart. See Jeremy Diddler in Raising the Wind. DIDDEYS. A woman's breasts or bubbies. DIDDLE. Gin. DIGGERS. Spurs, Cant. DILBERRIES. Small pieces of excrement adhering to the hairs near the fundament. DILBERRY MAKER. The fundament. DILDO. [From the Italian diletto, q. d'a woman's delight; or from our word dally, q, d. a thing to play withal.] Penissuccedaneus, called in Lombardy Passo Tempo. "Bailey. DILIGENT. Double diligent, like the Devil's apothecary; said of one affectedly diligent. DILLY. [An abbreviation of the word diligence.] A public voiture or stage, commonly a post chaise, carrying three persons; the name is taken from the public stage vehicles in France and Flanders. The dillies first began to run in England about the year 1779. DIMBER. Pretty. A dimber cove; a pretty fellow. Dimber mort; a pretty wench. Cant. DIMBER DAMBER. A top man, or prince, among the canting crew also the chief rogue of the gang, or the complet est cheat. Cant. DING. To knock down. To ding it in one's ears; to reproach or tell one something one is not desirous of hearing. Also to throw away or hide : thus a highwayman who throws away or hides any thing with which he robbed, to prevent being known or detected, is, in the canting lingo, styled a Dinger. DING BOY. A rogue, a hector, a bully, or sharper. Cant. DING DONG. Helter skelter, in a hasty disorderly manner. DINGEY Christian. A mulatto; or any one who has, as the West-Indian term is, a lick of the tar-brush, that is, some negro blood in him. DINING ROOM POST. A mode of stealing in houses that let lodgings, by rogues pretending to be postmen, who send up sham letters to the lodgers, and, whilst waiting in the entry for the postage, go into the first room they see open, and rob it. DIP. To dip for a wig. Formerly, in Middle Row, Holborn, wigs of different sorts were, it is said, put into a close-stool box, into which, for three-pence, any one might dip, or thrust in his hand, and take out the firstwig he laid hold of; if he was dissatisfied with his prize, he might, on paying three halfpence, return it and dip again. THE DIP. A cook's shop, under Furnival's Inn, where many attornies clerks, and other inferior limbs of the law, take out the wrinkles from their bellies. Dip is also a punning name for a tallow-chandler. DIPPERS. Anabaptists. DIFT. Pawned or mortgaged. DIRTY PUZZLE. A nasty slut. DISGUISED. Drunk. DISGRUNTLED. Offended, disobliged. DISHED UP. He is completely dished up; he is totally ruined. To throw a thing in one's dish; to reproach or twit one with any particular matter. DISHCLOUT. A dirty, greasy woman. He has made a napkin of his dishclout; a saying of one who has married his cook maid. To pin a dishclout to a man's tail; a punishment often threatened by the female servants in a kitchen, to a man who pries too minutely into the secrets of that place. DISMAL DITTY. The psalm sung by the felons at the gallows, just before they are turned off. DISPATCHES. A mittimus, or justice of the peace's warrant, for the commitment of a rogue. DITTO. A suit of ditto; coat, waistcoat, and breeches, all of one colour. DISPATCHERS. Loaded or false dice. DISTRACTED DIVISION. Husband and wife fighting. DIVE. To dive; to pick a pocket. To dive for a dinner; to go down into a cellar to dinner. A dive, is a thief who stands ready to receive goods thrown out to him by a little boy put in at a window. Cant. DIVER. A pickpocket; also one who lives in a cellar. DIVIDE. To divide the house with one's wife; to give her the outside, and to keep all the inside to one's self, i. e. to turn her into the street. Do. To do any one; to rob and cheat him. I have done him; I have robbed him. Also to overcome in a boxing match: witness those laconic lines written on the field of battle, by Humphreys to his patron.--- Sir, I have done the Jew.' TO DO OVER. Carries the same meaning, but is not so briefly expressed: the former having received the polish of the present times. DOASH. A cloak. Cant. DOBIN RIG. Stealing ribbands from haberdashers early in the morning or late at night; generally practised by women in the disguise of maid servants. To Dock. To lie with a woman. The cull docked the dell all the darkmans; the fellow laid with the wench all night. Docked smack smooth; one who has suffered an amputation of his penis from a venereal complaint. He must go into dock; a sea phrase, signifying that the person spoken of must undergo a salivation. Docking is also a punishment inflicted by sailors on the prostitutes who have infected them with the venereal disease; it consists in cutting off all their clothes, petticoats, shift and all, close to their stays, and then turning them into the street. DOCTOR. Milk and water, with a little rum, and some nutmeg; also the name of a composition used by distillers, to to make spirits appear stronger than they really are, or, in their phrase, better proof. DOCTORS. Loaded dice, that will run but two or three chances. They put the doctors upon him; they cheated him with loaded dice. DODSEY. A woman: perhaps a corruption of Doxey. Cant. DOG BUFFERS. Dog stealers, who kill those dogs not advertised for, sell their skins, and feed the remaining dogs with their flesh. DOG IN A DOUBLET. A daring, 'resolute fellow. In Germany and Flanders the boldest dogs used to hunt the boar. having a kind of buff doublet buttoned on their bodies, Rubens has represented several so equipped, so has Sneyders. DOG. An old dog at it; expert or accustomed to any thing. Dog in a manger; one who would prevent another from enjoying what he himself does not want: an allusion to the well-known fable. The dogs have not dined; a common saying to any one whose shirt hangs out behind. To dog, or dodge; to follow at a distance. To blush like a blue dog, i. e. not at all. To walk the black dog on any one; a punishment inflicted in the night on a fresh prisoner,by his comrades,in case of his refusal to pay the usual footing or garnish. DOG LATIN. Barbarous Latin, such as was formerly used by the lawyers in their pleadings. DOG'S PORTION. A lick and a smell. He comes in for only a dog's portion; a saying of one who is a distant admirer or dangler after women. See DANGLER. DOG'S RIG. To copulate till you are tired, and then turn tail to it. DOGGED. Surly. DOGGESS, DOG'S WIFE or LADY, PUPPY'S MAMMA. JOcular ways of calling a woman a bitch. DOLL. Bartholomew doll; a tawdry, over-drest woman, like one of the children's dolls at Bartholomew fair. To mill doll; to beat hemp at Bridewell, or any other house of correction. DOLLY. A Yorkshire dolly; a contrivance for washing, by means of a kind of wheel fixed in a tub, which being turned about, agitates and cleanses the linen put into it, with soap and water. DOMINE DO LITTLE. An impotent old fellow. DOMINEER. To reprove or command in an insolent or haughty |