. vulgus (old form volgus), i, m. and n. The multitude or mass; the common people, mob, populace [prob. akin to Fóxλos, "a crowd"]. vulneratus (old form volnĕrātus), a, um, P. perf. pass. of vulnero. vultis (old form voltis), 2. pers. plur. pres. ind. of volo. vultus (old form vol-tus), tūs, m. [prob. vol-o, "to wish"] ("The wishing, or expressing one's wish" by the looks; hence) 1. Expression of counte vulnĕr-o (old form volnĕr- nance; often to be translated o), avi, ātum, are, 1. v. a. by features, looks, air, mien. [vulnus, vulnĕr-is, "a wound"]-2. Face, countenance.—3. To wound.-Pass.: vulnĕr-or, Of things: Look, appearance, ātus sum, āri. GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE. LONDON. WITH VOCABULARIES, EDITED BY JOHN T. WHITE, D.D., Oxon. MESSRS. LONGMANS & CO. desire to call attention to the important Series of very cheap Grammar School Texts (Latin and Greek) which they are now publishing, each containing between one and two hundred pages, 32mo, in strong cloth binding, and sold at prices varying from Ninepence to Eighteenpence. These Texts have been very favourably reviewed and noticed by the public press. The following TEXTS in this SERIES may now be had : First Book of the Odes. Price IS. HORACE. Price Is. Price Is. Price Is. Price Is. Price Is. Nearly ready. NEPOS. Miltiades, Cimon, Pausanias, and Aristides. 2 SALLUST, BELLUM CATILINARIUM. Price Is. 6d. XENOPHON. First Book of the Anabasis. Price XENOPHON. Second Book of the Anabasis. Price Is. Greek Text, English Greek Text, English THE SCHOOLMASTER says:-"Each volume has a vocabulary, such as, for fullness and care, we have never seen attempted for a single Author. The etymology in these vocabularies, in our opinion, makes them supremely excellent. The class possessing one of WHITE'S Manuals wants no other help, beyond a grammar. WHITE'S Vocabularies are easily handled by a mere tyro, and yet are so full and complete as at once to demand the exercise of thought and judgment, and thus they are unconsciously preparing him to handle efficiently a larger dictionary. Dr. WHITE's idea is a good one, and the execution leaves nothing to be desired." The EDUCATOR describes these Texts as "A series of handy-books which we anticipate will have an extensive sale;" and, after describing the plan, adds, "The under taking merits hearty commendation." LIVY, Book XXIII. With a Vocabulary of Proper Names, &c., on the plan of the Grammar School Texts, and the addition of Grammatical and Explanatory Notes. Edited for the use of Candidates for the Cambridge and Oxford University Local Middleclass Examinations, by the Rev. JOHN T. WHITE, D.D., Oxon. 12mo. Price 2s. 6d. LONDON, LONGMANS & CO. |