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DUTCHESS. A woman enjoyed with her pattens on, or by a man in boots, is said to be made a dutchess.

DIE HARD, OF GAME. To die hard, is to shew no signs of fear or contrition at the gallows; not to whiddle or squeak. This advice is frequently given to felons going to suffer the law, by their old comrades, anxious for the honour of the gang.


EARNEST. A deposit in part of payment, to bind a bargain. EARTH BATH. A Grave.

EASY. Make the cull easy or quiet; gag or kill him. As easy as pissing the bed.

EASY VIRTUE. A lady of easy virtue: an impure or prostitute. EAT. To eat like a beggar man, and wag his under jaw; a jocular reproach to a proud man. To eat one's words; to retract what one has said.

To EDGE. To excite, stimulate, or provoke; or as it is vulgarly called, to egg a man on. Fall back, fall edge; i. e. let what will happen. Some derive to egg on, from the Latin word, age, age.

EIGHT EYES. I will knock out two of your eight eyes; a common Billingsgate threat from one fish nymph to another every woman, according to the naturalists of that society, having eight eyes; viz. two seeing eyes, two bubeyes, a bell-eye, two pope's eyes, and a ***-eye. He has fallen down and trod upon his eye; said of one who has a black eye.

ELBOW GREASE. Labour. Elbow grease will make an oak table shine.

ELBOW ROOM. Sufficient space to act in. Out at elbows; said of an estate that is mortgaged.

ELBOW SHAKER. A gamester, one who rattles Saint Hugh's bones, i. e. the dice.

ELLENBOROUGH LODGE. The King's Bench Prison. Lord Ellenborough's teeth; the chevaux de frize round the top of the wall of that prison.

ELF. A fairy or hobgoblin, a little man or woman.

EMPEROR. Drunk as an emperor, i. e. ten times as drunk as a lord.


ENSIGN BEARER. A drunken man, who looks red in the face, or hoists his colours in his drink.

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EQUIPT. Rich; also, having new clothes. Well equipt; full of money, or well dressed. The cull equipped me with a brace of meggs; the gentleman furnished me with a couple of guineas.

ESSEX LION. A calf; Essex being famous for calves, and chiefly supplying the London markets.

ESSEX STILE. A ditch; a great part of Essex is low marshy ground, in which there are more ditches than stiles. ETERNITY Box. A coffin.


Hen roosts.

EVE'S CUSTOM-HOUSE, where Adam made his first entry. The monosyllable.

EVES DROPPER. One that lurks about to rob hen-roosts; also a listener at doors and windows, to hear private conversation.

EVIL. A halter. Cant. Also a wife.

EWE. A white ewe; a beautiful woman. An old ewe, drest lamb fashion; an old woman, drest like a young girl. EXECUTION DAY. Washing day.

EXPENDED. Killed: alluding to the gunner's accounts, wherein the articles consumed are charged under the title of expended. Sea phrase.

EYE. It's all my eye and Betty Martin. It's all nonsense, all mere stuff.

EYE-SORE. A disagreeable object. It will be an eye-sore as long as she lives, said by a man whose wife was cut for a fistula in ano.


FACE-MAKING. Begetting children. To face it out; to
persist in a falsity. No face but his own: a saying of one
who has no money in his pocket or no court cards in his
FACER. A bumper, a glass filled so full as to leave no room
for the lip. Also a violent blow on the face.

FADGE. It won't fadge; it won't do. A farthing.
TO FAG. To beat. Fag the bloss; beat the wench. Cant.
A fag also means a boy of an inferior form or class, who
acts as a servant to one of a superior, who is said to fag

him, he is my fag; whence, perhaps, fagged out, for jaded or tired. To stand a good fag; not to be soon tired. FAGGER. A little boy put in at a window to rob the house. FAGGOT. A man hired at a muster to appear as a soldier. To faggot in the canting sense, means to bind : an allusion to the faggots made up by the woodmen, which are all bound. Faggot the culls; bind the men.

FAITHFUL. One of the faithful; a taylor who gives long credit. His faith has made him unwhole; i. e. trusting too much, broke him.

FAIR. A set of subterraneous rooms in the Fleet Prison. FAKEMENT. A counterfeit signature. A forgery. Tell

the macers to mind their fakements; desire the swindlers to be careful not to forge another person's signature. FALLALLS. Ornaments, chiefly women's, such as ribands, necklaces, &c.

FALLEN AWAY FROM A HORSE LOAD TO A CART LOAD. A saying on one grown fat.

FAMILY MAN. A thief or receiver of stolen goods. FAM LAY. Going into a goldsmith's shop, under pretence of buying a wedding ring,and palming one or two,by daubing the hand with some viscous matter.

FAMS, or FAMBLES. Hands. Famble cheats; rings or gloves. Cant.


To shake hands: figuratively, to agree or make up a difference. Famgrasp the cove; shake hands with the fellow. Cant.

