VOCABULARY. [N. B.-Roman numerals denote the chapter, Arabic figures the section.] 1. A, abbrev. of Aulus. 2. ā; see ab. ǎb (ā, abs), prep. gov. abl.: 1. From, away from.-2. On the side of, in the direction of. -3. At, on, in.-4. Of the agent: By [akin to Gr. àπ-ó; Sans. ap-a]. abdicātus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of abdico :-abdicato magistratu, Abl. Abs. [§ 125, b], xlvii. 3. ab-duco, duxi, ductum, dūcere, 3. v. a. [ăb, "away"; dūco, "to lead"] To lead away or off. ab-jūro, jūrāvi, jūrātum, jūrāre, 1. v. a. [ăb, "away from ; jūro, "to swear"] ("To swear away from " one's self; hence) To deny on oath. ǎb-origin-es, um, n. plur. [ab, "from"; ŏrīgo, ŏrīgin-is, 66 ab-solvo, solvi, solūtum, a begin ning, commenceab-dico, dĭcāvi, dĭcātum, ment"]("Those from the bedĭcāre, 1. v. a. [ab, "from"; ginning"; hence) The original dico, "to proclaim"] ("To or native inhabitants of a proclaim "one's self removed country; the Aborigines;-at "from anything; hence) vi. 1 the term is applied to the Political t. t. To give up, earliest inhabitants of Italy. resign, lay down, abdicate an office.-Pass.: ab-dicor, dic-solvěre, 3. v. a. [ăb, "from"; ātus sum, dĭcāri. solvo, "to loose"] ("To loose from" something; hence) Of a statement, etc.: To bring to a conclusion; to conclude, finish;-at iv. 3 without nearer Object; so, also, at xxxviii. 3. abditus, a, um, 1. P. perf. pass. of abdo.-2. Pa.: Hidden, concealed, secret. ab-do, dĭdi, ditum, děre, 3. v. a. [ăb, "away"; do, "to put"]("To put away or remove"; hence) To hide, conceal.-Pass.: ab-dor, ditus sum, di. abstinent-ĭa, ĭæ, f. [abstinens, abstinent-is, "abstaining " from what is wrong] ("An abstaining " from what is wrong; hence) Moderation, self-restraint. ab-sum, fui, esse, v. n. [ăb, "away, away from ". ; sum, "to be"] 1. To be away or away from; to be absent.-2. To be at a distance, to be distant.-3. With ab: To be, or keep, at a distance from dangers, etc.; vi. 4.-4. To be wanting. ab-surdus, surda, surdum, adj. [ăb, in "intensive" force; surdus, "deaf"; hence, "deaf or not listening" to a thing; hence, "without understanding"] In a high degree without understanding, senseless, stupid, absurd: -bene dicere haud absurdum est, to speak well is by no means senseless, i. e. to be eloquent is no contemptible thing; iii. 1; where bene dicere is the subject of est [§ 140, 1. (1)], and absurdum is the attributive complement [§ 93, (2)]. ǎbund-e, adv. [abun d-us, "copious, abundant"](" After the manner of the abundus"; hence) Copiously, abundantly, in abundance. 66 to be supplied after abuti at xiii. 2. ac; see atque. ac-cedo, cessi, cessum, cedĕre, 3. n. [for ad-cēdo; fr. åd, "to or towards"; cedo, "to go"] 1. To go to or towards; to draw near, approach.-2. With accessory notion of augmentation: a. To be added.-b. Impers.: accedebat, It was added ;at xi. 5 the subject of accedebat is the follg. sentence introduced by the adv. quòd [Notes on Syntax, p. 149, F, b, (5)]. ac-cen-do, di, sum, děre, 3. v. a. ("To set fire to"; hence) To inflame a person or the mind; to kindle, set on fire, arouse, etc.-Pass.: ac-cendor, sus sum, di [for ad-cando; fr. ăd, "to"; root CAN, akin to Gr. ków, kalw, "to burn, set fire to "]. acceptus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of accipio. accessurus, a, um, P. fut. of accedo;-at xxxii. 2 supply esse with accessurum [§ 158]. ac-cido, cidi, no sup., cidĕre, 3. v. n. [for ad-cădo; fr. ăd, re- upon ; cădo, "to fall"] To("To fall upon"; hence) 1. With Dat. of person: To happen to or befall one.