PREFACE. FOR Some long time past it has been widely felt that a reduction in the cost of Classical Works used in schools generally, and more especially in those intended for boys of the middle classes, is at once desirable and not difficult of accomplishment. For the most part only portions of authors are read in the earlier stages of education, and a pupil is taken from one work to another in each successive half-year or term; so that a book needlessly large and proportionably expensive is laid aside after a short and but partial use. In order, therefore, to meet what is certainly a want, Portions of the Classical Writers usually read in Schools are now being issued under the title of GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEXTS; while, at the request of various Masters, it has been determined to add to the series some of the Gospels in Greek. Each TEXT is provided with a VOCABULARY of the words occurring in it. In every case the origin of a word, when known, is stated at the commencement of the article treating of it, if connected with another Latin, or Greek, word; at the end of it, if derived from any other source. Further still, the primary or etymological meaning is always given, within inverted commas, in Roman type, and so much also of each word's history as is needful to bring down its chain of meanings to the especial force, or forces, attaching to it in the particular “Text.” Moreover, as an acquaintance with the principles of GRAMMAR, as well as with ETYMOLOGY, is necessary to the understanding of a language, such points of construction as seem to require elucidation are concisely explained under the proper articles, or a reference is simply made to that rule in the Public Schools Latin Primer, or in Parry's Elementary Greek Grammar, which meets the particular difficulty. It occasionally happens, however, that more information is needed than can be gathered from the above-named works. When such is the case, whatever is requisite is supplied, in substance, from Jelf's Greek Grammar, or the Latin Grammars of Zumpt and Madvig. LONDON January, 1875. C. SALLUSTII CRISPI BELLUM CATILINARIUM. I.-I. OMNIS homines, qui sese student præstare ceteris animalibus, summa ope niti decet vitam silentio ne transeant, veluti pecora, quæ natura prona, atque ventri obedientia, finxit. 2. Sed nostra omnis vis in animo et corpore sita: animi imperio, corporis servitio magis utimur: alterum nobis cum dîs, alterum cum beluis commune est. 3. Quò mihi rectius videtur ingenii quàm virium opibus gloriam quærere; et, quoniam vita ipsa, quā fruimur, brevis est, memoriam nostri quàm maxume longam efficere. 4. Nam divitiarum et formæ gloria fluxa atque fragilis; virtus clara æternaque habetur. 5. Sed diu magnum inter mortalīs certamen fuit, vine corporis, an virtute animi, res militaris magis procederet. 6. Nam et priùs quàm incipias consulto, et ubi consulueris maturè facto, opus est. 7. Ita utrumque, per se indigens, alterum alterius auxilio viget. B |