"to guard"] ("A guarding, | assassination of four of their keeping guard"; hence) A watching, guard, custody libera custodia, free custody, i. e. custody under some person's charge and not in the public prison;-at xlvii. 3 in plur. cus-tos, tōdis, comm. gen. A guard, keeper [akin to kve, root of keú0-w, "to cover, to hide"]. Cyrus, i, m. Cyrus, surnamed the " Elder," son of Cambyses, a Persian noble, and Mandāne, daughter of Astyages, king of Media. Upon arriving at man's estate he dethroned his grandfather, and transferred the empire from the Medes to the Persians, B.C. 559. [kupos, "supreme power;" akin to Sans. çura, 66 a hero."] D., abbrev. of Decimus. Dămăsippus, i, m. Damasippus; an agnomen of Lucius Junius Brutus, a zealous and cruel adherent of Marius. When the younger Marius was reduced to despair by the blockade of Præneste, B.C. 82, he resolved that his principal enemies should not survive him. Accordingly he contrived to despatch a letter to Brutus Damasippus (at that time Prætor Urbanus), wherein he desired the latter to summon the Senate and procure the number: viz. P. Antistius, C. Papirius Carbo, L. Domitius, and Scævola the Pontifex Maximus. This was done, and the dead bodies of the four senators were thrown into the Tiber. In the same year Brutus Damasippus was defeated by Sulla, and being made prisoner was put to death [Δαμάσιππος, "Horsetamer"]. damnātus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of damno.-As Subst.: damnāti, ōrum, m. plur. Condemned persons, criminals. damn-o, āvi, ātum, āre, 1. v. a. [damn-um, in the meaning of "a penalty"] ("To bring a penalty upon"; hence) To condemn.-Pass.: damn-or, atus sum, āri. dam-num, ni, n. ("The subduing, or damaging, thing"; hence) Hurt, harm, damage, injury, loss [akin to Sans. root DAM (whence also Gr. Saμ-áw, Lat. dom-o), "to tame"]. dando, Gerund in do fr. do; liv. 3. dandus, a, um, Gerundive of do; vi. 5. dătus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of do. dē, prep. gov. abl.: 1. From, away from.-2. Out of, forth from.-3. For, on account of, because of.-4. About, con cerning, respecting.-5. With | at xxxvi. 3 folld. by uti and neut. adj.: To form an adverbial expression; e. g. de improviso, on a sudden, suddenly; xxviii. 1. de-běo, bŭi, bĭtum, bēre, 2. v. a. [contr. fr. dē-hăběo; fr. dē, "from"; hǎběo, "to have"] ("To have, or hold, from a person; hence) 1. To owe.-2. With Inf.: To be bound to do, etc.; I, etc., ought to do, etc. Děcem-ber, bris, m. ("Tentime or period ") December; the tenth month of the Roman year, reckoning from March, which was originally the first month. As Adj.: Of December [decem, "ten"; ber = Sans. vár-a, Persian bár, "time or period"]. Děcembris Decembres, acc. plur. of December as adj. dē-cerno, crēvi, crētum, cernĕre, 3. v. a. and n. [dē, in "strengthening" force; cerno, "to determine"] 1. Act.: a. Of the senate, etc.: (a) To determine, decide, decree;at 1. 4 with Objective clause. -(b) To give or assign by a decree, to vote or decree something to some one; 1. 1.-b. Of persons in general: To resolve, determine ;-at iv. 1 with Objective clause; at xxxv. 2 with Inf.-2. Neut.: a. Of the senate, etc.: To determine, decide, decree ; Subj.; at xxix. 2 folld. by simple Subj.-b. Impers. Pass.: decretum erit, It shall have been decreed, i. e. a decree shall have been made; li. 25.