-2. To take place. happen, occur, etc. ǎb-utor, ūsus sum, ūti, 3. v. dep. [ăb, denoting versal"; ūtor, "to use "] put to a wrong use, misuse, misemploy, abuse :-as this verb governs both an Acc. and an Abl., either eas or eis is ac-cipio, cēpi, ceptum, cip- | ĕre, 3. v. a. [for ad-capio; fr. ăd, "to"; căpio, "to take "] ("To take to" one's self; hence) 1. To receive.-2. Mentally To learn, hear, etc.;at vi. 1 without nearer Object. -Pass.: ac-cipior, ceptus sum, cipi. accipiundus, a, um, Gerundive of accipio.-Observe the Gerundive Attraction in accipiundis beneficiis, vi. 5. ac-cus-o, āvi, atum, āre, 1. v. a. [for ad-caus-o; fr. ăd, "to"; caus-a, "a judicial process"] ("To bring to a judicial process"; hence, "to accuse"; hence) To complain of or against a person, etc.; to bring charges against, blame, etc. ǎc-erbus, erba, erbum, adj. [root AC, whence ǎc-uo, "to sharpen, make pointed"] ("Sharpened"; hence, "sharp, pointed"; hence, "harsh" to the taste; hence) Of things: Harsh, bitter, rigorous, severe. ǎc-les, ĭei, f. [id.] (" An edge or sharp edge"; hence) Military t. t.: 1. Order or line of battle-prima acies, the first or front line, the van; lx. 4.-2. An army in order of battle. acr-iter, adv. [acer, acr-is, "sharp"; hence, "strong, vigorous"]("After the man Strongly, vigorously, with vigour, etc. ac-tio, tionis, f. [for agtio; fr. ag-o, "to do, act"] ("A doing," etc.; hence) 1. An action, deed, act, proceeding.-2. A public action or act. actus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of ago. åd, prep. gov. acc.: 1. To, towards.-2. Up to.-3. At, by, near to.-4. In answer or reply to.-5. In addition to, besides.-6. With Gerunds or Gerundives: For, for the purpose of, to, in order to. additus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of addo. ad-do, dĭdi, dĭtum, děre, 3. v. a. [ăd, "to"; do, "to put"] ("To put to or on to"; hence) 1. To add.-2. To add to by way of increase; to augment, increase.-Pass.: ad-dor, dĭtus sum, di. ad-duco, duxi, ductum, dūcĕre, 3. v. a. [ăd, "to" ; duco, "to lead " 1. To lead or bring to or up to; to bring up to a place, etc.-2. To bring into or over to a certain plan, feeling, act, etc.—Pass.: ad-ducor, ductus sum, dūci. adductus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of adduco. adduxeram, pluperf. ind. of adduco. 1. ǎd-ěo, adv. [prob. for ådĕom; fr. ad, "to or up to"; ner of the acer"; hence) | čom (= ĕum), old masc. acc. sing. of pron. is] (" To, or up to, this"; hence) Used enclitically with pron., in order to give prominence to something previously stated (xxxvii. 2. 11), or something following: Indeed, in fact, in truth. "to 2. ǎd-ĕo, īvi or ii, ĭtum, īre, v. a. [ăd, “to” ; eo, go"] To go to or up to, to approach a person, etc., for the purpose of accosting him, etc.; xli. 5. ădeptus, a, um, P. perf. of adipiscor;-at vii. 3 in pass. force; Having been obtained: adepta libertate, Abl. Abs. [§ 125]. ad-fĕro (af-), tŭli, lātum, ferre, v. a. irr. [ăd, "to"; fero, "to bear, bring," etc.] 1. To bring or take to a person or place; at xxx. 1 with Dat. of person;-at xlvi. 5 with Adv. of place.-2. To produce, cause, occasion something to one; lviii. 3.-Pass.: adfĕror, lātus sum, ferri. "to or up ad-fluo (af-), fluxi, fluxum, flŭĕre, 3. v. n. [ăd, to"; fluo, "to flow"] ("To flow to or up to "; hence) With accessory notion of abundance: To flow or stream to one, etc.; to come to one in abundance; xxxvi. 