FAMILY OF LOVE. Lewd women; also, a religious sect. FANCY MAN. A man kept by a lady for secret services. TO FAN. To beat any one. I fanned him sweetly; I beat him heartily.

FANTASTICALLY DRESSED, with more rags than ribands. FART. He has let a brewer's fart, grains and all; said of one who has bewrayed his breeches.

Piss and fart,
Sound at heart.
Mingere cum bumbis,

Res saluberrima est lumbis.

I dare not trust my a-se with a fart: said by a person troubled with a looseness.

FART CATCHER. A valet or footman, from his walking behind his master or mistress.



FARTLEBERRIES. Excrement hanging about the anus.

FASTNER. A warrant.



FAT. The last landed, inned, or stowed, of any sort of merchandise so called by the water-side porters, carmen, &c. All the fat is in the fire; that is, it is all over with us: a saying used in case of any miscarriage or disappointment in an undertaking; an allusion to overturning the frying pan into the fire. Fat, among printers, means void spaces.

AS FAT AS A HEN IN THE FOREHEAD. A saying of a meagre person.

FAT CULL. A rich fellow.

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FAULKNER. A tumbler, juggler, or shewer of tricks; perhaps because they lure the people, as a faulconer does is hawks. Cant.

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FAYTORS, OF FATORS. Fortune tellers. FAWNEY RIG. A common fraud, thus practised: A fellow drops a brass ring, double gilt, which he picks up before the party meant to be cheated, and to whom he disposes of it for less than its supposed, and ten times more than its real, value. See MONEY DROPPER.

FAWNEY. A ring.

FEAGUE. To feague a horse; to put ginger up a horse's fundament, and formerly, as it is said, a live eel, to make him lively and carry his tail well; it is said, a forfeit is incurred by any horse-dealer's servant, who shall shew a horse without first feaguing him. Feague is used, figura tively, for encouraging or spiriting one up. FEAK. The fundament.

TO FEATHER ONE'S NEST. To enrich one's self. FEATHER-BED LANE. A rough or stony lane. FEE, FAW, FUM. Nonsensical words, supposed in childish story-books to be spoken by giants. I am not to be frighted by fee, faw, fum; I am not to be scared by nonsense. FEEDER. A spoon. To nab the feeder; to steal a spoon. FEET. To make feet for children's stockings; to beget children. An officer of feet; a jocular title for an officer of infantry.

FEINT. A sham attack on one part, when a real one is meant at another,

FELLOW COMMONER. An empty bottle: so called at the university of Cambridge, where fellow commoners are not in general considered as over full of learning. At Oxford an empty bottle is called a gentleman commoner for the same reason. They pay at Cambridge 2501. a year for the privilege of wearing a gold or silver tassel to their caps. The younger branches of the nobility have the

privilege of wearing a hat, and from thence are denominated HAT FELLOW COMMONERS. FEN. A bawd, or common prostitute.


TO FENCE. To pawn or sell to a receiver of stolen goods. The kiddey fenced his thimble for three quids; the young fellow pawned his watch for three guineas. To fence invariably means to pawn or sell goods to a receiver. FENCING KEN. The magazine, or warehouse, where stolen goods are secreted.

FERME. A hole. Cunt.

FERMERDY BEGGARS. All those who have not the sham sores or clymes.

FERRARA. Andrea Ferrara; the name of a famous swordcutler most of the Highland broad-swords are marked with his name; whence an Andrea Ferrara has become the common name for the glaymore or Highland broadsword. See GLAYMORE. FERRET. A tradesman who sells goods to young unthrift heirs, at excessive rates, and then continually duns them for the debt. To ferret; to search out or expel any one from his hiding-place, as a ferret drives out rabbits; also to cheat. Ferret-eyed; red-eyed: ferrets have red eyes. FETCH. A trick, wheedle, or invention to deceive. FEUTERER. A dog-keeper: from the French vautrier, or vaultrier, one that leads a lime hound for the chase. TO FIB. To beat. Fib the cove's quarron in the rumpad for the lour in his bung; beat the fellow in the highway for the money in his purse. Cant.--A fib is also a tiny lie. FICE, or FOYSE. A small windy escape backwards, more obvious to the nose than ears; frequently by old ladies charged on their lap-dogs. See FIZZLE.

FID OF TOBACCo. A quid, from the small pieces of tow with which the vent or touch hole of a cannon is stopped. Sea term.

FIDDLE FADDLE. Trifling discourse, nonsense. A mere fiddle faddle fellow; a trifler.

FIDDLESTICK'S END. Nothing; the end of the ancient fiddlesticks ending in a point; hence metaphorically used to express a thing terminating in nothing.

FIDGETS. He has got the fidgets; said of one that cannot sit long in a place.

FIDLAM BEN. General thieves; called also St. Peter's sons, having every finger a fish-hook. Cant.

FIDDLERS MONEY. All sixpences: sixpence being the usual sum paid by each couple, for music at country wakes and hops. Fiddler's fare; meat, drink, and money. Fiddler's pay; thanks and wine.


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