-Pass.: dē-cernor, crētus sum, cerni. děc-et, uit, no sup., ēre, 2.v.n. impers. (It) is becoming, fitting, proper, suitable, etc.; -at i. 1 and li. 1 with clause as Subject;-at li. 13 with Inf. as Subject [§ 157; see, also, Notes to Syntax, p. 149 b, (1); (2)] [akin to Sans. root DIÇ; Gr. deík-vuμi, "to show, to distinguish "]. Děcĭmus, i, m. [děcĭmus, "tenth"] Decimus; a Roman prænomen. dē-claro, clārāvi, clārātum, clarare, 1. v. a. [de, denoting "completely"; claro, "to make clear"] ("To make quite clear"; hence) To announce, declare, proclaim one as elected to an office ;-at xxiv. 1 in Pass., folld. by a Nom. [§ 93, (2)].- Pass.: dēclaror, clārātus sum, clārāri. děcŏr-o, avi, ātum, āre, 1. v. a. [děcus, děcŏr-is, “an ornament "] To ornament, adorn, decorate. děcōr-us, a, um, adj. [děcor, děcōr-is, "gracefulness"] ("Having decor"; hence) Graceful, beautiful, elegant, decorated, etc. away or off, etc. dēcrē-tum, ti, n. [decerno, |—2. [dē, “away”] To lead "to decree"; through true root DECRE] ("That which is decreed"; hence) A decree, ordinance. dēcrētus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of decerno. dēcrēvěram, dēcrēvi, pluperf. and perf. ind. of décerno. děc-us, oris, n. [dec-et, "it is becoming "] ("That which is becoming"; hence) 1. Honour, dignity.-2. Moral dignity, virtue. dē-děcus, děcŏris, n. [dē, in "negative force; děcus, "that which is becoming"] ("That which is unbecoming" to one; hence) 1. Disgrace, dishonour, shame. - 2. A vicious action, a shameful or disgraceful deed or act. dēdītus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of dedo. dē-do, didi, dĭtum, děre, 3. v. a. [dē, "away from"; do, "to put "]("A putting away from" one's self; hence) 1. To give up to one; to surrender.-2. Pass. in reflexive force: Of the mind as Subject: To give up, surrender, abandon itself to some course, etc. Pass.: de-dor, ditus sum, di. or dē-duco, duxi, ductum, ducĕre, 3. v. a. [dē; dūco, "to lead"] 1. [dē, "down"] With in c. Acc. To lead down, conduct, or bring into a place. : defendendum, Gerund in dum fr. defendo. de-fendo, fendi, fensum, fendere, 3. v. a. [dē, “away from "; obsol. fendo, "to beat or strike"] ("To beat or strike away from" one; hence) To protect, defend ;-at xxxv 6 the Subj. (defendas) is used to express a wish or desire, like the Gr. Optative [fendo is akin to Sans. root HAN, 66 strike "]. to dēfen-sio, sionis, f. [for defend-sio; fr. defend-o, "to defend "]("A defending "; hence) Defence, protection. dēfessus, a, um, P. perf. of defetiscor.-As Subst.: defessi, ōrum, m. plur. Men utterly wearied or tired out. de-fětiscor, fessus sum, fětisci, 3. v. dep. [for defătiscor; fr. de, in "augmentative force; fătiscor, in force of "to grow weary, become exhausted"] To grow utterly weary, to become quite tired out. dē-ficio, feci, fectum, ficère, 3. v. n. [for de-făcio; fr. dē, "away from"; făcio, "to make"] ("To make one's self away from a thing; hence) To fail, fall short, be wanting. dē-gusto, gustāvi,_gustatum, gustare, 1. v. a. [dē, in "strengthening "force; gusto, "to taste"] 1. To taste, whether greater or smaller; whether solids or liquids.-2. hence) To choose out, select. Of liquids alone: To taste, take-Pass.: dē-ligor, lectus sum, a taste or small quantity of ligi. dě-hinc, adv. [dē, "from"; hinc, "hence "]("From hence"; hence) In time: After this, next, afterwards, then. dein; sce deinde. dě-inde (abbrev. dein), adv. [de, "from inde, "thence"] "From thence"; hence) 1. Of succession: Afterwards, next in order, after that.-2. Of time: In the next place, afterwards, after that. 1. dēlec-tus, tūs, m. [for delegtus; fr. dēlīgo, "to choose out"; through root DELEG; see deligo] ("A choosing out or selecting"; hence) Of soldiers: A levy. dē-linquo, liqui, lictum, linquere, 3. v. a. and n. [de, denoting "completeness"; linquo, "to leave"] (1. Act. : "To leave quite or entirely"; perhaps found only once.)