4. ad-grědior (ag-), gressus sum, grědi, 3. v. dep. [for ad-grădior; fr. ăd, "to"; grădior, "to step "] ("To step to"; hence) With accessory notion of hostility: 1. With Acc. of person: To attack, fall upon, assault, assail a person, etc.-2. Without nearer Object: To advance to the attack, to make an attack. adgressus, a, um, P. perf. of adgredior;-at xix. 4 supply esse with adgressos [§ 158]. ăd-igo, ēgi, actum, ĭgĕre, 3. v. a. [for ad-ǎgo; fr. åd, "to"; ǎgo, "to drive"] ("To drive" cattle, etc., "to" a place; hence) To drive, urge, adflic-to (afflic-), tāvi, force, bring, etc., a person to tātum, tāre, 1. v. a. intens. some act, state of mind, etc. [for adflig-to; fr. adflig-o, "to-Phrase: Adigere aliquem ad dash to the ground"; hence, jusjurandum, To put one to "to cast down" mentally, "to an oath, to make or force one grieve," etc.] With Person. to take an oath, to bind one pron. in reflexive force: To by an oath; xxii. 1. grieve, vex, or disquiet one's self; to be plunged in, or feel, great trouble or affliction ;at xxxi. 3 adflictare is the Hist. Inf. [§ 140, 2]. ǎd-ĭmo, ēmi, emptum, ĭměre, 3. v. a. [for ǎd-ĕmo; fr. ǎd, "to"; ěmo, "to take"] ("To take to" one's self from another; hence) With Acc. of thing and Dat. Acc. of person and Gen. of of person [§§ 96; 106, (3)]: | thing;—at vi. 9 with ellipse of To take away something from Acc. of person and folld. by de. one; to strip or deprive one adnitens, ntis, P. pres. of of something ;;-at xii. 5 ad- adnitor:-adnitente imere is the Hist. Inf. [§ 140, Abl. Abs. [§ 125], xix. 1. ad-nitor (an-), nisus or nixus sum, nīti, 3. v. dep. [ăd, 2]. Crasso, To exert one's self, strive, use one's endeavours, etc. ǎd-Ĭpiscor, eptus sum, ipisci, 3. v. dep. [for ad-"at, against, upon "]("To ǎpiscor; fr. ăd, in "strength-lean against or upon"; hence) ening force"; apiscor, "to lay hold of"] ("To lay hold of"; hence, "to arrive at, reach "; hence) To obtain, get, acquire, ădĭ-tus, tūs, m. [ADI, root of adeo, "to go to"] ("A going to "; hence) Means or liberty of approach; access. ad-jungo, junxi, junctum, ungère, 3. v. a. [ăd, "to"; iungo, "to join"] ("To join to"; hence) With Acc. and Dat. of person: To attach or bind a person to one's self as a friend, to make a person one's friend; xxiv. 4. ad-juvo,jūvi, jūtum, jŭvāre, 1. v. n. [ăd, "without force"; juvo, "to help"] To help; to give help, aid, or assistance. ǎdolesc-ens, entis, (P. pres. of adolesco, "to grow up ; used as) adj. Growing up, not yet come to full growth, young; xxxviii. 1.—As Subst.: A young man, between the years of 15 or 17 and 30, or even till near 40, according as a person appeared more or less vigorous, or as spoken of in relation to older persons. ádolescent-ia, iæ, f. [ădŏlescens, adolescent-is, "a young man"] ("The state of the adolescens"; hence) Youth, youthful age, early years. ǎdolescent-ulus, ŭli, m. dim. [id.] A very young man, quite a youth, a mere youth; adlātus (allātus), a, um, P. perf. pass. of adfĕro;-at-at xxx. 1 supply esse with adlatas [§ 158]. xlix. 2 Sallust calls Cæsar "adolescentulus," although he was then 33, or acc. to some 35, years of age; ad-monĕo, mõnŭi, mõnĭtum, mŏnēre, 2. v. a. [ăd, "with-cf. adolescens at end. out force"; noneo, "to reǎdŏlē-sco, ădŏlēvi (rarely mind"] To remind one, orădŏlŭi), ădultum, ădolescère, put one in mind of or about 3. v. n. inch. [ădělě-o, "to something;-at xxx. 4 with cause to grow up"; in pass, |