-2. Neut.: To commit a fault or offence, do wrong, transgress; lii. 26;-at li. 12 folld. by Acc. of neut. pron. as Acc. of Respect "]. dēlīqui, perf. ind. of delinquo. dēlü-brum, bri, n. [dělů-o, "to wash out, cleanse"] ("That which brings about or effects a cleansing"; hence) A temple, shrine, as a place of moral cleansing or expiation. ; 2. dēlectus, a, um, P. perf. dēment-ia, iæ, f. [demens, pass. of deligo.-As Subst.: dement-is," out of one's mind"] dělecti, ōrum, Chosen, or ("The state of the demens" selected, persons; vi. 6. hence) 1. Insanity, madness. dē-liciæ, ārum, f. plur.-2. Foolishness, folly. [dēlici-o, "to allure"] ("That which allures"; hence) Delight, pleasure, luxury. dē-lictum, ti, n.[dēliqu-tum (trisyll); fr. deli(n)qu-o, "to do wrong"]("That which is done wrong"; hence) Afault, offence, crime. dē-ligo, lēgi, lectum, ligĕre. 3. v. a. [for dē-lěgo; fr. dē, "from"; lěgo, "to choose "] ("To choose from a number, dēmissus, a, um, 1. P. perf. pass. of demitto.-2. Pa.: a. Of the countenance, etc.: Downcast, turned towards the ground, looking downwards, etc.-b. Lowly, humble, unassuming. dē-mitto, mīsi, missum, mittěre, 3. v. a. [dē, “down”; mitto, "to suffer, or allow, to go"] ("To suffer, or allow, to go down"; hence) To let down, lower. Pass.: dēmittor, missus sum, mitti. dēmum, adv.: 1. Enclitically with pronouns: Especially, indeed; ii. 9, etc.-2. With tum: Then at length, then indeed; ii. 2 [a lengthened form of particle dem in idem, tandem, etc., and akin to Gr. δή]. de-scendo, scendi, scensum, scendere, 3. v. n. [for dē scando; fr. dē, "down"; scando, "to climb"] ("To climb down"; hence) To come, or go, down; to descend;-at lv. 3 the second dē-něgo, něgāvi, něgātum, něgāre, 1. v. a. [de, in " aug-person sing. of the perf. subj. mentative" force; něgo, "to deny"] ("To deny thoroughly"; hence) To reject, refuse, deny a request, etc. deni-que, adv. [for deinque; fr. dein, "then"; que, "and"]("And then"; hence) 1. At length, at last.-2. In a climax : In short, in a word, briefly. 2. (descenderis) is used in an indefinite force; see cerno. descen-sus, sūs, m. [for descend-sus; fr. descend-o, "to descend"] ("A descending"; hence) A descending way, road, etc.; a descent. dē-sĕro, scrùi, sertum, serĕre, 3. v. a. [dē, in “negative” force; sero, "to join "] (" To disjoin; to undo or sever one's connexion with some object; hence) To forsake, abandon, desert.-Pass.: dēseror, sertus sum, sĕri. desertus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of desĕro. dē-prehendo, prehendi, prěhensum, prěhendĕre, 3. v. a. [dē, "away"; prehendo, "to take"] ("To take, or snatch, away"; hence) 1. To seize upon, catch, overtake. To detect, find out, discover any one, especially in doing dēsid-ĭa, iæ, f. [desĭd-ěo, what is wrong.-Pass.: dē-"to sit down idle”] (“A prehendor, prehensus sum, prehendi. dēprehensus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of deprehendo. dēpressus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of deprimo. sitting down idle "; hence) Idleness, inactivity, slothfulness. dēsignātus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of designo. dē-signo, signāvi, signātum, dē-primo, pressi, pressum, signāre, 1. v. a. [dē, "off or primere, 3. v. a. [for de-premo; away" from something; signo, fr. dē, "down"; premo, "to"to mark "] ("To mark off," |